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Management of private enterprises pay the existing

problems and countermeasures

Abstract: The reform and opening up nearly 30 years of development, China's private enterprises have made great achievements. However, private enterprises in human resources management, especially the salary management, there are still many non-standard and unscientific, China's private enterprises hinder the further development. Pay the modern enterprise management is an indispensable and vital factor in the current business and are willing to spend more concerned about a great effort to explore how to get talent and retain talent and make good use of talents. Motivate staff as the most direct and basic pay system on the course was highly valued.

This paper outlines pay management theory, especially in the rough on economic management scholars and academics to pay the theory of management studies, based on in-depth analysis of the present stage of private enterprises in pay administration in the main problems from different angles full Analysis of these issues the cause, exploratory put forward measures to solve these problems.

Key words: privately operated enterprise; human capital; salary management; “inherent salary”

目 录

摘要.... 1

第1章 绪 论.... 2

1.1本论文的背景... 3

1.2国内外薪酬管理发展阶段及理论研究... 3 1.2.1国外企业薪酬管理的发展过程... 3 1.2.2我国企业薪酬管理的发展过程... 5 1.3本课题的目的、意义以及研究方法... 5

第2章 民营企业薪酬管理存在的误区及原因分析.... 6

2.1民营企业薪酬管理存在的误区... 7 2.1.1忽视薪酬体系中的“内在薪酬”... 7 2.1.2老板拍板模式... 7

2.1.3“厚福利可以吸引并留住人才”. 7 2.1.4刚性薪资的激励功能不足... 8

2.2民营企业薪酬管理误区产生的深层次原因分析... 8 2.2.1民营企业性质和营运特点是根本原因... 8 2.2.2民营企业家的素质是直接原因... 8

2.2.3民营企业家的认识偏差和人生观具有重要影响... 9

第3章 优化民营企业薪酬管理的对策.... 9

3.1将“内在薪酬”作为薪酬管理创新的重要领域... 10 3.1.1将“内在薪酬”作为薪酬管理创新的重要领域... 10 3.1.2建立弹性的福利计划... 10

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