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毕 业 论 文 题 目 废旧汽车逆向物流系统规划与研究 系 专业班级 交通与机械过程系物流工程07-2班 学 生 姓 名 陈 雪 性别 男 指 导 教 师 张思奇 职称 讲 师
年 月 日
摘 要
关键词: 废旧汽车,逆向物流,lingo建模计算方法
With the development of social economic and the improvement of people’s standard of living level,the total number of motor vehicles China contains has increased year by year,the quantity of scrapped cars has also gradually increased.But,influenced by all kind of factors,part of scrapped cars still spread around the social and fail to recover in due course,which has become a potential danger to traffic safety and environmental protection.In addition,the treatment condition of waste cars is not very optimistic,the renewable resources China obtained from the scrapped vehicles is fewer annually , and the recycle level is too low.
This paper thoroughly analyzes and discusses the reverse logistics of our country's used cars attempts to construct the reverse logistics system adapt to Chinese situation,and puts forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for the run of system.
The main contribution of this paper is the following. First of all scrap cars on the reverse logistics of the development status of the empirical analysis, analysis of scrap cars main problems in reverse logistics and strategic value. Our used car reverse logistics model are summarized, including automobile companies responsible for recycling, manufacturers of the Commonwealth responsible for the recovery, third-party recycling companies responsible for the recovery of these three recovery modes, and built for a car company used car reverse logistics logistics system. Study of used car reverse logistics processing systems, including auto dismantling and crushing of waste sorting system, and then build a car suitable for China's scrap reverse logistics processing subsystem. Lingo combined with the data and methods to model and calculated using Lingo for scrap car recycling center location to provide a theoretical reference and basis.
KEYWORDS : scrapped cars;reverse logistics;Lingo modeling method
第一章 绪论 .............................................................. 1 1.1研究背景 .............................................................. 1 1.2研究目的和意义 ........................................................ 2 1.3国内外研究现状及评价 .................................................. 3 1.3.1国外研究现状及评价 .................................................. 3 1.3.2国内研究现状及评价 .................................................. 6 1.4研究内容与框架 ........................................................ 7 第二章逆向物流概述 ....................................................... 8 2.1逆向物流的定义、分类及特点 ............................................ 9 2.2逆向物流驱动因素分析 ................................................. 13 2.3 实施汽车逆向物流动因分析 ............................................ 16 2.4 逆向物流理论基础 .................................................... 18 2.5 逆向物流与几个概念的关系 ............................................ 20 2.5.1 逆向物流与正向物流的关系 .......................................... 20 2.5.2 逆向物流与循环经济的关系 .......................................... 22 2.5.3 逆向物流与绿色物流的关系 .......................................... 24 第三章我国实施废旧汽车逆向物流的必要性分析 .............................. 27 3.1 废旧汽车逆向物流 .................................................... 27 3.1.1 废旧汽车逆向物流的定义 ............................................ 27 3.1.2 废旧汽车逆向物流产生原因 .......................................... 29 3.2 废旧汽车逆向物流的战略价值分析 ...................................... 30 3.2.1 经济价值 .......................................................... 31 3.2.2 社会价值 .......................................................... 31
3.3国内汽车逆向物流存在问题 ............................................. 32 3.4 实施汽车逆向物流对策分析 ............................................ 33 3.4.1 政府及相关机构角度 ................................................ 33 3.4.2 汽车制造企业角度 .................................................. 33 3.4.3 消费者角度 ........................................................ 34 第四章 废旧汽车回收处理中心的选址研究 ................................... 35 4.1 问题描述 ............................................................ 35 4.2 概念模型 ............................................................ 36 4.3模型的构建 ........................................................... 37 第五章 实例分析 ......................................................... 41 5.1.实例分析 ............................................................ 41 5.1.1企业基本数据 ....................................................... 41 5.1.2 产品及零配件处理的相关数据 ........................................ 43 5.1.3 处理中心设置的其他相关数据 ........................................ 45 5.2案例求解 ............................................................. 45 5.2.1 算法设计 .......................................................... 45 5.2.2 LINGO介绍 ......................................................... 46 5.2.3求解过程 ........................................................... 46 5.3结果分析 ............................................................. 47 5.3.1单目标优化结果 ..................................................... 47 5.3.2 成本和环境双目标优化 .............................................. 48 5.3.3回收处理的成本和环境影响分析 ....................................... 49 第六章 技术经济分析 ..................................................... 52