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cede(走)—— precede min(记忆)—— remind

41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 41. semi-


词汇:semicolon, semicivilized, semicircle, semimonthly, semicolony, semiconductor, semiautomatic

词根:civ(公民)—— civilian

circ(圆形)—— circumference

42. sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus-


词汇:submissive, suffrage, supplement, subsequent, subordinate, sustain, succumb, supplant 词根:miss(送)—— transmission

frag(打碎)—— fragment ple(填补)—— implement

43. super-, sur-


词汇:supersede, surplus, surmount, surmise, superficial, surfeit, surveillance, surrogate 词根:sed(坐)—— sedulous

plu(更多)—— plural

mount(山)—— mountainous

44. syn-, sym-

词缀考古学:意为together, same,表示“共同;相同”

词汇:synbiosis, synthesis, synonym, symposium, symmetry, syndicate, syndicate, syllable, syndrome

词根:bio(生命)—— biosphere

thes(放)—— hypothesis onym(名字)—— cryptonym

45. tele-


词汇:telegram, telephone, television, telescope, telegraph, telepathy, telemetry, telemeter 词根:gram(写)—— epigram

phon(声音)—— symphony vis(看)—— visual

46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 46. trans-, tres-

词缀考古学:意为across, change,表示“越过;改变”

词汇:transform, transgress, trespass, transfigure, transfer, transfusion, transmission, transplant 词根:form(形式)—— uniform

gress(走)—— progress pass(走过)—— bypass

47. tri-


词汇:triangle, trilateral, trilogy, tricycle, trihity, triple, trisect, tripod

词根:angle(角)—— rectangle

later(边)—— unilateral log(讲话)—— dialogue

48. un-


词汇:unabated, unalterable, unsavory, uneducated, uncivilized, unconditional, uncommitted, unofficial

词根:bat(打击)—— combat

alter(其他的;改变)—— alternation sav(味道)—— savor

49. under-


词汇:undermine, underling, underline, undergraduate, underplay, underestimate, underdeveloped, underagent 词根:mine(挖)—— miner

line(线)—— airline

50. uni-


词汇:unilateral, universal, unison, unicorn, unique, uniform, unity, unanimity 词根:later(边)—— equilateral

vers(转动)—— reverse son(声音)—— songster

Part 3 50个一定要学的英语前后缀

Unit 1 名词后缀

1. 表示“人”的名词后缀

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. -aire

词缀考古学:意为person who, that which,表示“···的人或物” 词汇:millionaire, doctrinaire, solitaire, questionnaire, billionaire, commissionaire, occupationaire, concessionaire

词根:doc(教导)—— docile

sol(独自)—— solitude

2. -ant

词缀考古学:意为having the quality of,表示“具有···性质的人或物”

词汇:accountant, inhabitant, aspirant, tyrant, disinfectant, participant, assistant, pollutant 词根:count(数,计算)—— counter

hab(有)—— habitat

spir(e)(呼吸)—— perspire

3. -ary, -ory

词缀考古学:意为person who,表示“···的人”

词汇:mandatory, emissary, luminary, mercenary, secretary, dictionary, vocabulary 词根:mand(命令)—— command

vers(转向)—— converse

miss(送;放出)—— emission

4. -ate

词缀考古学:意为person who, that which,表示“···的人”

词汇:delegate, candidate, surrogate, doctorate, advocate, electorate, celibate, reprobate 词根:leg(指定)—— legation

cand(白色的;光亮的)—— candid rog(要求)—— interrogate

5. -cian

词缀考古学:指“人”的名词后缀,意为person who, 表示“···的人”

词汇:logician, magician, musician, mortician, optician, patrician, pediatrician, clinician 词根:log(发言)—— logical

mag(魔法,戏法)—— magic mus(音乐)—— music

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 6. -ee

词缀考古学:指“人”的名词后缀,意为one who,表示“成为···的人,做···的人” 词汇:fiancee, refugee, devotee, trainee, examinee, employee, appointee, returnee 词根:fi(d)(相信)——confide

fug(逃跑)—— fugitive vot(发誓)—— devotion

7. -ent

词缀考古学:意为person who, having the quality of,表示“···的人;带有···的性质的” 词汇:ambient, president, antecedent, parent, resident, correspondent, insistent, detergent 词根:amb(周围)—— ambiguous

sid(坐)—— assiduous ced(e)(走)—— recede

8. -ier

词缀考古学:意为person who, 表示“···的人;与···相关的人”

词汇:pacifier, cashier, cavalier, financier, glacier, frontier, chandelier, barrier, 词根:pac(和平)—— pacification

caval(马)—— cavalcade

9. -ist

词缀考古学:意为person who,表示“···的人”

词汇:geologist, optimist, soloist, feminist, nationalist, materialist, antagonist, dentist 词根:geo(地;地球)—— geometry

opt(希望)—— optimum sol(独自)—— solely

10. -or, -our

词缀考古学:指“人”或抽象名词的后缀,意为one who, that which,表示“···的人或物” 词汇:candour, vapour, mentor, arbitrator, pastor, detector, generator, precursor 词根:cand(白;发光)—— incandescence

vap(蒸汽)—— evaporate

ment(思考;心智)—— mentality


11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 11. -ace


词汇:populace, terrace, solace, menace, furnace, grimace, grace, space 词根:popul(人)—— popularity

terr(地)—— territory sol(单独)—— console

12. -ade

词缀考古学:意为act, result, collective,表示“行动;结果;集体的,共同的” 词汇:parade, barricade, promenade, arcade, blockade, serenade, decade, brigade 词根:par(准备)—— prepare

bar(障碍)—— barrier

men(带领)—— commence

13. -age

词缀考古学:意为that which,表示“状态;行为;集合;地点;位置;质量;物品”等 词汇:ravage, heritage, salvage, barrage, bondage, beverage, tutelage, advantage 词根:ra(p)(夺取)—— raptupus

her(继承)—— inherit slav(安全)—— salvation

14. -al

词缀考古学:意为state, quality, one who, that which,表示“状态或性质”,即“···的人或物” 词汇:criminal, aboriginal, survival, rival, appraisal, cereal, dismissal, refusal 词根:crimin(犯罪,罪行)—— recrimination

ori(上升;开始;出现)—— oriental viv(生存,生活)—— revive

15. -ance, -ancy

词缀考古学:意为state, quality, act, that, which,表示“状态;性质;行为”

词汇:vengeance, resemblance, disturbance, tolerance, reliance, forbearance, perseverance, appearance

词根:venge(惩罚)—— revenge

sembl(相似)—— assemble turb(摇动;扰乱)—— disturb

16. -cy

词缀考古学:意为state, quality,表示“性质或状态”

词汇:fallacy, intricacy, emergence, piracy, pregnancy, bankruptcy, celibacy, idiocy 词根:fall(错误)—— fallible

tric(小障碍物)—— extricate merg(浸入)—— submerge

16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 17. -dom

词缀考古学:意为state, quality, position, place where,表示“状态;性质;位置” 词汇:freedom, wisdom, boredom, kingdom, filmdom, martyrdom, dukedom, stardom 词根:(—) 18. -hood, -head

词缀考古学:意为period, quality,表示“时期;带有···的性质”

词汇:falsehood, neighborhood, adulthood, childhood, boyhood, godhead, hardihood, likelihood 词根:fal(l)(错误)—— fallible

nei(附近)—— neighbor ul(=al)(滋养)—— adultness

19. -ic(s)

词缀考古学:意为study, art, science, system, 表示“学科;艺术;学术;体系”

词汇:pediatrics, economics, genetics, mechanics, aeronautics, linguistics, logistics, dietetics 词根:ped(儿童)—— pedant

nom(法则)—— astronomy gen(出生;创造)——engender

20. -ice, -ise

词缀考古学:意为act, state,表示“行为;状态”

词汇:malice, armistice, mortise, novice, cowardice, merchandise, treatise, exercise 词根:mal(坏的)—— malefacetion

arm(武器)—— army mort(死亡)—— mortality

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 21. -ing

词缀考古学:意为state, business, cause to,表示“···的状态;行业;正···的:令人···的” 词汇:clothing, banking, engrossing, learning, feeling, fishing, accounting, outgoing 词根:cloth(布;衣服)—— clothes

bank(长凳)—— banquet gross(大)—— engross

22. -ion(-tion, -sion, -ation)

词缀考古学:意为that which,表示“···的动作或状态”。其变形为-tion, -sion, --ation 词汇:audition, caption, partition, cushion, mansion, carnation, inflation, consolation 词根:aud(听)—— audience

cap(拿取)—— captivity

part(部分;分开)—— partake

23. -ism, -asm

词缀考古学:意为belief, speech, condition, state, act, 表示“信仰;主义;讲话;状况,状态;行为”

词汇:baptism, hedonism, nihilism, empiricism, extremism, idealism, materialism, Confucianism 词根:bapt(浸入)—— Baptist

hedon(快乐)—— hedonistic

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