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语法运用 Grammar in use


有些形容词的比较级和最高级的变化是不规则的, 这些不规则变化需要同学们识记。

原级 good / well bad / ill far many / much little old better worse father / further more less older / elder 比较级 the best the worst the farthest / the furthest the most the least the oldest / the eldest 最高级 1. elder和eldest可以用来代替older和oldest, 表示家庭成员的出生顺序, 但它们只能用在名词前作定语, 不能作表语。例如: My elder / older brother is ten years old. (√) 我的哥哥十岁。 He is older than me. (√) 他年纪比我大。 He is elder than me. (×)

2. farther和further都能表示距离、时间上的 “更远; 更往前”, 但要表示 “进一步”的时候,只能用further。例如:

His home is farther / further from this park than mine. 他家比我家离这个公园远。

The police decided to take further action. 警察决定采取进一步行动。 二、(not) as...as的用法

as...as意为 “和……一样……”, not as...as意为 “不如……一样……”, 表示同级的比较。 1. 基本结构: as+ adj. + as, 否定形式为: not as / so+ adj. + as, 中间用形容词的原级。例如: This book is as interesting as that one. 这本书和那本书一样有趣。

This book is not as / so interesting as that one. 这本书没有那本书有趣。

2. 当as...as中间加名词时, 结构为: as+ many / much + n. +as, 其否定形式为: not as+ many / much+ n. +as。需要注意的是: 当名词为可数名词时, 中间为 “many+可数名词复数”; 当名词为不可数名词时, 中间为 “much+不可数名词”。例如: I have as many books as Tom. 我的书和汤姆的一样多。 Lily ate as much rice as Peter. 莉莉吃了和皮特一样多的米饭。

3. as...as前面常常用almost, quite, nearly, exactly等程度副词表示比较的程度。例如: This cup is nearly as big as that one. 这个杯子差不多和那个一样大。 【实战演练】

I. 根据句意, 用括号中形容词的适当形式填空。 1. Amy is ______ (old) than Lucy.

2. If there are any ______ (far) changes, please call me.

3. This cellphone is almost as _________ (expensive) as that one. 4. I don’t get as _______ (more) information as Tony. 5. Hope for _______ (good) and prepare for _______ (bad) 6. David’s house is _______ (far) from our company. II. 根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词。 7. 这个红色的包和那个白色的一样好。 This red bag is ___ ______ ____ the white one. 8. 那个国家比这个远, 所以我不想去那儿。

That country is _______ ________ this one, so I don’t want to go there. 9. 这张照片没有那张照片漂亮。

This picture is _______ _______ ______ _______ that one. 10. 吉姆和吉米有同样多的票。

Jim has _____ ______ _____ ______ Jimmy. 11. 那个穷人的钱没有那个富人的多。

That poor man has ______ _______ ______ ______ ______ the rich man. 12. 在公司里, 吉姆经验最多。

Jim has _______ ________ experience in the company. 13. 三个女孩中, 安娜最大。

Anna is _______ ______ of the three girls. 14. 这是我见过的最旧的书。

This is ______ ______ ______ I have ever seen. 15. 我有一个更好的主意。 I have a _______ idea. III. 单项选择。

16. --- Wow, I like this air conditioner.

--- It is ______ one in our shop. It is also______ one. A. the most expensive; better B. more expensive; better C. more expensive; the best D. the most expensive; the best 17. --- Do you have storybooks?

--- Yes, and I have as _____ storybooks ____ you. A. many; as B. much; as

C. more, so D. many; so 18. --- How old is Nina?

--- Nina is two years _____ than me and she is _____ student in our class. A. oldest; older B. older; the oldest C. elder; the oldest D. eldest; older

19. --- What’s the weather ____ today, Lisa? --- It is _____ yesterday.

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