
内容发布更新时间 : 2024/10/16 0:17:41星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。

choose the correct meaning; (4) to correct the typos; (5) so the child write words (ABAB, and AABB); (6) in accordance with written words; (7) the complete word, and explain the meaning of the word; (8) collocation; (9) make sentences with the word; (10) the written language as required. (C) the main sentence types (1) complete sentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thoughts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignment of the sentence; (5) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classification (1) the common conjunctions coordinate: ... ... 一面…… ... 1, to examine the topic, dentify problems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship. 3, and set unknown, column proportion type 4, and solutions proportion type 5, and test, wrote answer language plenary, and subject: application problem (1)--simple application problem and composite application problem review content simple application problem composite application problem answers application problem of general steps 1, and figure out meaning--through examines the, find known conditions and by seeking problem 2, and analysis number relationship--analysis known conditions Zhijian, and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship, determine problem-solving method and problem-solving steps. 3, and column type calculation--lists formula, is out subdivisions 4, and test, and wrote answer--check, and checking, and wrote answers typical application problem 13, and subject: application problem (3)--column equation solutions application problem review content overview problem-solving steps 1, and figure out meaning, find by seeking of unknown and x said 2, and according to meaning find equivalent relationship, lists Equation 3, and solutions equation 4, and test, and wrote answers accordingto meaning find equivalent relationship of common method 1 , And according to common of number relationship type, established equivalent relationship 2, and according to has learn had of calculation formula, 3, and according to problem in the of focus described sentence from overall Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4, and using segment figure, and list method, method analysis number数学:16.2 分式的运算同步测试题A(人教新课标八年级下)



1.下列算式结果是-3的是( )

A. (?3)?1 B. ?|?3| C. ?(?3) D. (?3)0

a?b的结果为( ) aa?ba?ba?ba?bA. B. C. D.

bbaa2. (2008黄冈市)计算(?)?3.把分式

中的x、y都扩大2倍,则分式的值( )

abbaA.不变 B.扩大2倍 C.缩小2倍 D.扩大4倍 4.用科学记数法表示-0.000 0064记为( )


A. -64×10 B. -0.64×10 C. -6.4×10 D. -640×10

2a?b2b?,则等于 ( ) a?b3a544A.? B. C.1 D.



11??( ) yxA.1 B.y?x C.

1 D.-1 xy111??,UVF7.一根蜡烛在凸透镜下成实像,物距为U像距为V,凸透镜的焦距为F,且满足则用U、V表示F应是( )

U?VUVUV B. C. D. UVU?VVUy?1y?的值是( ) 8.如果x>y>0,那么


A. 0 B. 正数 C. 负数 D. 不能确定



1. (16x-8x+4x) ÷(-2x)= 。


choose the correct meaning; (4) to correct the typos; (5) so the child write words (ABAB, and AABB); (6) in accordance with written words; (7) the complete word, and explain the meaning of the word; (8) collocation; (9) make sentences with the word; (10) the written language as required. (C) the main sentence types (1) complete sentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thoughts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignment of the sentence; (5) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classification (1) the common conjunctions coordinate: ... ... 一面…… ... 1, to examine the topic, identify problems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship. 3, and set unknown, column proportion type 4, and solutions proportion type 5, and test, wrote answer language plenary, and subject: application problem (1)--simple application problem and composite application problem review content simple application problem composite application problem answers application problem of general steps 1, and figure out meaning--through examines the, find known conditions and by seeking problem 2, and analysis number relationship--analysis known conditions Zhijian, and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship, determine problem-solving method and problem-solving steps. 3, and column type calculation--lists formula, is out subdivisions 4, and test, and wrote answer--check, and checking, and wrote answers typical application problem 13, and subject: application problem (3)--column equation solutions application problem review content overview problem-solving steps 1, and figure out meaning, find by seeking of unknown and x said 2, and according to meaning find equivalent relationship, lists Equation 3, and solutions equation 4, and test, and wrote answers accordingto meaning find equivalent relationship of common method 1 , And according to common of number relationship type, established equivalent relationship 2, and according to has learn had of calculation formula, 3, and according to problem in the of focus described sentence from overall Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4, and using segment figure, and list method, method analysis numbera2?ab?b2a3.(2007年芜湖市)如果?2,则= ____________


造地球卫星的速度是这架喷气式飞机的速度的____________倍. 5.a取整数 时,分式(1-6. 已知a+7.已知xn3


4a?11)·的值为正整数. a?1a112

=6,则(a-)= aa?25,yn?4,则(xy)?2n=_____________


8.已知|x+y-3|+(x-y-1)=0,则[(-xy)]=______________________ 三、仔细做一做 1.计算 (?)

2. (1)化简:


3. 已知 y =


- + 1 ,试说明在右边代数式


x3??1,并指出x的取值范围 x?1(x?1)(x?2)1a1ab的值.





- 2 -

choose the correct meaning; (4) to correct the typos; (5) so the child write words (ABAB, and AABB); (6) in accordance with written words; (7) the complete word, and explain the meaning of the word; (8) collocation; (9) make sentences with the word; (10) the written language as required. (C) the main sentence types (1) complete sentences; (2) write down the meaning of a sentence or expression of thoughts and feelings; (3) write sentences as required; (4) finish malalignment of the sentence; (5) modified sentences. 2, knowledge classification (1) the common conjunctions coordinate: ... ... 一面…… ... 1, to examine the topic, identify problems associated with two 2, analysis, alternative question two is in direct proportion to the amount of the associated relationship is inversely proportional relationship. 3, and set unknown, column proportion type 4, and solutions proportion type 5, and test, wrote answer language plenary, and subject: application problem (1)--simple application problem and composite application problem review content simple application problem composite application problem answers application problem of general steps 1, and figure out meaning--through examines the, find known conditions and by seeking problem 2, and analysis number relationship--analysis known conditions Zhijian, and conditions and problem Zhijian of relationship, determine problem-solving method and problem-solving steps. 3, and column type calculation--lists formula, is out subdivisions 4, and test, and wrote answer--check, and checking, and wrote answers typical application problem 13, and subject: application problem (3)--column equation solutions application problem review content overview problem-solving steps 1, and figure out meaning, find by seeking of unknown and x said 2, and according to meaning find equivalent relationship, lists Equation 3, and solutions equation 4, and test, and wrote answers accordingto meaning find equivalent relationship of common method 1 , And according to common of number relationship type, established equivalent relationship 2, and according to has learn had of calculation formula, 3, and according to problem in the of focus described sentence from overall Shang determine basic of equivalent relationship 4, and using segment figure, and list method, method analysis number输入n 3 1?2 ?3 … 2 输出答案 1 1 (2)请将题中计算程序用式子表达出来,并化简。



1.在①x·x5; ②x7y÷xy; ③(-x2)3; ④(x2y3)3÷y3 中,结果为x6

的有( ) A. ① B. ①② C. ①②③④ D. ①②④

52.使分式x-3=5xx2-3x自左至右变形成立的条件是( ) A. x<0 B,x>0 C.x?0 D.x?0且x?3 3.已知a2?b2?6ab且a?b?0,则a?ba?b的值为( ) A、2 B、?2 C、2 D、?2


1. 若(x?1)x?1?1,则x= .

1x22. 如果x+x=3,则x4?x2?1的值为 .


ba 的分子、分母都加1,得分式 b?1a?1,则分式 值的变化是___________.(填:增大、减小或不变) 三、解答题


(其中x?0) (1)把任意一个分式除以前面一个分式,你发现了什么规律?


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