
内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/23 1:35:24星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。

1. cash against documents 2. duplicate order 3. financial standing 4. initial order 5. first order 6. trial order

7. pave the way for 8. friendly cooperation 9. make out a contract 10. draft (n.) 11. draw up

12. sales contract 13. in duplicate 14. for one’s file r 15. stipulation 16. AQSIQ 17. CCPIT

18. terms and conditions 19. shipping marks

20. original sales contract 21. name of commodity 22. specification

23. commodity inspection

B. Into English: 1. 订单 2. 执行订单 3. 销售确认书 4. 拒绝订单 5. 一式两份

6. 向某人订购某种货物 7. 续订单 8. 接受订单 9. 付款条件 10. 提交 11. 确认订单 12. 销售确认书 13. 供某人详阅 14. 向某人订某货 15. 随后的修改 16. 一式三份 17. 一式四份 18. 一式五份 19. 与……符合 20. 合同条款 21. 供某人参考 22. 溢短装条款 23. 仲裁 24. 不可抗力

25. 品质和重量检验证书 26. 目的港

27. 对外经济贸易仲裁委员会 28. 总金额

29. 海洋运输货物保险条款


30. 付款条件

II. Translate the following letter into Chinese:

Dear Sirs,

Thanks for your quotation sheet and samples sent on 7 June. Both the price and quality are satisfactory, so we now place a trial order for 1,000 dozen.

For your information, women’s cashmere coats are in great demand in Toronto and prices are much high. But the customers here are very selective. Therefore, we must stress the importance of quality and design. If these coats are of superior quality and attractive design, we are sure they will have a good market in Toronto.

As the amount of this order is not big, we recommend payment by T/T.

We look forward to your early confirmation.

Yours faithfully,

III. Translate the following letter into English:



我们确认向你方供应1,000台球桌(snooker tables),每台400美元成本加运保费洛杉矶,十月份交货。付款条件为保兑的、不可撤销的、以我方为受益人的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证。

我们确信你们会对我们产品的优良品质感到满意。 如有任何其他要求,请尽管告知。


IV. Write English letters based on the following information:

Letter 1:

1. 经过一番洽谈,各项条件均谈妥,因此我们决定订购1,000台海尔牌微波炉

2. 海尔产品在此地声誉很好,因其品质优良,售后服务也不错,因此希望和海尔建立长期的

业务关系,如第一批货销得很好,将大量续订。 3. 期望早日收到销售合同。

Letter 2:

1. 感谢买方5,000只女式皮包的订单。

2. 保证按时优质履行订单,并请对方务必及时开证以免耽误装运。

3. 告知对方,除所订的一款外,我们还经营更多的、各种各样的时装包,并随附插图目录。


Unit Seven Packing


Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. cardboard carton 2. seaworthy packing


3. fragile products 4. shipping instructions 5. in transit

6. in perfect condition 7. foamed plastics 8. kraft paper bag 9. in bad condition 10. double gunny bag 11. heat-proof 12. shock proof 13. wind-proof

14. water-proof paper 15. ocean transportation 16. polybag 17. be lined with 18. warning marks 19. indicative marks 20. square meter

B. Into English: 1. 内包装 2. 装箱单 3. 外包装 4. 出口包装 5. 粗鲁搬运 6. 木箱 7. 海洋运输 8. 中性包装 9. 大号 10. 中号 11. 小号 12. 特大号 13. 防潮纸 14. 出口标准 15. 国际标准 16. 装船唛头 17. 毛重 18. 小心轻放 19. 净重 20. 保持干燥

II. Translate the following letter into Chinese:

Dear Sirs,

Thanks for your letter of July 1st. As requested, we will make packing arrangements as follows:

Women’s eather shoes are first packed one pair in a polybag, then in a paper box, 10 boxes to a carton lined with water-proof paper, bound with straps outside. S/1, M/6, L/2, XL/1 per case, with equal assortment of white, red and black. You may rest assured that our cartons are strong enough and seaworthy.

We hope the above arrangements will turn out to your satisfaction and await your early confirmation, so that we may have the goods prepared.

Yours faithfully,



Translate the following letter into English:







Letter 1:

1. 向卖方订购10,000箱矿泉水;

2. 包装要求:每瓶500毫升,12瓶装一纸箱,2纸箱装一塑料箱,内包装务请美观以利销售,

外包装务请坚固以便长途海运; 3. 请卖方按要求包装并按时装运。

Write English letters based on the following information:

Letter 2:

1. 感谢买方订购1千台联想(Lenovo)牌电脑;

2. 每台电脑先装一塑料袋,再装一纸板箱,内衬防潮纸,并垫有泡沫塑料,外用两根打包带

加固,2箱装一托盘; 3. 希望对方对包装满意。 4.

Unit Eight Transportation


Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. shipping company 2. shipping documents 3. liner 4. tramp 5. sailing date 6. port of shipment 7. port of destination 8. port of loading

9. port of discharge/unloading 10. transshipment B. Into English: 1. 运输方式 2. 装运时间 3. 装运港 4. 分批装运

5. 运输标志,唛头 6. 装运通知 7. 装运要求


8. 9. 10. 11. 舱位

运输代理,货代\\ 海运提单 清洁提单


Translate the following letter into Chinese:

Dear Sirs,

We are in receipt of your letter of April 5.

We regret very much to inform you that, despite great efforts made by us, we are still unable to book space of a direct vessel sailing for Jakarta. The shipping company here told us that, for the time being, there is no regular vessel sailing between ports in China and Jakarta. Therefore it is very difficult for us to ship these 10,000 metric tons of sugar to Jakarta direct.

In view of the difficult situation faced by us, please allow transshipment at Hong Kong where arrangements can easily be made for transshipment. Your agreement to our requests and your understanding of our position will be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,


Write an English letter based on the following information:


Unit Nine Terms of Payment


Translate the following terms and expressions:

A. Into Chinese:

1. confirmed irrevocable letter of credit 2. D/P

3. remain valid for negotiation in China 4. check (cheque) 5. promissory note 6. D/D

7. draw (a draft) on sb 8. payment by installment

B. Into English: 1. 定金

2. 凭即期汇票支付的 3. 一般支付条件 4. 电汇 5. 信用卡 6. 托收 7. 预付 8. 信汇 9. 畅销


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