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二.单项选择(共15题: 每小题1分,满分15分) 21.----Who is the boy in a red coat?

----He is Tom. He is ______eleven-year-old boy from England. A. a B.an C.the D./

22. Simon likes the colour of blue and he looks smart______dark blue. A. on B.of C.with D.in 23.---Daniel, can you pass me_____sugar? ---Look! Mum, there isn’t_______sugar now.

A. some;some B.some;any C.any;some D.any; any 24.---______do you watch TV every day, Jim? --- About one hour. A. How much B. How long C. How often D. How far 25.People in China______fireworks at night at important festivals. A. get off B. take off C.turn off D.let off 26.---Mom, there is no milk in the fridge.

---Oh, but there____ three bottles of orange juice in it. A. are B.isn’t C.aren’t D.is 27.---Listen! Who_____ in the music room? ---It must be Lily. She enjoys singing very much.

A.sing B.sings C. is singing D. sang 28. Everyone gets a gift packet and it______a T-shirt and a map. A.fits B.lends C.includes D.keeps 29.---Why is she late?

---_______. Maybe she gets up late.

A. I’m not sure B.I think so C.I don’t think so D.Yes,she is 30.There are twenty-five books on the teacher’s desk, we need_______books.

A. more five B. five another C.five more D.other five 31.How does the word menu pronounce(发音)?

A. [‘menju:] B.[‘m?nju:] C.[‘meinju:] D.[‘ma:nju:] 32.Which word is pronounced[p?:pl]?

A. pupil B.people C.pencil D.purple 33.It is 7 o’clock in the morning. It’s time _________.

A. to wake up him B.waking him up C. to wake him up D.for waking up him

34. It takes me 3 hours to buy a birthday present for Millie. The Present______32 yuan. A. takes B.costs C.spends D.pays 35.---I’m sorry for breaking your coffee cup.


A. You’re welcome B. That’s right C.All right D.That’s all right 三.完形填空(共10题:每小题1分,满分10分)

I am Lisa. I am 16 yeas old. I like fashion and I have a microblog. I update my microblog very often. 36 my microblog is all about children’s fashion.

There are three parts in my microblog. 37 are the latest children’s fashion, DIY and my design.

I 38 the news about the popular clothes every day and I know 39 colour is popular in different seasons. This autumn, light colours 40 yellow and pink will be popular. Jeans never go out of fashion to children.

I 41 throw away old clothes. I often make something new out of them. I design and make a lot of 42 things. I make a beautiful bag from an T-shirt. In my microblog, there are a number of pictures about how to 43 them. Children who like DIY 44 find a lot of fun there.

I wear long hair. I often change different 45 , as I think they should go well with different styles of clothes.

36. A. But B. Because C. And D. So

37. A.Our B.They C.We D.Their 38. A.write B.read C. look D. watch 39. A.what B.when C.where D.how 40. A.as B.with C.like D.on 41. A.often B.always C.usually D.never 42. A.new B.old C.clean D.free 43. A. Make B.buy C.feel D.take 44. A.can’t B.needn’t C.can D.need 45. A.clothes B.dresses C.hairstyles D.coats 四.阅读理解(共10小题:每小题2分,满分2分)


My Homesickness《乡愁》

Yu Guangzhong(October,1928-December,2017)

When I was young, my homesickness was a small stamp,

I was here, my mother was there.

After growing up,my homesickness was a narrow ticket,

I was here, my bride(新娘)was there. Later, my homesickness was a little tomb(坟墓),

I was outside,my mother was _________. And now, my homesickness is a shallow strait(海峡),

I am here,the mainland(大陆) is there.

46. How old was the writer when he died(去世)?

A. Sixty B.Seventy C.Eighty D.Ninety

47. Which of the words can we put in “ I was outside,my mother was _________.’ A. Outside B.downside C.upside D. inside

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