2019年中考英语总复习 第二部分 语法专题过关 专题一 名词考题(含最新预测题)(新版)人教新目标版

内容发布更新时间 : 2024/9/20 9:12:33星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。


专题一 名词


1.[2018安庆一模]We all should take in our rich and strong country with a long history. A. joy

B. fear

C. pride

D. luck

2.Every time I see the strawberries, the sweet and beautiful color always make my mouth water.

A. taste B. smile C. shape

D. voice

3.During the next few days, I decide to have a good by taking a walk or seeing a movie. I really need to relax. A. meal

B. sleep

C. rest

D. idea

4.[2019预测]As a society, we need to give more to the needs of older people. A. advice C. chance

B. attention D. experience

5.[2019预测]On Mother's Day, Cathy made a beautiful card as a for her mother. A. task

B. secret C. gift

D. work

6.[2019预测]Peter has never learned how to paint a picture. So it came as a complete that he won a prize in the competition. A. pleasure

B. promise C. deal

D. surprise

7.[2019预测]—There are so many kinds of wine, but I don't know which to choose. —How about dry white wine?It's always a good for most customers. A. level B. choice C. idea

D. chance

8.[2018合肥包河区二测]—Would you please take some notes while you're listening to the teacher? —Sorry, but I have no to write on. A. paper C. time

B. pen

D. opinion

9.[2019预测]—Mary, how is your teaching in the poor mountain village? —It is such a pleasant that I'll never forget. A. experience C. goal

B. decision

D. question

10.[2019预测]The old house holds all Kate's childhood memories, so it would break her to leave there. A. courage


B. hope


C. right D. heart

11.[2018蚌埠禹会区一模]David is a sports reporter. He asks for an with a big sports star. A. instruction C. invitation

B. invention D. interview

12.[2019预测]—How do you like your new math teacher?

—She is very strict with us and she gave us 50 to solve yesterday. A. answers

B. ways

C. problems

D. jobs

13.[2019预测]The saying \ of teamwork. A. importance C. pride

B. effort

D. purpose

14.[2019预测]You can try on this dress and stand in front of the to see if the dress fits you well. A. tree

B. mirror C. present

D. post

15.—There are many different of clouds in the sky. —Yeah. Look at that one! It's like a big cat. A. shapes

B. sides C. standards D. stars

16.[2019预测]—What's it? The smell makes me hungry.

—It may come from the . Mom is making a cake for us. A. garden

B. bedroom C. kitchen

D. corner

17.[2019预测]—Sorry, I'm late. My car broke down on my way here. —Just don't be late again. I'm tired of listening to your . A. praise

B. excuses C. thoughts

D. purpose

18.We should show our to our teacher, for they have taught and helped us a lot. A. ability B. courage C. service D. respect

19.[2019预测]Please help me look after my house when I'm away on business, and don't forget to water the .

A. spaces B. sides C. plants D. lines

20.[2019预测]She wasn't tall enough to see the view of the sun, so she stood on a stone and saw over the of people's heads. A. ends Ⅱ.单词拼写


B. bottoms C. corners D. tops


1.Put the bananas into these five b (箱子),kids.

2.James looked tired, for he listened to three s (演讲) this morning.

3.More and more p (人们) like to travel around the country with their families. 4.Linda has many h (业余爱好) such as singing,dancing and drawing. 5.Many h (英雄) have set good examples for us to follow.


Ⅰ.1—5 CACBC 6—10 DBAAD 11—15 DCABA 16—20 CBDCD Ⅱ.1.boxes 2.speeches 3. people 4. hobbies 5. heroes


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