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nihil(无,不存在)—— annihilation

24. -itude

词缀考古学:意为quality, state,表示“性质;状态”

词汇:solitude, plenitude, fortitude, longitude, magnitude, latitude, attitude, beatitude 词根:sol(单独)—— soliloquy

plen(满,填满)—— replenish fort(强大;力量)—— fortify

25. -ment

词缀考古学:意为state, quality, act, that which,表示“状态;性质;行为;···的物” 词汇:appeasement, augment, rudiment, embodiment, harassment, fragment, garment, segment 词根:peas(平静)—— appease

aug(增大,增加)—— august

rud(为成熟的;天然的)—— crude

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 26. -mony


词汇:matrimony, patrimony, testimony, harmony, acrimony, ceremony, hegemony 词根:matri(母性;母亲)—— matriarch

patri(父亲)—— patriotism test(证明;看见)—— protest

27. -ness

词缀考古学:意为state, quality,表示“状态;性质”,通常加在形容词后面

词汇:positiveness, promptness, attractiveness, forwardness, kindness, tiredness, brightness, fulsomeness

词根:pos(放置)—— positivism

mpt(拿取)—— redemption tract(拉)—— tractor

28. -o(u)r

词缀考古学:意为one who, that which,表示“···的人或物”

词汇:clamour, vendor, inventor, candour, vapour, mediator, stupor, tremor 词根:clam(叫喊)—— clamorous

vend(销售)—— vending vent(来)—— advent

29. -ry

词缀考古学:意为quality, state, business, science, place where, collective, 表示“状态:性质;行业;学科;场地”,还可作为集合名词的标志。-ry通常放在一个完整的单词后面 词汇:mimicry, artistry, ferry, laundry, poetry, chemistry, rivalry, husbandry 词根:mim(模仿)—— mimic

art(技巧;艺术)—— artifact fer(搬运;承载)—— confer

30. -ship

词缀考古学:意为quality, condition, state, skill,表示“质量;条件;状态;技能”

词汇:dictatorship, partnership, relationship, citizenship, membership, horsemanship, airmanship, hardship

词根:dict(说)—— contradict

part(部分)—— partial

lat(带来,携带)—— relate

31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 31. -t, -th

词缀考古学:意为action, state, quality, 表示“行为;状态;性质” 词汇:strength, filth, mirth, zenith, depth, length, stealth, warmth 词根:stren(坚硬的)—— strenuous

fil(弄脏)—— defile mir(惊愕)—— miracle

32. -ty, -ity, -y

词缀考古学:意为act, that which,表示“行为;性质;状态;物”,常用在名词后面,作为抽象名词的标志

词汇:fidelity, controversy, longevity, levity, nonentity, diversity, triviality, vitality 词根:fid(信任)—— infidel

contro(相对)—— controvert ev(时间)—— medieval

33. -ure

词缀考古学:意为state, quality, act, result, that which,表示“状态;性质;行为;结果;···的人或物”

词汇:legislature, posture, rupture, composure, scripture, signature, structure, torture 词根:leg(法律)—— illegal

pos(放置)—— postulate rupt(折断)—— interrupt

34. -y

词缀考古学:意为state, condition, quality, act, result,表示“状态;状况;性质;行为;结果:”有三种构词方式;放在名词后表形容词;放在形容词或以-r结尾的单词后表名词;还可以放在名词后表示“人或小东西”,作为一种爱称常带有戏虐性

词汇:tardy, discovery, inquiry, difficulty, mastery, fatty, missy, sleepy 词根:tard(慢的)—— retard

cover(覆盖;隐藏)—— covert quir(e)(询问;寻找)—— acquire

Unit 2 形容词后缀

35. -able, -ible

词缀考古学:意为capable of,表示“易于···的;能够···得”

词汇:amiable, variable, fallible, desirable, conceivable, eligible, feasible 词根:am(喜爱)—— amenity

var(变化)—— various fall(错误)—— fallacy

36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 36. -al, -ial

词缀考古学:意为nature of,表示“具有···性质的”

词汇:factual, global, martial, personal, exceptional, regional, pastoral, congenial

词根:fact(做)—— manufacture

glob(球体)—— globule mar(战争)—— Mars

37. -ant, -ent

词缀考古学:意为having the quality of,表示“具有···性质的” 词汇:fluent, radiant, fervent, vigilant, extravagant, resistant, intoxicant 词根:flu(流动)—— fluctuation

rad(放射)—— eradiate ferv(沸腾)—— fervor

38. -ary

词缀考古学:意为relating to,表示“与···相关;···的”

词汇:legendary, arbitrary, auxiliary, imaginary, elementary, stationary, sedentary, temporary 词根:leg(阅读)—— illegible

bit(去)—— acrobat aux(增加)—— augment

39. -ful

词缀考古学:意为full of, having the quality of,表示“充满的;具有···性质的” 词汇:tactful, grateful, vengeful, awful, gleeful, hopeful, shameful, forgetful 词根:tact(触觉;接触)—— intact

grat(使高兴)—— congratulate veng(惩罚)—— avenge

40. -ic

词缀考古学:意为nature of,表示“具有···本性的,···的”

词汇:synthetic, graphic, caustic, fanatic, static, chaotic, antibiotic, cosmic 词根:thet(放)—— antithetical

graph(写)—— autograph caust(燃烧)—— holocaust

41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 41. -ical

词缀考古学:意为nature of,表示“具有···本性的” 词汇:tyrannical, symmetrical, skeptical, hypocritical, botanical, classical, geometrical, methodical 词根:tyrann(残暴)—— tyrannicide

metr(测量)—— metric skep(看)—— skepticism

42. -ive

词缀考古学:意为relating to, having the quality of, tending to, that which,表示“与···相关的;有···性质的,···的;倾向于···的;···的人或物”

词汇:incisive, pensive, permissive, pervasive, repulsive, impassive, affirmative, lucrative 词根:cis(切割)—— concise

pens(悬挂;称重)—— suspense miss(送)—— commission

43. -ous

词缀考古学:意为many, full,表示“许多的;充满的”

词汇:rigorous, prosperous, lustrous, zealous, advantageous, mountainous, luminous, timorous 词根:rig(规定)—— regulation

sper(希望)—— desperate lust(光)—— illustrate

Unit 3 动词后缀

44. -ate


词汇:formulate, manipulate, motivate, differentiate, frustrate, attenuate, demonstrate, infiltrate 词根:form(样式,形态;方式;表格)—— performance

man(操纵)—— manifesto mot(移动)—— demote

45. -en

词缀考古学:意为make, having the quality of,表示“做;使;具有···的性质” 词汇:hasten, straiten, lengthen, darken, sharpen, hearten, sweeten, shorten 词根:hast(e)(迅速的)—— hastily

strai(n)(拉紧)—— constrain leng(长的)—— lengthy

46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 46. -er

词缀考古学:意为make,表示“(反复地)做,使;发出(声音)” 词汇:glitter, bewilder, encumber, mutter, chatter, stutter, waver, batter 词根:gl(光)—— glisten

wild(疯狂地,胡乱地)—— wilding cumb(倚靠,躺)—— incumbent

47. -esce

词缀考古学:意为becoming, growing,表示“开始;变成”

词汇:effervesce, rejuvenesce, acquiesce, coalesce, defervesce, effloresce, luminesce, senesce 词根:ferv(沸腾)—— fervid

juven(年轻的)—— rejuvenate qui(安静)—— tranquility

48. -(i)fy

词缀考古学:意为to make into,表示“使变成···”

词汇:pacify, clarify, verify, signify, diversify, intensify, unify 词根:pac(和平)—— pacifism

clar(清楚的;清澈的)—— declaration ver(真实的)—— averment

49. -ish

词缀考古学:意为like, relating to, make,表示“好像···的,···般的;和···相关的;做,使”

词汇:embellish, blemish, flourish, lavish, vanquish, vanquish, diminish, banish, vanish 词根:bell(美丽)—— belle

blem(带青色的)—— blemished flour(开花)—— flora

50. -ise, -ize


词汇:memorize, fertilize, publicize, authorize, revitalize, jeopardize, sterilize, industrialize 词根:memor(记忆)—— commemorate

fer(带来;结果实)—— publicity publ(人们)—— publicity

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