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123. The project manager identifies that a finish-to-start dependency for an activity on the critical path is missing. The project schedule was already communicated to the customer. What should the project manager have done to avoid this issue? A. Reviewed the work breakdown structure B. Conducted a schedule network analysis C. Prepared a risk management plan D. Conducted an earned value analysis

123.ÏîÄ¿¾­Àí·¢Ïֹؼü·¾¶ÉÏÒ»Ïî»î¶¯µÄ¿ªÊ¼µ½½áÊøÒÀÀµ¹ØϵÒÅ©ÁË¡£ÏîÄ¿½ø¶È¼Æ»®ÒѾ­Óë¿Í»§¹µÍ¨¡£ÈôÒª±ÜÃâÕâ¸öÎÊÌ⣬ÏîÄ¿¾­ÀíÓ¦¸ÃÊÂÏÈ×öʲô£¿ A.Éó²é¹¤×÷·Ö½â½á¹¹ B.½øÐнø¶ÈÍøÂç·ÖÎö c.Öƶ¨·çÏÕ¹ÜÀí¼Æ»® D.½øÐÐÕõÖµ·ÖÎö

124. A project¡¯s total cost is US$200,000. The project management requests a study to verify whether the project will run behind schedule. The project has a 35% chance ofincurring a penalty of US$20,000 due to a delay in completion. There is a 65% chance that the company will earn US$500,000 on the project. What is the expected monetary value? A. US$118,000 B. US$293,000 C. US$318, 000 D. US$325,000

124.ÏîÄ¿×ܳɱ¾ÎªUS$200£¬000.ÏîÄ¿¹ÜÀí°ì¹«ÊÒÒªÇó¿ªÕ¹Ò»ÏîÑо¿£¬À´ÑéÖ¤ÏîÄ¿ÊÇ·ñ»áÂäºóÓÚ½ø¶È¡£ÏîÄ¿ÓÐ35%µÄ»ú»á·¢ÉúÒòÍ깤ÑÓÆÚËùµ¼ÖµÄUS$20£¬000·£¿î¡£»¹ÓÐ65%µÄ»ú»á¹«Ë¾½«ÔÚÏîÄ¿ÖлñÀûUS$500£¬000¡£ÄÇôԤÆÚ»õ±Ò¼ÛÖµÊǶàÉÙ£¿ A. US$118,000 B. US$293,000 C. US$318,000 D. US$325,000

125. During project execution, 'the project manager discovers that a key supplier is having .financial difficultyand could discontinue operations. What should the project manager do to address the issue?

A, Organize a vendor conference and select a new supplier,

B. Request a quote from another supplier for the outstanding work,

C. Cancel the existing contract and award a similar contract to another supplier. D. Implement the risk response plan to control the risk


A.×éÖ¯Ò»´Î¹©Ó¦ÉÌ»áÒ飬²¢Ñ¡ÔñÒ»¸öÐµĹ©Ó¦ÉÌ¡£ B.ÇëÇóÁíÒ»¸ö¹©Ó¦É̶ÔÊ£Ó๤×÷±¨¼Û¡£



126. A project team reports that the peer review process has non-valued activities. The quality team must review the observations and process the overall adherence. Which of the following does the quality team perform? A. Quality adherence B. Quality audit C. Quality control D. Quality assurance


127. A project manager is assigned a project with a demanding client. The project is dynamic requires constant improvements and client feedback. Which of the following approaches should the project manager adopt for this project £¿

A. Extreme project management approach, as the project¡¯s goal is unclear: B. Agile project management approach, as it is fast and iterative

C. Traditional project management approach, as it is simple and intuitive D. Lean six-sigma management approach, as it fits the project constraints


ÏîÄ¿¾­ÀíÓ¦¸ÃΪ¸ÃÏîÄ¿²ÉÓÃÏÂÁÐÄÄÒ»¸ö·½·¨£¿ A.¼«¶ËÏîÄ¿¹ÜÀí·½·¨£¬ÒòΪÏîÄ¿Ä¿±ê²»Ã÷È· B.Ãô½ÝÏîÄ¿¹ÜÀí·½·¨£¬ÒòΪÆä¿ìËÙÇÒ¾ßÓÐÖظ´ÐÔ C.´«Í³ÏîÄ¿¹ÜÀí·½·¨£¬ÒòΪÆä¼òµ¥ÇÒÖ±¹Û


128. During project closing, the project manager reviews the deliverables with the customer. The customer expresses concern about a deliverable, and both parties agree that it does not comply with the requirements specification document. What should the project manager do-next? A. Accept the issue as a defect and create a change request. B. Evaluate the change. And update project documents.

C. Use a requirement traceability matrix to verify completed requirements. D. Establish that deliverables were validated by a key user.

128.ÔÚÏîÄ¿ÊÕβÆڼ䣬ÏîÄ¿¾­ÀíÓë¿Í»§Ò»ÆðÉó²é¿É½»¸¶³É¹û¡£¿Í»§±íʾ¶ÔÆäÖÐÒ»¸ö¿É½»¸¶³É¹ûµÄµ£ÐÄ£¬ÇÒË«·½¶¼Ò»ÖÂÈÏΪ¸Ã¿É½»¸¶³É¹û²»·ûºÏÐèÇó¹æ·¶Îĵµ¡£ ÏîÄ¿¾­Àí½ÓÏÂÀ´Ó¦¸ÃÔõô×ö£¿

A. ½ÓÊÜÕâ¸öÎÊÌâΪȱÏÝ£¬²¢´´½¨±ä¸üÇëÇó B. ÆÀ¼Û±ä¸ü²¢¸üÐÂÏîÄ¿Îĵµ

C. ʹÓÃÐèÇó¸ú×Ù¾ØÕ󣬺ËʵÒÑÍê³ÉµÄÐèÇó

D. Ö¤Ã÷¸Ã¿É½»¸¶³É¹ûÒѾ­ÓÉÒ»Ãû¹Ø¼üÓû§ºËʵ

129. In a project to upgrade a company¡¯s accounting application, the project manager sends weekly emails regarding the project¡¯s status and the next activities. A key user of the application complains that application outages are affecting their work performance. What should the project manager do next?

A. Continue working according to planned activities. B. Report the key user to their supervisor.

C. Review the stakeholder analysis and update to include the key user.

D.Review the stakeholder analysis and inform all stakeholders to include the key user in all emails 129.ÔÚÉý¼¶¹«Ë¾µÄ»á¼ÆÓ¦ÓóÌÐòÏîÄ¿ÖУ¬ÏîÄ¿¾­ÀíÿÖÜ·¢ËÍÒ»´ÎÓйØÏîĿ״̬ÒÔ¼°ºóÐø»î¶¯µÄµç×ÓÓʼþ¡£¸ÃÓ¦ÓóÌÐòµÄÒÔΪ¹Ø¼üÓû§±§Ô¹Ó¦ÓóÌÐòÓ°ÏìËûÃǵŤ×÷¼¨Ð§¡£ ÏîÄ¿¾­Àí½ÓÏÂÀ´Ó¦¸ÃÔõô×ö£¿ A. °´Õռƻ®»î¶¯¼ÌÐø¹¤×÷

B. ÏòÖ÷¹Ü±¨¸æ¸Ã¹Ø¼üÓû§µÄÇé¿ö

C. Éó²é¸ÉϵÈË·ÖÎö²¢¸üаüº¬¸Ã¹Ø¼üÓû§

D. ÉóºË¸ÉϵÈË·ÖÎö²¢Í¨ÖªËùÓиÉϵÈ˽«¸Ã¹Ø¼üÓû§°üº¬ÔÚËùÓеç×ÓÓʼþÖÐ

130. A team member complains to the project manager about the lack of praise for their achievements. To avoid this issue, what should the project manager have conducted in the develop project team phase? A. Personnel assessment tools B. Team performance assessment C. Recognition and rewards

D. Human resource management plan

130.Ò»ÃûÍŶӳÉÔ±ÏòÏîÄ¿¾­Àí±§Ô¹ÏîĿȱ·¦¶ÔËûÃÇËùÈ¡µÃ³É¾ÍµÄ¹ÄÀø¡£Îª±ÜÃâÕâ¸öÎÊÌ⣬ÏîÄ¿¾­ÀíÓ¦ÔÚ½¨ÉèÏîÄ¿ÍŶӽ׶οªÕ¹ÄÄÒ»Ï A. ÈËÔ±ÆÀ¹À¹¤¾ß B. ÍŶӼ¨Ð§ÆÀ¹À C. ÈÏ¿ÉÓë½±Àø

D. ÈËÁ¦×ÊÔ´¹ÜÀí¼Æ»®

131. After the project team has brainstormed project risks, what should the project manager do next?

A. Analyze and prioritize the risk. B, Assign risk owner

C. Identify risk mitigation strategies, D. Report the risks to the stakeholders.

131.ÔÚÏîÄ¿ÍŶӶÔÏîÄ¿·çÏÕÍ·ÄԷ籩ºó£¬ÏîÄ¿¾­ÀíÏÂÒ»²½Ó¦¸ÃÔõô×ö£¿ A. ·ÖÎö²¢½øÐзçÏÕÓÐÏÞÅÅÐò B. ·ÖÅä·çÏÕ¸ºÔðÈË C. È·¶¨·çÏÕ¼õÇáÕ½ÂÔ D. Ïò¸ÉϵÈ˱¨¸æ·çÏÕ

132. After completing the final development of the produce, the project manager is ready to

transfer the ownership of the project¡¯s deliverables to the on-going support team. Which of the following is an input for the project¡¯s next phase? A. lessons learned

B. Project scope statement C. Project management plan D. Completed milestone list 132.Íê³É²úÆ·µÄ×îÖÕ¿ª·¢Ö®ºó£¬ÏîÄ¿¾­Àí×¼±¸ÏòÏîÄ¿¿É½»¸¶³É¹ûµÄËùÓÐȨÒƽ»¸ø³ÖÐøÖ§³ÖÍŶӡ£ÏÂÁÐÄÄÒ»ÏîÊôÓÚÏîÄ¿ÏÂÒ»¸ö½×¶ÎµÄÊäÈ룿 A.¾­Ñé½Ìѵ

B.ÏîÄ¿·¶Î§ËµÃ÷Êé C.ÏîÄ¿¹ÜÀí¼Æ»®

D. ÒÑÍê³ÉµÄÀï³Ì±®Çåµ¥

133. Local community leaders express concern regarding the start of a construction project, which could cause delays to the project. The project manager would like to analyze and document.

A. Power/interest grid

B. Communications management plan

C. Stakeholders engagement assessment matrix D. Stakeholder register

133.µ±µØÉçÇøÁìµ¼±í´ï¶Ô¿ªÊ¼Ò»¸öÊ©¹¤ÏîÄ¿µÄµ£ÓÇ£¬Õâ¿ÉÄܻᵼÖÂÏîÄ¿ÑÓÆÚ¡£ÏîÄ¿¾­ÀíÏëÒª·ÖÎö²¢¼Ç¼ÒÑʶ±ð¹Ø¼üÏîÄ¿¸ÉϵÈ˵ÄÏë·¨¡£ ÏîÄ¿¾­ÀíÓ¦¸ÃʹÓÃÏÂÁÐÄÄÒ»Ï A. ȨÀû/ÀûÒæ·½¸ñ B. ¹µÍ¨¹ÜÀí¼Æ»®

C. ¸ÉϵÈ˲ÎÓëÆÀ¹À¾ØÕó D. ¸ÉϵÈ˵ǼDzá

134. A project manager obtains seller responses, as well as selects a seller to provide one of project¡¯s key components. The project manager completed which of the following processes? A. Control Procurements

B. Direct and Manage Project Work C. Plan Procurement Management D. Conduct Procurements

134.ÏîÄ¿¾­Àí»ñµÃ¹©Ó¦É̻ظ´£¬²¢Ñ¡ÔñÁËÒ»Ãû¹©Ó¦ÉÌÌṩÏîÄ¿µÄÆäÖÐÒ»¸ö¹Ø¼ü×é³É²¿·Ö¡£ÏîÄ¿¾­ÀíÍê³ÉµÄÊÇÏÂÁÐÄÄÒ»¸ö¹ý³Ì£¿ A. ¿ØÖƲɹº

B. ÖªµÀºÍ¹ÜÀíÏîÄ¿¹¤×÷ C. ¹æ»®²É¹º¹ÜÀí D. ½øÐвɹº

135. A project manager is asked to estimate an activity's duration. Using historical information, the project manager learns that this activity has routinely taken 12 days to complete. The project anger¡¯s colleague works on a similar project and performed the activity in 10 days. However, the

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