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校园网 PHP技术 MySQL B/S


Based on the PHP technology campus website design and the realization


With development of science and technology, as educational mode and the environment in the internet age, educational information and campus network have become direction of the educational development. As a platform and infrastructure for education and teaching, scientific research, management and so on, campus network which has important significance in promoting the development of educational information is good for strengthening the communication and exchange between teachers, students and teachers, and it also can change the traditional teaching mode and educational management methods.

In this paper, according to the actual situation in Tianjin No.30 Middle School, we combine junior middle school educational characteristic with the current situation about construction and using on campus network and proposed a set of constructive schemes about campus website platform to adapt to education and teaching status in our school. The campus website platform adopts advanced B / S development mode, based on the PHP technology and MySQL database management technology. Meanwhile, as well as detailed description in web development framework and main characteristics, we carries out a detailed needing analysis on campus website platform research and development, and designs the systematic function and the database carefully.

The subject has a realistic significance in our school to promote the development of information technology, to improve the education and teaching information management and the teaching resources utilization and so on. As the system improvement step by step, this platform can be widely used.


Campus Network MySQL PHP B/S



1. 引言




2. 校园网现状




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