【精品】2019-2020沪教牛津版英语四年级下册Module 4测试题

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四年级英语下册Module 4测试题

姓名 班级 分数


一、Listen and choose.听录音,选出你所听到的词。(10分)

( )1. A.mouse B.mouth C.moth D.mop ( )2. A.glass B.grass C.green D.grow ( )3. A.Whose B.Where C.What D.Who ( )4. A.street B.stand C.stop D.stones ( )5. A.let B.live C.leaf D.leave ( )6. A.Whose B.Who C.Who’s D.Where ( )7. A.on B.under C.in D.at ( )8. A.have B.hand C.has D.head ( )9. A.small B.smell C.smile D.scarf ( )10. A.birds B.birthday C.bus D.ladybirds

二、Listen and number. 听录音,给句子排序。(10分)

( )It has got a big trun. Its trun is brown. ( )There are many peaches on the tree. ( )Loo at the peach tree over there. ( )The peaches are pin. They are sweet. ( )It has got long roots.

三、Listen and choose.听对话,选择正确答案。(10分)

( )1. itty’s friend is ___________.

A. Alice B. Barbie C. Jenny ( )2. Jenny is ____________.

A. tall and fat B. short and fat C. short and thin ( )3. Jenny is _________ classmate.

A. Peter’s B. Peter’s sister’s C. Peter’s brother’s ( )4. Jenny has ___________.

A. small eyes and big ears B. big eyes and small ears

C. small eyes and small ears

( )5. Jenny doesn’t lie __________.

A. sweets or mil B. mil or Coe C. sweets or lemons

笔试部分 (共68分)

一、Thin and write. 按要求写出下列单词。(6分)

1.sheep(复数) 2. leaf(复数) 3. hear (同音词) 4. flour (同音词) 5. long (反义词) 6. big (反义词)

二、Thin and choose. 选词填空。(14分)

A. 请在题签括号内填上所选单词的序号

A. My B. Their C. His D. Her E. Its F. fat ( )1. I am a student. I am ten. name is Lily. ( )2. This is my brother. name is Peter. ( )3. Loo at the plant. flowers are red. ( )4. Lily has a new bag. bag is pin.

( )5. itty and Alice are classmates. English teacher is Miss Gao.


A. do B. farm C. are D. four E. lie F. fat G. Loo at H. on I. lie

Where they? They are the . How many horses? There are . What they lie? They hay. these pigs. Are they ? Yes, they are very fat. Do they lie corm? Yes, they .

三、Thin and choose. 选择填空。(15分)

( )1.This is my ite. That’s ite.

A. I B. you C. his

( )2.My father a driver. He a car.

A. has…is B. is…has C. is…is

( )3.–Whose sateboard is this?

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