
内容发布更新时间 : 2024/7/2 23:04:50星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。

( )51. A. dinner B. breakfast C. lunch ( )52. A. go ( )53. A. shoes

D. fruit

B. see C. help D. need

B. shorts C. socks

D. skirts

D. but

( )54. A. well ( )55. A. long

B. because C. so

B. big C. short D. right

四、阅读理解(一) (每小题2分,共20分) 根据下列短文,选择最佳选项。


There is a western restaurant. The food there is delicious (可口的). Tina and Lisa go there to have lunch. Tina likes hamburgers and ice-cream. Lisa likes fruit salad and fried (油炸的) chicken. It’s Tina’s birthday and they have a great dinner there. Here’s the food they eat.

( )56. Tina and Lisa go there to _____ on Tina’s birthday. A. buy clothes

B. buy food C. have breakfast D. have dinner

( )57. The underlined phrase (短语) “western restaurant” means “____________” in Chinese. A. 菜单

B. 中餐厅 C. 西餐厅

D. 食堂

( )58. How much is an ice-cream? A. $0.9. B. $1.5.

C. $2. D. $4.

( )59. How much do they need to pay for the food? A. $16.8. B. $33. C. $14.4.

D. $12.8.

( )60. You cannot eat _____ in this restaurant. A. fruit C. chicken

B. pizza D. rice


Mrs. Smith is Jeremy’s mother. She loves her family very much. She often goes to the store to buy healthy food,

fruit and clothes for Jeremy and Jeremy’s father.

Now the clothes are on sale at the clothes store. Mrs. Smith comes to the store and she wants to buy some clothes for her family. They have sweaters in all colors for ¥20 and sports shoes for ¥28. Mrs. Smith likes the red sweater and she buys a red one for herself (她自己). She buys a pair of sports shoes for Jeremy. And the T-shirts in this store are only ¥18. She buys a white one for Mr. Smith. But that’s not all. The socks are ¥2 a pair, so she buys six pairs of socks in three colors for her family. She is really a good mother and a good wife (妻子). ( )61. Mrs. Smith likes the _______. A. red sweater B. blue T-shirt C. green sweater D. red hat

( )62. Mrs. Smith buys ______ for Mr. Smith. A. a pair of shoes B. a white T-shirt C. a blue T-shirt

D. a white sweater

( )63. How much are all the things Mrs. Smith buys? A. ¥78. B. ¥68. C. ¥48. D. ¥88. ( )64. We can see that __________. A. Mr. Smith goes to the store to buy clothes B. Jeremy goes shopping with her mother C. Mrs. Smith is a good teacher D. Mrs. Smith likes red

( )65. What does this passage mainly tell us? A. Jeremy and her mother. B. The clothes Jeremy likes. C. The clothes Mrs. Smith buys.

D. The healthy food, fruit and clothes for Jeremy’s family. 五、单词拼写(每小题1分,共10分)

根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式。 66. The jackets in this clothes s_________ are very nice. 67. How m____________ is this TV? 68. There are t_________ days in January.

69. The fruit is on s___________. Please come and have a look. 70. A_________ of us know Li Na well. She’s a great sports star. 71. The ________ (男孩) in black is my classmate Mike. 72. Hamburgers in this store are ____________ (非常) delicious. 73. Do you want to ___________(买) some fruit?

74. I have a __________ (双) of white shoes and a blue sweater. 75. Excuse me, do you know the ________ (价格) of the carrots?

六、选词填空 (每小题1分,共5分)


for, need, only, they, vegetable Hello! Welcome to Sunshine Store! What you 76. ______ is just what we have!

We have fresh (新鲜的) 76. ______, fruit, meat (肉), nice clothes and shoes. Now clothes and shoes are on sale! The T-shirt is 78. _________ $8. We also have hats and sweaters in all colors. The black hat is only $4. The white sweater is $16, the red sweater is $19 and the blue one is $20. Trousers are 79. ______ you, too. Black trousers and blue trousers are $12. And the shorts are $14. You can buy 80. ____ at a good price. Come and see for yourself at Sunshine Store.

七、词形转换 (每小题2分,共10分)

根据句意,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。 81. How much ________ (be) the socks? 82. These are Bill’s _________ (shoe).

83. Come and ____________ (have) hamburgers at our store! 84. We have many things at our great __________ (sell). 85. Can you help _______________ (I)? 八、阅读理解(二) (每小题2分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。

I’m Helen and I have a brother Tony. Next to my home is a square (广场). An old grandma always sells light sticks (荧光棒) in nice colors there.

One day, I play with Tony and his friend on the square, and we meet the grandma there. My brother likes light sticks very much. So I go to the grandma with him. “How much is one light stick, Grandma?” I ask. “One dollar,” she says.

“OK. Here is the money,” I say to her.

After getting a blue stick and a green stick, we want to leave. But Grandma says that she doesn’t take the money. I don’t know what to do. Then I give another (另外的) two dollars to her.

The next day, we meet the grandma on the square. She says sorry to us and gives the money back to me. 86. Where is Helen’s home?

______________________________________ 87. Who does Helen buy the light sticks for? ______________________________________ 88. What color are the lights sticks Helen buys? ______________________________________ 89. How much does Helen give the grandma in all?


90. What’s the passage mainly about (这篇文章主要关于什么)? ______________________________________ 九、书面表达 (共10分)

假设“Meichen Hat Store”正在举办促销活动,请你根据下表及英文提示词,为该店写一则促销广告。

提示词:welcome, on sale, only 要求:

1. 语句通顺、语意连贯、语法正确; 2. 包含表格所给信息,并可适当发挥;

3. 不少于50词(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 Meichen Hat Store Is On Sale!

Welcome to Meichen Hat Store. ____________________________________________________



Unit 7参考答案

二、31-35 BDBCA 36-40 BDDDB 41-45 DBBCA 三、46-50 BCADB 51-55 AADCB 四、56-60 DCAAD 61-65 ABADC

五、66. store 67. much 68. thirty-one 69. sale 70. All 71. boy 72. very 73. buy 74. pair 75. price 六、76. need 77. vegetables 78. only 79. for 80. them 七、81. are 82. shoes 83. have 84. sale 85. me 八、

86. It’s next to a square. 87. Her brother. 88. Blue and green.

89. Four dollars. / 4 dollars.

90. It’s about buying the light sticks.


Meichen Hat Store Is On Sale!

Welcome to Meichen Hat Store. We are on sale now! All our women’s hats, men’s hats and children’s hats are on sale. Do you like them? We have men’s hats in brown, white and black for only 18 dollars. And we have women’s hats and children’s hats in all colors for only 12 dollars and 10 dollars. Come and buy at Meichen Hat Store now!

Unit 8 二、单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)

从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( )31. — Do you have ________ art festival this week? — Yes, _____ festival is really interesting. A. a; the B. an; the C. the; an

D. an; an

( )32. — My birthday is ___________ July 10th, what about yours? — Mine is ______ October. A. in; in C. on; in

B. on; on D. in; on

( )33. We read March 3 “___________”. A. March three B. three March C. March the third D. the third March ( )34. — When is your birthday, Lucy? — My birthday is on _________. A. February 12th B. the February 15th C. the February 21st D. February 31st

( )35. Tom has ________ classes today. Chinese is the ________ one of all the classes. A. eight; fifth B. eighth; five C. eight; five D. eighth; fifth

( )36. — ____________ is the party, Mom? — Next week.

A. How B. When C. Who D. Where

( )37. — Would you like __________ basketball with me? — Yes, but I’m busy _____________ my homework now. A. playing; to do B. to play; to do C. to play; doing

D. playing; doing

( )38. — ______ you a tennis player? — No, but my brother ______.

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