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Part 1 100个一定要学的英文词根

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. act

词根考古学:意为to do, to drive,表示“做;使”

词汇:counteract, overact, radioactive, activate, active, actuate, transact, reactionary 词缀:counter-(反对)——counterpart

over-(过度的)——overwork radio-(反射)——rediocativity

2. aero (aer, aeri)

词根考古学:意为air, aeration, 表示“空气;飞机的”。变形为aer, aeri

词汇:aeroview, aerosphere, aerology, aerial, aerate, aeriform, aeromechanics, aerospace 词缀:-sphere(球,球形)——hemisphere


3. agri (agro, agr)

词根考古学:意为field, land, 表示“田地;农业”。变形为agro, agr 词汇:agriculture, agrarian, agronomist, agronomy, agrimotor, agrobiology, agrobiologist, agrestic 词缀:-nom(学科,某一领域的知识)——economy



4. ann/enn


词汇:biennial, centennial, millennium, perennial, annals, anniversary, annuity, bicentennial 词缀:bi-(二)——binary

cent-(一百)——century mill- (一千)——millipede

5. aqu(a)


词汇:aquamarine, aquatic, aquaculture, subaqueous, opaque, aquarium, aqueduct, aqueous 词缀:-marin(海洋)——submarine


6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 6. arch

词根考古学:意为government,表示“政府,统治”。还有chief, first, old的含义,表示“主要的,第一的,老的,旧的”

词汇:anarchy, autarchy, monarch, patriarch, archangel, architect, archaeology, archaic 词缀:an-(无,没有)——anharmonic

aut-(自己,独自)——autonomy mon-(一个)——monologue

7. aud(ed,eis)

词根考古学:意为to hear,表示“听,听说”,变形为:ed,eis

词汇:inaudible,obeisance, auditorium, audible, audience, audit, auditory, disobedience 词缀:in-(不,表否定)——incorrect

ob-(加强,集中)——obfuscate -orium(···地方)——vomitorium

8. bar


词汇:embargo, barrage, embarrass, debar, barbecue, barrack, barricade, 词缀:em-(在···之中)——embrace


9. bio


词汇:biography, antibiotic, microbiology, symbiosis, biographer, biochemistry, biological, autobiography


anti-(反抗的,反的)——antiwar micro-(微小的)——microscope

10. cand


词汇:candor, candidate, incandescent, candle, candela, candid, candy 词缀:-or(表人或物品)——generator

-ate(表人或地位)——delegate -ent(···的)——indigent

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 11. cap(t)

词根考古学:意为to take, to seize,表示“拿,取;接受;抓住”

词汇:capacious, captain, incapable, capability, captivate, captor, recapture, caption 词缀:-ous(···的)——dubious

-ain(表人)——villain in-(不)——incorrect

12. cess (ced, ceas. ceed)

词根考古学:意为to go,表示“走,去,达到”,其变形为ced,ceas

词汇:access, concede, recede,incessant, intercede, antecedent, cession, inaccessible 词缀:ac-(表加强)——accompany

con-(和···一起)——conflict re-(后面)——return

13. chron


词汇:chronic, chronology, synchronous, chronicle, chronograph, synchronize, anachronism, chronometer 词缀:-ic(···的)——static

syn-(相同的)——synthetic -ous(···的)——unanimous

14. cid(cad,cas)

词根考古学:意为to fall,表示“落下,下降;来临”。其变形为cad,cas

词汇:accident, incident, coincide, accidental, deciduous, incident, occident, elucidate 词缀:-ent(有···的性质)——solvent


15. claim

词根考古学:意为to cry,表示“叫喊,哭”

词汇:acclaim, disclaim, claimant, proclaim, counterclaim, declaim, exclaim, reclaim 词缀:ac-(表加强)——accumulate

dis-(不)——dishonest -ant(···的人)——participant

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 16. clin

词根考古学:意为to bend,表示“弯曲,屈服;倾斜”

词汇:disinclined,decline, recline, inclined, inclination, declination, clinch, clinic 词缀:dis-(不)——disability

de-(向下)——deport re-(向后)——return

17. cor(cour, cord, card)


词汇:accord, courage, discordant, core, encore, record, courageous, recorder 词缀:ac-(到,接近)—— accelerate

-age(表状态)—— marriage dis-(不同的)—— dishonest

18. corp


词汇:incorporate, corporal, corporeal, corps, incorporeal, corpulent, corporation 词缀:-ate(做,使)—— alienate

-al(···的)—— cultural

19. cours(cur, curs)

词根考古学:意为to turn,表示“奔跑,运转”,其变形为cur, curs 词汇:concur, precursor, recourse, cursory, occurrence, recurrence, currish 词缀:con-(一起)—— concord

pre-(在···之前)—— presume re-(向后)—— return

20. crease(cre)

词根考古学:意为grow, make,表示“增长;产生”,其变形为cre

词汇:decrease, increase, create, creative, creature, recreation, procreate, concrete 词缀:de-(除去)—— devalue

in-(里面)—— indulge

-ate(做,使)—— frustrate

21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

21. cred(creed, cre)

词根考古学:意为to believe, to trust,表示“相信”,其变形为creed, cre

词汇:discredit, miscreant, recreant, credibility, credulous, creed, accredit, creditor

词缀:dis-(不)—— dismiss

mis-(不好的;错误的)—— mislead re-(回来;又一次)—— review

22. cur(cor, cour, cours, coars)

词根考古学:意为to run, 表示“跑”,其变形为cor, cour, cours, coars 词汇:concur, precursor, recourse, occur, recurrent, curse, intercourse, coarse 词缀:con-(一起)—— confirm

pre-(之前)—— preview re-(向后的)—— renounce

23. dem(o)


词汇:demography, democracy, epidemic, deem, demanding, doomsday, demagogue, demagogue, endemic

词缀:-cracy(统治或政体)—— bureaucracy

epi-(在···之间)—— episode

24. dic(t)

词根考古学:意为to say, to declare,表示“说,断言”

词汇:contradict, predict, dictate, abdicate, addict, dedicate, dictation, indicate 词缀:contra-(相反)—— contrary

pre-(在···之前)—— precaution -ate(做出···动作)—— fascinate

25. duc, duct

词根考古学:意为to lead,表示“指引,引导”

词汇:deduct, traduce, abduct, induct, deduce, seductive, aqueduct, introductory 词缀:de-(向下的)—— deficit

tra-(偏的;过头的)—— track ab-(向远处的)—— abroad

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 26. dur

词根考古学:意为to last,表示“继续的,持续的”

词汇:obdurate, endure, enduring, durable, endurance, duration, during, durability 词缀:ob-(加强的;集中的)—— oblige

en-(使)—— enable

dur-(继续的,持续的)—— endurance

27. eco(ecu, oce)

词根考古学:意为house,表示“房子;家”其变形为ecu, oce

词汇:ecumenical, economy, diocese, ecology, economist, economic, economics, ecological 词缀:men-(引导,带头)—— menace

nom-(法律,制度)—— nomination di-(通过)—— diagnose

28. equ(iqu)

词根考古学:意为equal, same,表示“相等的,相同的”其变形为iqu

词汇:adequate, equivocate, equalize, iniquity, equable, equidistant, equator, equilateral 词缀:ad-(加)—— adjust

voc-(声音)—— vocal -ize(使)—— recognize

29. fac(fect, fic, fact)

词根考古学:意为to make, to do,表示“做”,其变形为fect, fic, fact

词汇:affectation, defect, beneficent, efficacious, munificent, officiate, malefactor, proficient 词缀:af-(使···)—— afford

de-(使远离,去掉)—— delay bene-(好)—— benefit

30. fer

词根考古学:意为to carry, to bear,表示“可搬运的;承受”

词汇:suffer, offer, different, fertile, interfere, preferential, refer, vociferous 词缀:suf-(下面的)——sufficient

of-(朝向,到)——offend dif-(远的)——difficult

31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 31. fid

词根考古学:意为to believe,表示“相信”

词汇:perfidy, confide, confidant, diffident, infidel, fidget, fiddler 词缀:per-(假,坏)——pervert

con-(全部)——compact -ant(···的人)——participant

32. fin

词根考古学:意为end, limit,表示“末端,尾部;限制”

词汇:affinity, definitive, infinite, confine, define, refine, final, finance 词缀:af-(在近处)——affable

de-(表加强)——decrease in-(没有)——infinitude

33. flect, flex

词根考古学:意为to bend,表示“弯曲;倾斜”

词汇:inflexible, inflect, deflect, reflection, circumflex, flexible 词缀:in-(不)——incredible

-ible(····的)——invincible de-(离开)——detract

34. flu

词根考古学:意为to flow表示“流动,流出”

词汇:affluence, fluctuate, confluence, fluent, flush, fluvial, flux, flub 词缀:af-(表加强)—— afraid

con-(一起的)—— confuse -ate(做出···的动作)—— dictate

35. fract, frag(fra, fring)

词根考古学:意为to break,表示“休息;中断;打破”其变形为fra, fring 词汇:suffrage, infraction, refract, fractious, fragile, refrain, infringe, refractory 词缀:suf-(下面的)——suffocate

in-(反对的)—— inhuman

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