
内容发布更新时间 : 2024/4/27 19:23:43星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。




He was the last one to leave school yesterday.昨天他是最后一个离开教室的。 The train to arrive was from London.将要到站的火车是从伦敦开来的。 2)不定式与其所修饰的名词可能是动宾关系 Get him something to eat.给他拿点儿东西吃。

She has a lot of work to do in the morning.早上他有很多工作要做。

3)不及物动词构成的不定式做定语,要加上适当的介词和被修饰的名词形成逻辑上的动宾关系,这里的介词不能省去。 I need a pen to write with.我需要一支笔写字。 There is nothing to worry about.没有什么值得发愁的。

4)不定式修饰一些表示方向、原因、时间、机会、权利等抽象名词如: ability能力,本领 drive赶,驾驶 movement运动,活动 ambition抱负,野心 effort努力,尝试 need需要,需求 campaign战役,运动 failure失败,不及格 opportunity机会 chance机会 force力,压力,要点 promise许诺,希望 courage勇气 intention意向,意图 reason理由,原因 decision决定 method方法,方式 light光,光线,亮光

determination决心,决定 motive动机,目的 struggle奋斗,努力, tendency倾向,趋势 wish希望,愿望,祝愿

5)被修饰的名词前有序数词、形容词最高级或next, second, last, only和not a,the等限定词时候,只能用不定式。

6)不定代词something, nothing, little, much, a lot 等习惯上用不定式做定语。 John will do anything but work on a farm.除了农活,约翰什么都愿意干。 7)如果其动词要求用不定式做宾语,或者其形容词要 求接不定式做补语,则相应的名词一般用不定式做定语。如: tend to do---tendency to do;decide to do

= decision to do;be curious to do = curiosity to do

His wish to buy a car came true.他要买辆车的愿望实现了。 Their decision to give up the experiment surprised us. 他们放弃这个实验的决定使我们大吃一惊。 He is always the first to come and the last to leave. 他总是第一个到来,最后一个离去。



1)现在分词表示主动意义,过去分词一般表示被动含意。 2)现在分词表示正在进行,过去分词表示状态或做完(完成)的事。 He rushed into the burning house.他冲进了正在燃烧着的房子。

The child standing over there is my brother.站在那儿的男孩子是我弟弟。 The room facing south is our classroom.朝南的房间是我们的教室。 Have you got your watch repaired? 你拿到那个修好的表了吗? He is an advanced teacher.他是个先进教师。


departed, faded, fallen, gone, grown-up, retired, returned, risen, set, vanished,突然不见,逐渐消失 much-traveled, newly-arrived, recently-come



Do you want to see the doctor to be sent for from Beijing? 你要见那位将从北京请来的医生吗?

Do you want to see the doctor working on the case report in the office? 你要见那位正在办公室里写病历的医生吗?


1. The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable to __________.

A. sit B. sit on C. be sat D. be sat on

2. I’m not sure which restaurant ___________. A. to eat on

B. eating at

C. to eat at

D. for eating

3. ---“What do you think of this middle school?” ---“It is a very good ___________.” A. school to study C. studying school

B. school to study in

D. school for children to study

4. ---“I’d like to buy an expensive camera.” ---“Well, we have several models ___________.” A. to choose from B. of choice choosing

C. to be chosen

D. for

5. We had no money and no place __________. A. to live on

B. to live

C. living in

D. living

6. He loves parties. He is always the first __________ and the last __________. A. coming, leaving B. to come, to leave C. comes, leaves D. come, leave 7. Before he had no chance __________. A. to go to school school

B. to go school C. going to school

D. to go to the

8. Now the need __________ other people’s language is becoming greater and greater.

A. to learn B. learning C. to be learned D. being learned

9. This is an important matter. I need at least a day or two __________. A. of thinking over it C. of thinking it over

B. to think it over D. to think over it

10. It is time __________ wheat. A. for sow

B. of sowing

C. to sow D. to sowing

11. “Do you have any clothes __________ today?” the maid asked. A. to wash

B. to be washed C. wash

D. be washed

12. This is the best play __________ last year. A. to perform performed

B. to be performed C. performing

D. to have

13. This book can be used in __________ countries. A. English-speaking B. English-spoken English-speak

C. English-spoke


14. At present, English is the main subject ___________ here. A. to be taught

B. being taught C. teaching

D. to be teaching

15. Snow was falling when they went along a mountain path __________ to the front.

A. to lead

B. led

C. leading

D. being led

16. ---“Who are those people with the banner?”旗帜

---“A group __________ itself the League for peace.” A. calling

B. calls

C. called

D. is called

17. “The picture writing” __________ long long ago is hard for us to understand today.

A. having been drawn C. was drawn

B. being drawn D. drawn

18. How I regret the days __________ in doing the useless work! A. which were wasted

B. wasted C. which wasting

D. having wasted

19. The students, ____ at the way the questions were put, didn’t know the answers to them.

A. they surprising B. surprised 20. The pen __________ belongs to me. A. which is on the table C. is on the table

B. lying on the table

C. their being surprised D. surprise

D. which on the table

答案:1-5 BCBA A 6-10 BAABC 11-15 BBABC 16-20 ADBBB

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