牛津译林版九年级英语下册9B unit4Life on Mars教案(表格式)

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年 级 课 题 Grade 9 学 科 English 授课时间 月 日 9B Unit4 Welcome to the unit 教 学 由How do you like life on Mars 引出讨论火星上的生活是否比地球好目 标 些?了解去月球需要带哪些东西。 重 点 讨论火星上的生活是否比地球好些,了解火星上生活的优点。 难 点 教学过程 一、创设情境---引锚 Lead in Show a picture of space. Form the class into small groups and guide them to have a discussion: And ask one student from each group to present the idea of his or her group. 二、自主合作---探锚 探究活动一:Listening After listening to the comic strips,ask students some questions about it. eg. How does Eddie like life on Mars?(He hate it.)Why?(Because of the helmet.) Language points:hate doing…,get to…,How do you like… them to make up sentences. 探究活动二:Discussing Show some pictures of life on Mars. Form students into groups of four and ask them to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living on Mars. Each group should have one student note down their discussion and prepare to share their discussion with the other groups. 探究活动三:Individual work Ask students to do exercise Part A individually. First,write \or“worse\in the blanks,then check the answers with their partners. After that ask them to tell at least three better things and three worse things to live



on Mars than on Earth with their books closed. 探究活动四:Part B Daniel is talking to Amy about living on Mars. What would it be like? Work in pairs and discuss with your partner. 三、归纳总结---悟锚 What have you learned in this class? Do you have any questions to ask? 四、检测反馈---固锚 五、评价提升---省锚 1. Remember the words and phrases. 布 置作 业 2. 完成《课课练》第一课时。 3. 预习Reading 中的新单词。 9B Unit 4 Life on Mars Welcome to the unit think about get to my food space helmet dried food power pack less gravity sleeping bag wear special boots 板 书 设 计 教 学反 思


年 级 课 题 Grade 9 学 科 English 授课时间 月 日 9B Unit 4 Reading1 1、大致了解火星上的生活。 教 学 2、读课文并从课文中了解火星上生活的信息。 目 标 3、认识在火星上生活的词汇。 重 点 了解火星上生活的信息 难 点 二次备课 教学过程 一、 创设情境---引锚 Lead in Topic talk:Mars Show a picture of Mars and ask students some questions to guide them .Then ask some students to present their ideas is front of the class. 二、自主合作---探锚 探究活动一: Step 1. Tell students that today they will read a passage about living on Mars. They should have a general idea about life on Mars, after reading it. Step2. Ask students to listen to the passage, paying attention to the pronunciation, and make some of them to read the paragraphs aloud. 探究活动二:Skimming and scanning Ask students to read the passage using the reading skills of skimming and scanning. Tell‘them to focus their attention on the paragraphs involved the following questions.


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