
内容发布更新时间 : 2024/6/26 7:57:41星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。




摘 要








This dissertation takes the auxiliary house projects of Shanghai Qiu Yu primary school as the research subject, and take the formation of construction draw budget as the main content. This construction draw budget applies the fixed pricing model, strictly conforms to the \Consumption and a Unified Base Price Table\[1], \Engineering and Unified Base Price Table\[2] (2003) as the basis for the formation, calculates the work quantity of several projects, then use the fixed consumption to calculate the direct project cost, finally, taking the direct

project fees as the basic price, considering the local fee standard for the cost rates, calculates the construction management fee, fixed fees, profits and taxis, and eventually the completed Civil engineering construction drawing budget is obtained.

The main findings of this dissertation are as follow: the budgeting of a complete system of civil construction draw is finished, the fixed pricing principle, methods and process is revealed by nature. At the same time, during the construction draw budgeting process, the knowledge structure of the author is broadened, the theoretical level and the skill of operating the counting quantity software are improved, and all of these skills are sure to show their benefits in the future.

Key Words: Budgeting of the Construction Draw; Fixed Amount Budget;

Engineering Quantity

目 录

序 言 .................................................... 1

(一)选题背景及意义 ...................................... 1 (二)施工图预算的概念介绍 ................................ 1 (三)主要内容和设计方法 .................................. 2 一 工程概况 ................................................ 3

(一)自然环境状况 ........................................ 3 (二)工程建筑设计概况 .................................... 3

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