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re-(向后)—— retreat
71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 71. psych
词汇:psychology, psychotic, psychopathic, metapsychology, psychopath, psychiatrist, psychosomatic
词缀:-log(学科)—— biology
-ic(表人或学科)—— critic
72. quest(quist, quisit, quir, quer)
词根考古学:意为to ask, to seek,表示“要求;寻求”,其变形为quist, quisit, quir, quer 词汇:acquisitive, requisite, inquiry, question, disquisition, inquisition, prerequisite, conquest 词缀:ac-(一再)—— accumulate
-ive(···的)—— impassive in-(里面)—— inwardness
73. rect
词根考古学:意为straight, right,表示“直的;正确的”
词汇:rectify, rectitude, erect, rectangle, correctitude, correct, erection, direct 词缀:-ify(使)—— certify
-itude(表状态)—— solitude e-(出来,外面)—— eradicate
74. reg, rig
词根考古学:意为to rule,表示“统治”,其变形为reig
词汇:regnant, regicide, region, sovereign, regime, regimen, regulate, reign 词缀:-ant(···的)—— resistant
-ion(表状态)—— expansion
75. rupt
词汇:interrupt, disrupt, corrupt, irruption, rupture, abrupt, bankrupt, eruption 词缀:-inter-(在···之间)—— interact
dis-(分开)—— dispatch cor-(共同)—— correspond
76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 76. sci
词根考古学:意为to know,表示“知道”
词汇:conscience, onmiscient, science, scientific, prescient, pseudoscience, conscious, nescient 词缀:omni-(全部的)—— omnipresent
-ent(···的)—— obedient -ence(表状态)—— prescience
77. scrib, script
词根考古学:意为to write,表示“书写”
词汇:transcribe, inscribe, manuscript, scripture, script, ascribe, circumscribe, circumscribe, conscribe
词缀:trans-(横过,越过)—— transgress
in-(里面)—— insert
manu-(手)—— manufacturer
78. sens(sent)
词根考古学:意为to feel,表示“感觉,感知”,其变形为sent
词汇:consensus, dissent, resentment, sensibility, sentiment, nonsense, assent, consent 词缀:con-(共同)—— conserve
dis-(不)—— dissatisfied re-(又)—— repetition
79. serv
词根考古学:意为to serve, to keep,表示“服务;保持,保存”
词汇:preserve, servant, observe, servility, deserve, disserve, reserve, service 词缀:pre-(在··之前)——preventive
-ant(···的人)—— participant ob-(一再)—— obtain
80. sid(sed, sess)
词根考古学:意为to sit,表示“坐”,其变形为sed, sess
词汇:supersede, sedentary, subside, dissidence, residence, president, subsidy, insidious 词缀:super-(在···上面)—— superstructure
-ary(···的)—— contrary sub-(在···下面)—— substance
81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 81. soci
词汇:sociology, socialism, dissociate, sociable, associate, society, socialite, association 词缀:-log(学科)—— anthropology
-sim(主义)—— capitalism dis-(不;脱离)—— distract
82. sol
词根考古学:意为single, alone, sun, confort,表示“单一的;独自的;太阳;安慰” 词汇:console, soliloquy, solitary, desolation, solitude, solo, solemn, solarium 词缀:con-(共同)—— consolidate
-logu(说)—— colloquial -ary(···的,···的人)—— missionary
83. spect(spic, spi, spy)
词根考古学:意为to look, to see,表示“看”,其变形为spic, spi, spy
词汇:perspective, auspicious, introspect, circumspect, inspection, prospective, respectable, retrospect
词缀:per-(通过)—— perplex
-ous(···的)—— zealous intro-(在···里面)—— introvert
84. strain(strict, string, stress) 词根考古学:意为to bind, to tie, to draw tight,表示“捆绑,勒紧”,其变形为strict, string, stress 词汇:restrain, distrain, constrict, overstrain, constriction, restraint, strict, stricture 词缀:re-(向后)—— retain
di-(离开)—— disappear
85. str(ct)
词根考古学:意为to build,表示“建设,建立”
词汇:superstructure, instruct, obstruct, macrostructure, destruction, instrument, substruction, obstruction
in-(在···里面)—— inward ob-(在···中)—— obsession
86. 87. 88. 89. 90.
86. tact(tang, ting)
词根考古学:意为to touch,表示“接触,触摸,感动”,其变形为tang, ting 词汇:intact, tangible, entangle, tactual, contingent, contact, tactics, tactility 词缀:in-(没有)—— inexperienced
-ble(···的)—— sustainable en-(使)—— endanger
87. tain, ten
词根考古学:意为to hold,表示“拿住”
词汇:abstain, sustain, pertain, maintain, detain, retain, contain, attain 词缀:ab-(与···相反)—— abnormal
sus-(在···下面)—— suspend
per-(贯穿,自始至终)—— permanent
88. tect, teg
词根考古学:意为to hide, to cover,表示“藏起来;盖上”
词汇:protect, detection, protectorate, undetected, detective, protective, detect 词缀:pro-(在前面)—— proceed
de-(相反)—— devalue -ate(地位)—— doctorate
89. tend, tens
词汇:contend, extension, pretend, attendant, attention, tendence, extensive, intend 词缀:con-(共同)—— condense
ex-(出去)—— exclude pre-(在前面)——preschool
90. test
词汇:protest, testify, testimony, attest, contest, detest, testament, pretest 词缀:pro-(向前,在前)—— prologue
-mony(表状态)—— harmony
91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 91. the(o)
词根考古学:意为to look at;God,表示“看;神”
词汇:theoretic, theocracy, theology, theologian, theism, atheism, pantheist, theater 词缀:-etic(属于···的)—— energetic
-cracy(统治或政体)—— bureaucracy -log(学科)—— geology
92. tract(treat)
词根考古学:意为to draw,表示“拉”,其变形为treat
词汇:attract, distract, extract, abstract, contract, detract, detractor, subtract 词缀:at-(一再)—— attest
dis-(分开,分离)—— discriminate ex-(出,出去)—— exhale
93. vac(vas, vacu)
词汇:vacancy, vacant, vacation, vacuous, evacuate, vacuum, devastate 词缀:-ancy(表性质;状态)——redundancy
-ant(···的)—— extravagant -ion(表动作或状态)—— aversion
94. vent(ven)
词根考古学:意为to come,表示“来”,其变形为ven
词汇:advent, covenant, intervene, convene, supervene, adventure, avenue, convenient 词缀:co-(共同)—— coincide
-ant(名词后缀)—— inhabitant inter-(在···之间,相互)—— intersect
95. vers, vert
词根考古学:意为to turn,表示“转向,转移”
词汇:adverse, controversy, diversity, versatile, vertical, avert, convert, pervert 词缀:ad-(表加强)—— addict
contro-(反对,相反)—— controverisal di-(分离)—— digress
96. 97. 98. 99. 100.
96. via(vi, vey, voy)
词根考古学:意为way, road,表示“路,道路”,其变形为vi, vey, voy 词汇:deviate,obvious, convey, trivial, convoy, deviation, viaduct, via 词缀:de-(去掉)—— deforest
ob-(表加强)—— oblivion con-(共同)—— consume
97. vid, vis(vic, view)
词根考古学:意为to look,表示“看”,其变形为vic, view等
词汇:improvise, preview, devise, visage, supervise, revise, evidence, provident 词缀:im-(不)—— improvident
pre-(在···之前)—— precedent de-(向下)—— depress
98. voc, vok(vouc, vow, voic)
词根考古学:意为to call, voice,表示“叫,喊;声音”,其变形为vouc, vow, voic 词汇:vocation, advocate, revoke, evoke, invoke, provoke, irrevocable, convoke 词缀:-ion(表动作或状态)—— concision
ad-(表加强)—— adduce
re-(回来)—— retreat
99. vol
词根考古学:意为will, to fly,表示“意愿;飞行”
词汇:malevolent, benevolent, volatile, volunteer, volitive, malevolence, benevolence, volition 词缀:male-(坏的)—— malefaction
bene-(好的,善的)—— benefaction -ile(···的)—— juvenile
100. volu, volv
词根考古学:意为to roll, to turn,表示“卷;转动”
词汇:evolve, involve, revolve, volume, convolve, revolt, voluminous, voluble 词缀:e-(外面)—— emerge
in-(向里)—— incentive re-(回去)—— repeal
Part 2 50个一定要学的英语前缀
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. ab-, abs-
词汇:abduct, abnormal, abuse, abstract, abstain, absent, abhor 词根:duct(拉走)—— duct
norm(规定,常规)—— subnormal use(使用)—— useful
2. ac-, ad-, ag-, ar-
词汇:adapt, aggravate, arrest, accelerate, accomplish, accumulate, additive, aggression 词根:apt(适应)—— aptitude
grav(加重)—— gravity rest(休息)—— restaurant
3. an-, a-
词缀考古学:意为not, without,表示“不,没有,无”
词汇:anarchism, anechoic, anonymous, anharmonic, anarchic, anecdote, anarchy 词根:arch(统治)—— patriarch
ech(声音)—— echo
onym(名字)—— pseudonym
4. anti-, ant-
词缀考古学:意为against, opposite,表示“反对,相反”
词汇:antiwar, antipathy, antibody, antibiotic, antifreeze, antisocial, antithesis, antagonist 词根:path(感情)—— sympathy