
内容发布更新时间 : 2024/9/20 7:45:32星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。


一.找出划线部分发音不同的选项。(15分) ( )l. A. have B. cake C. game D. grade ( )2. A. go B. so C.

do D. no ( )3. A. blue B. cup C. bus ( )4. A. give B. nice C. five ( )5. A. come B. brother C. some 二.看图填单词(15分)

1.There is a _______ on the _________.

2.My _______is on the _________ .

3.The _________ is in a red ________.

D. must D. bike D. home 4. The ________is _______the tree.

5. Two _____ are ______ the sky.

三.用am, is, are填空。 (15分) 1. My mother ________ a teacher.

2. My name _________ Mary. I _________ fourteen. 3. What color ________ your coats? They ________ yellow. 4. Who ________ that girl? She ________ Lucy. 5. What __________ that in English? It _________ a tree. 6. What ________ these? They ________ oranges.

7. The man ________ under the tree. His son and daughter______ in the car.

8. How many toy cars_________ there on the table? There ________only one.


( ) 1. What's this in English? It's _______ orange. It's ______ big orange.


a, an B. an, a C. the, the D. a, the

( ) 2. Where is Han Meimei? She is _________ home. A. at B. in C. to D. on

( ) 3. _________ is your pencil-box? It's light green. A. What colour B. Where C. Which D. What ( ) 4. What _________ you see in the picture? A. are B. can C. is D. x ( ) 5. I have a bird. _________ name is Polly. A. Its B. It's C. Is D. It

( ) 6.__________ is your sister? She's seven. A.

How many B. How old C. How D. Who

( ) 7. What class are you in? I'm in _________. A. class Five

Class five B. class five C. Class Five D.

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