
内容发布更新时间 : 2024/10/12 16:23:51星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。

Text A: Language focus: Words in use

1.deficient 2.prosecution 3.outrage 4.appeased 5.conformity 6.strand 7.complement 8.transient 9.appliances 10.outfit

Text A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 1

domination orientation confrontation composer binder scanner manufacturer erase imperialist leftist terrorist humanist

Text A: Language focus: Words building: Practice 2

1.domination 2.scanners 3.humanist 4.confrontation 5.leftists 6.orientation 7.erased 8.terrorists 9.manufacturers 10.binder 11.imperialists 12.composers

Text A > Language focus > Banked cloze (1) achieving (2) gorgeous (3) considered (4) context (5) accessories (6) appreciated (7) complexion (8) handsome

(9) comment (10) admiration

Text A > Language focus > Expressions in use

1.in hopes of 2.came up with 3.excused herself 4.was obsessed with 5.reaching out to 6.voice an opinion on 7.live up to 8.in terms of

Text B: Reading comprehension: Understanding


Text B > Language focus > Words in use

1.hampered 2.mortal 3.corrode 4.preface 5.embodies

6.interwoven 7.knit 8.collide 9.costume 10.predominant

Text B > Language focus > Expressions in use

1.enquired about 2.from a ... perspective 3.on the rise 4.be accountable to 5.are worn out 6.is exempt from 7.approve of 8.being addicted to

Collocation: : Practice 1

Collocation: : Practice 2

Unit 3

Text A: Language focus: Words in use

1.exquisite 2.dispersed 3.decentralized 4.deduce 5.fixture 6.frugality 7.administrate 8.disjointed 9.Reviving 10.elapse

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