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anted to trick their famous___32___ They got some insects (昆虫) These insects ere not the same kind In fact, they ere all ___33___ The students took parts from each insect Then they put the parts together They made a(n) ____34___insect! 21cnjycom

The___35___ took the fake (假的) insect to Carver “Mr Carver,” they said \e___36___an insect We don't kno hat it is Please___37___ us, Mr Carver\

Carver looked at the insect He said, “I ___38___ hat this insect is This is a trick insect!\as not ___39___ He liked to joke ith his students In fact, Carver took good care of his students He helped them in the ___40___, and he helped them out of school Carter as so clever that he even taught farmers ho to gro good crops(庄稼). ( ) 31 A so

B because D hen B doctor D farmer B delicious D clean B natural D ne B teachers D farmers

C if

( ) 32 A teacher C student ( ) 33 A different

C safe ( ) 34 A traditional

C old ( ) 35 A orkers C students ( ) 36 A dre

B found

D liked

C called

( ) 37 A study B ask C help ( ) 38 A discuss C forget

D play B kno D prefer

( ) 39 A angry B happy C cheerful ( ) 40 A home C park V 阅读理解。(30分)

D nervous B school D zoo

A)阅读下列材料, 从每题所给的四个选项选出最佳答案。(共20小题,每小题1分)


Sally Ride could see far She could look east She could look est She could look north She could look south She could see many countries She could see them all at the same time Where could Sally Ride be?

Sally Ride as in space She as in a spaceship Sally Ride as an astronaut She left Earth in 1983 The date as June 18th She came back on June 24th She traveled ith four other astronauts They traveled in the spaceship Challenger

Challenger orbited (绕轨道而行) Earth When something orbits something, it goes around it Ho long did it take Challenger to orbit Earth? It took\sixteen times in just one day

Sally Ride orked hard to become an astronaut She studied for many years She had to have special training The training as hard ork Sally Ride as a good astronaut She ent into space tice Sally Ride then became a teacher

( ) 41 What does the first paragraph tell us? A Where Sally Ride as

B What Sally Ride could do in space C Who Sally Ride as

D What Sally Ride could see in space ( ) 42 Challenger left Earth on _______

A June 18th B June 24th

C June 26th D July 20th

( ) 43 Ho many astronauts traveled in the spaceship Challenger?21·世纪教育网

A 1 B 2 C 4 D 5

( ) 44 Ho long did it take Challenger to orbit Earth?

A Sixteen hours B One and a half hours C To hours D One day

( ) 45 After being an astronaut, Ride became a ______21教育名师原创作品

A singer B doctor

C riter D teacher


Abe had a stepmother Abe loved his stepmother very much Abe's stepmother used to tease (取笑) him about being tall \天花板) dirty\

Abe's stepmother liked things to be clean Every spring, she cleaned their house She even hiteashed the ceiling Abe looked at the hiteashed ceiling He looked at ho clean and hite it as Then, Abe thought of a ay to laugh at his stepmother

Abe ent to a little boy \mud Then, Abe picked up the boy He carried the boy into the house Then, Abe turned the boy upside don Abe held the boy up high so that the boy's feet touched the ceiling Abe held the boy up as he alked across the ceiling Abe's stepmother as surprised hen she sa the footprints She laughed She liked Abe's joke

( ) 46 What can e kno about Abe from the passage? A He hated his stepmother B He as very tall

C He liked playing ith little children

D He as very handsome

( ) 47 When did Abe's stepmother clean their house?

A Every spring B Every summer C Every autumn

D Every inter

( ) 48 Ho did the little boy go to the house? A He ran there B Abe drove him there C He alked there D Abe carried him there

( ) 49 Ho did Abe tease his stepmother? A He made the ceiling clean B He told her to clean the boy's feet C He made some footprints on the ceiling D He rote an interesting note

( ) 50 The riter rote the passage to _____ 【出处:21教育名师】 A introduce a famous person B introduce a famous family C tell us a story

D encourage us to tease our mother


People in the orld need to save ater This may seem strange to you because nearly 70% of the Earth is covered ith ater But about 97% of that is sea ater, or salt ater Man can only drink and use the other 3% — the fresh ater from rivers, lakes and other sources And e can not use all of that And some of it is dirty In fact, the fresh ater is still enough for us today, but our need for ater is becoming larger and larger quickly So e all have to learn ho to stop asting our valuable ater First, e should find ays of using ater tice or many times Today, in many large cities, ater is used only once and then sent out Second, e should find ays to make use of the sea ater in the orld We can remove the salt from it It is a good but difficult ay to solve the ater problem If e take these steps, e can save a lot of ater21教育网

( ) 51 People in the orld need to save ater because _______ according to the passage A e need more ater to drink

B e can only drink and use less than 3% of the ater in the orld21·cn·jy·com C only 70% of the Earth's surface is ater

D e send out a lot of ater

( ) 52 Which of the folloing can replace (代替) the underlined part? A add the salt to B make the salt in

C get the salt aay from D use the salt in

( ) 53 Ho many ays did the riter tell us to save ater in this passage?

A One B To

C Three D Four

( ) 54 A good but difficult ay to solve the ater problem of the orld is to_____ A remove the salt from sea ater B make the ater in cities clean C take ater from rivers D stop using ater

( ) 55 We may read this passage in a_____

A magazine B storybook

C comic book D cook book


A But B borro C too D finished E rode F started Sue: Eric, you (56) _______ a bike to school this morning Why? Eric: Don't you kno, Sue? No I go to school by bike every day Sue: (57) ______ you used to take the bus to school, didn’t you?

Eric: Yes, I did But the doctor said I am (58) _______ heavy and I need to exercise So I (59)

______ to go to school by bike

Sue: I see Can I (60) ________ your bike this afternoon? Eric: Sure Here is the key

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