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英语试卷 2018年4月

本试卷共10页,共120分。考试时长100分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结朿后,将答题卡交回。 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)



例:It’s so nice to hear from her again. , we last met more than thirty years ago. A. What’s more B. That’s to say C. In other words D. Believe it or not 答案是D。

1. —What sort of house do you want to have? Something big? —Well, it be big—that’s not important. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. won’t 2. The police asked the passers-by if they the accident happen. A. have seen B. saw C. had seen D. would see 3. A “Hello” to a stranger is a small thing through it we can make the world better for other persons. A. for B. but C. so D. or 4. He noticed that he by a stranger when he was walking in the street. A. was being followed B. was following C. had followed D. followed 5. No one to our complaints, so I will write a letter to the newspaper. A. had responded B. responds C. has responded D. is responding 6. Our school will organize a trip to the local mountains, the students to get close to nature.

A. encouraging B. encouraged C. encourage D. having encouraged 7. Most city parks are places you can escape from big, ugly structures of metal and stone.

A. that B. where C. which D. when 8. your aunt was so busy, why didn’t she employ someone to help her look after the baby? A. In case B. Now that C. As long as D. As if

9. we get to know foreign places, we come to understand that there are many different ways to live. A. Before B. Although C. Unless D. As 10. If asked to look after luggage for someone else, the police at once. A. inform B. informed C. to inform D. informing 11. English in the future will be quite different from it is today because some of English words may die out. A. where B. that C. when D. what 12. I have a desire to take up teaching as my profession when I from the university.

A. will graduate B. graduate C. have graduated D. would graduate 13. A study on smog, on the Nature website, caught some top scientists’

attention all over the world. A. publish B. publishing C. published D. being published 14. The children have promised to give us a hand the packing. A. on B. for C. with D. in 15. It is evident staying with excellent people can increase the chances of success. A. why B. whether C. when D. that 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,共30分)


“You’re going to do WHAT?” I asked my best friend, Julie, in alarm.

“I’m going to try out for the cheerleading squad (啦 啦队),’’ she said, eyes fixed on the ground. We had been best friends since second grade and we did everything together. We had made some 16 about what we would do this year, but now she was going 17 on her own. I was sure that if she joined the cheerleading squad, she would become best friends with someone else and I couldn’t 18 the thought.

“Why are you doing this? Do you really want to hang around with those girls instead of me?” I cried, my voice filled with 19 . “It’s not about the girls,” Julie said. “It’s about the sport. I want to be on the squad at the high school level because they win scholarships at state competitions, and I have a better 20 if I’m on the squad here,” she explained. “ 21 ,’’ she added, “it’s not like I’m leaving the country or something. ’’

“Goodbye,” I 22 off, leaving Julie standing with a sad look on her face. The rest of the week I was unhappy, and I 23 Julie in the hall. I planned to 24 the first game and ignore Julie. Instead, I was 25 by the enthusiasm and skill of Julie’s cheering. Although she was the youngest member of the team, Julie 26 led cheer after cheer. I saw how her face lit up with 27 . I was shocked as I 28 that she loved the sport. Trying out for the team had 29 to do with me —maybe it was just something she wanted to do.

I 30 her shyly, but Julie smiled immediately. “Hey, you were really 31 I began, then added quickly, “I’m so sorry I’ve been 32 to you about your joining the squad. ’’

Julie 33 and replied, “A group of us are going for ice cream—why don’t you come along?”

Julie’s quick 34 made my eyes burn, but I smiled in return. As I walked toward the cheerleaders, I realized there was 35 in Julie’s life for all of us. We could save the competition for the game. 16. A. efforts B. plans C. achievements D. complaints 17. A. up B. back C. on D. off 18. A. believe B. understand C. stand D. share 19. A. fear B.anger C. worry D. guilt 20. A. result B. position C. condition D. chance 21. A. However B. Besides C. Therefore D. Otherwise 22. A. marched B.turned C.dropped D. put 23. A. guided B. followed C. avoided D.supported 24. A. miss B.join C. watch D. win 25. A. amazed B. amused C. moved D. delighted 26. A. patiently B.repeatedly C. nervously D. enthusiastically 27. A. surprise B. joy C. relief D. pain 28. A. realized B. accepted C. remembered D. doubted 29. A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything

30. A. accepted B. left C. approached D. persuaded 31. A. responsible B. devoted C. proud D. great 32. A. rude B. tolerant C.stubborn D. generous 33. A. smiled B. sighed C. cried D. nodded 34. A. permission B. apology C. attention D. forgiveness 35. A. time B. room C. help D. hope



阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该 项涂黑。


At my daughter’s presentation ceremony the other day, the school principal reminded the kids of that truth: they could have multiple careers in their lifetimes.

As I lay in bed that evening, I thought about another truth. It’s not just different careers that await each child. It’s a set of completely different lives.

I thought about my own life. Five years ago I was in an unhappy marriage; living in a house that I felt wasn’t mine. I felt anxious most of the time and not in control of my own future.

Now, I live in my own beautiful apartment. My family life is peaceful, filled with laughter and the purrs of our three-year-old cat. I date and have a bunch of new friends—people who didn’t even know me back when I was married. My life is barely recognizable. I created a whole new reality.

I have always known that great change is possible. I am the great grandchild of

Eastern European immigrants who left their countries with few contacts and even less in English. From the villages of Russia and Poland, they created businesses and communities and English-speaking families. Their worlds towards the end of their lives would have barely been like the lives into which they were born.

My own parents moved to a new city with two small children and started a brand new life with a new set of friends. And my grandmother lived two completely different lives. For my entire childhood she was a widow (寡妇)after my grandfather died suddenly at 43. She raised her daughters alone, rarely traveled out of her hometown and cared for her elderly mother. At 68, after being single for 26 years, she surprised us all by falling in love and remarrying. She and Harry socialized endlessly, traveled around the country and spent summers at their second home by the sea. They lived their new adventurous lives well into their nineties.

Life is full of possibilities. It is full of changes. We assume that our lives are linear, leading from birth to death in a straight path. But they can change. They can have sharp twists. They can double back and leap forward and begin another story altogether. 36. How did the author feel in the first marriage? A. Hopeful. B. Scared. C. Helpless. D. Satisfied. 37. What made the family feel unexpected about her grandma? A. Being a widow for a long time. B. Her decision to start a new life. C. Her happy life with Harry. D. Moving out of her hometown. 38. The author took her family for example to show that . A. they experienced hardships and joys B. they were working hard C. they lived a happy life D. they don’t like the new life 39. The best title for this passage might be .

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