Unit 12Culture Shock重点单词短语句型及练习(含答案)

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④The meeting didn’t come_to_an_end until 12 o’clock.

Decide where to go on holiday with a friend.


句中where to go on holiday...为“特殊疑问词+不定式”结构,在句中作宾语。 wh-疑问词后跟动词不定式构成的短语,可以在句子中作主语、宾语、表语,还可以作 定语(注意:why后不能直接跟动词不定式)。

①When and where to have a meeting hasn’t been decided yet.(作主语) 何时何地举行会议还没有确定。

②The question many students are puzzled about is how to learn English well.(作表语) 很多学生为之困惑的问题是怎样学好英语。 ◎ 巧学巧练4


①He told us whether to_have (have) a picnic was still under discussion.

②With the Teachers’ Day approaching,we’ve decided which classrooms to_decorate (decorate).


③(2014·江西卷写作)我很荣幸在这里和大家交流在高中要学习什么的看法。 It













on_what_to_learn_in_senior_high_school. I had a similar experience the last time I visited China.上次我参观中国时有过类似


the last time从属连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“最后一次??” (1)名词词组作连词用,引导时间状语从句的还有: each time每当??的时候 the+序数词+time第??次 the+瞬间名词(moment/minute/instant) next time


①The last time I saw the boy,he was playing with water by the river. 上次我见到那男孩时,他正在河边玩水。

②I think of the happy hours we spent together every time I see these photos.每次看到这些照片,我都会想起我们一起度过的美好时光。

◎ 巧学巧练5 基础练习(单句改错)

①We may feel funny at the first time we see the picture,but after feeling funny we must be ashamed and angry.

答案: 去掉at

②They rushed out on the moment they heard the shout for help. 答案: 去掉on 能力提升(单句写作)

③Every_time_I_pass_the_school (每当我经过学校),I think of my first English teacher. ④Next_time_you_come_to_Beijing (下次你来北京),be sure to let me know in advance.


1.Something should be done to prevent the lake from________(pollute). 答案: being polluted

2.I used to________(stay) up late playing computer games,but now I have got used to________(go) to bed early.

答案: stay;going

3.The writer was so absorbed in his writing________he forgot to throw away the cigarette before it burnt his hand.

答案: that

4.The headmaster agreed to consider the students’ request that the school library________(be) open at weekends.

答案: (should) be

5.Mary is________ (attach) to her mother,so if she goes abroad,she may feel homesick. 答案: attached

6.I rang up the theatre________(book) seats for tonight. 答案: to book

7.The matter________(relate) to people’s health surely requires dealing with carefully. 答案: related

8.Even if she can afford________(go) to America for a holiday,she wouldn’t go there. 答案: to go

9.If you become rich,you have a difficult time________(know) who your real friends are. 答案: knowing

10.Two-thirds of them died or got________(injure) during the earthquake. 答案: injured

11.As far as I know,Mark is a(n)________(caution) shopper who always does some careful research on the market before he buys something valuable.

答案: cautious

12.People spend many years learning about favorite sports and________(practice) how to do them well.

答案: practicing

13.The hurricane came to________end at midnight,having caused great damage to the crops of our town.

答案: an

14.Exchange your idea________your partner and then write it down. 答案: with

15.Forgive me ________having taken up so much of your time and accept my best wishes for your health and happiness.

答案: for Ⅱ.单句语法改错

1.As a student,it is bad manner to come late to class. 答案: manner→manners

2.Hearing the exciting news,the boy couldn’t help jump with joy. 答案: jump→jumping

3.He demanded a apology from me for not going to his birthday party. 答案: a→an

4.The food served by the school canteen do not taste very good. 答案: do→doesn’t

5.Passengers injuring in the accident were soon rushed to the nearest hospital. 答案: injuring→injured

6.Only when I came back from work that evening I realize I had left the keys in the office. 答案: evening后加did Ⅲ.单句写作

1.I________________________(过去是一个以自我为中心的人),but in the past two years I have really changed.

答案: used to be a very self-centred person

2.David________________________(坚持实施) his crazy plan,even though we all did our best to persuade him not to.(insist)

答案: insisted on carrying out

3.I________________________(正在街上闲逛) that morning when it suddenly occurred to me that I had an appointment with my doctor.(wander)

答案: was wandering in the street 4.Though









still____________________________(使他自己被理解有困难) in the language.(make)

答案: had difficulty making himself understood

5.We must work hard.At the same time,we should also______________________(非常重视) our physical fitness.(attach)

答案: attach great importance to Ⅳ.话题写作

根据提示,利用本单元所学知识,完成下面的小作文并背诵成文。 1.上次去美国时我有一次难忘的经历。(the last time)

2.由于我英语不好,我不知道如何乘出租车。(owing to,have difficulty in doing) 3.幸好一位热心的妇女让我搭了个便车。(give sb.a lift) 4.她还告诉我如何乘车、如何问路等。(连接副词+不定式)

5.我意识到学好英语可以帮助我们跟外国人沟通和交流思想。(communicate with,exchange)


I had an unforgettable experience the last time I went to America.Owing to my poor English,I had difficulty in taking a taxi.Luckily,a warm-hearted woman gave me a lift.Besides,she told me how to take a taxi and how to ask for ways.I really appreciated her help and realised it’s of great help to learn English well,which can help us communicate with foreigners and exchange ideas.

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