内容发布更新时间 : 2025/3/7 0:04:36星期一 下面是文章的全部内容请认真阅读。
II. Teaching Importance and Difficulties(教学重点及难点) 1. The usage of new words and phrases
2. Using context clues to find out the meaning of words 3. Understanding paragraphs-How to identify the Main Idea. 4. Reading skills: Dealing with Synonyms and Antonyms III. Teaching Methods(教学方法) Teaching Discussing Practicing
IV. Teaching Time(教学时数): 4 periods V. Teaching Content(教学内容) 1. Lead- in Questions:
In what ways does critical thinking transform thinking?
What are some of the obstacles to the development of critical thinking? What are the standards for assessing our thinking and the thinking of others? 2. vocabulary in context Enlighten
vt. 启发,启蒙; 开导,教导; 〈古〉照耀 arouse; inspire ~sb. on a subject 使某人明白某问题 This book will ~ the reader. 这本书将会启发读者。
启迪后人inspire and ~ the future generation
超越,超出??的限度; 优于或胜过??; go beyond Emotions that ~ understanding. 无法理解的情感收藏指正 I can completely ~myself! 我能够完全的超越自我!收藏指正 Such matters~ human understanding.
这些事情是人类所无法理解的 Ascend(ad+cend)上升,爬坡,追溯
descend下来; 向下倾斜,向下延伸; 遗传下来; 来自,来源于 vi. (from)起源(于); 是??的后裔; (on)袭击; (to)把身份降至 Undermine(under+mine)
vt. 破坏; 侵蚀??的基础; 暗中破坏; 冲蚀,削弱 Synonyms:
Weaken, worsen, demoralize, destroy
Western intelligence agencies are accused of trying to undermine the government. 西方情报机构被指责企图动摇该政府的统治。
I don't want to do something that would undermine the chances of success. 我不想做会影响成功机会的事情。 n. 制裁,处罚; 批准,认可
In 1935 the League of Nations imposed sanctions against Italy following its invasion of Ethiopia.
1935 年国际联盟在意大利入侵埃塞俄比亚之后对其实施了制裁。 He expressed his opposition to the lifting of sanctions. 他对解除制裁表示反对。 3. Text Comprehension
In college education and in daily life, critical thinking is of vital importance. Richard Paul, in the following section, gives an enlightening discussion of the issue. Part 1 (para1-2) definitions of CT
Part 2. (para3) current situation-many people ignore CT
Part 3 (para 4-6)we need thinking more comprehensively (eg. control culture) Part 4(para 7) our task-a critical society Part 5 (para 8-10) barriers to CT
Part 6 (para 11-12) what we should do-be historical thinkers. Part 7(para13-14 )standards to assess CT(eg. Doctor‘s malpractice) Part 8(para 16-17)conclusion:we need CT.
Ⅵ. Summary(小结)
1. Ask the students to remember key words and expressions in Text A. And conclude the general idea of section A
2. Ask the student to remember how to develop critical thinking. The list of core critical thinking skills: includes observation, interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation, explanation, and meta-cognition. VII. Homework (作业) Home reading: Happy Accident Discuss the questions in small groups Practice Fast Reading Preview Unit 3
Unit 3 Recycling
I. Teaching Objectives(教学目标)
Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the passage Getting to know some information about recycling in USA and our country. II. Teaching Importance and Difficulties(教学重点及难点) 1. The usage of new words and phrases
2. Using context clues to find out the meaning of words 3. Understanding paragraphs-How to identify the Main Idea. III. Teaching Methods(教学方法) Teaching Discussing Practicing
IV. Teaching Time(教学时数): 4 periods V. Teaching Content(教学内容) 1. Related Information
Recycling involves processing used materials into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from
landfilling) by reducing the need for \waste disposal, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to virgin production.
Recycling is a key component of modern waste reduction and is the third component of the \Recycling in China:Refuse sorting垃圾分类 2. vocabulary in context
enrage vt. [常用于被动式]触[激]怒, 使人愤怒
be enraged at [by] sb.'s conduct 因某人的行为而极为愤怒 be enraged with sb. 对某人勃然大怒
monotonous (mono- 单 +tone调+-ous?的) adj 单调的;无变化的; 令人厌倦的
a monotonous voice which sent me to sleep 使我昏昏欲睡的单调声音 My job at the assembly line of the car factory is rather monotonous. 我在汽车工厂装配线上的工作颇为单调乏味。
Insignificant adj. 无意义的; 无关重要的; 无用的; 无价值的, 低微的, 可鄙的
insignificant talk 废话
waste time on insignificant points 时间花在琐碎事情上 insignificant person 小人物
insignificant chatter 无意义的闲聊天 insignificant n. 无关重要的字、事物或人
costume n. 服装, 外衣, 装束 , 女装(西装式短上衣及裙子一套) , 服装式样; 化装用服 academic costume 学位服
actors in policemen's costumes 穿着警服的演员 costume ball 化装跳舞会
costume designer (影剧)服装设计员 3. Text Comprehension
The text gives a brief introduction of the current situation and development of recycling in USA from which there are so much we can learn and use for reference.
2001年美国共有公共和私营废物再循环利用企业56000家,提供劳动岗位110万个,年度总销售额2360亿美元,美国有40%的城市废物再循环利用率达到50%. 西雅图市法律中规定,如果居民生活垃圾中可回收物的数量超过10%,将不予收集,罚款50美元。
由于回收纸张和金属,加州10年间少砍伐树木6亿株,所节省的能源可供全州家庭使用18个月。现在美国许多州都在效法加州,近年,美国垃圾回收已经形成一个年产值150亿美元的产业。 Ⅵ. Summary(小结)
1. Ask the students to remember key words and expressions in Text A. And conclude the general idea of section A
2. Well, recycling is a simple way that you, as a consumer, can help out the environment, create a profitable market for recycled goods and help preserve natural resources from being depleted. So… let‘s get involved! VII. Homework (作业) Home reading: Global Warming Discuss the questions in small groups Learn about reading skills Practice Fast Reading Preview Unit 4
Unit 4 The Lady on Pemberton Street
I. Teaching Objectives(教学目标)
Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the passage Get to know the relationship between people and environment. II. Teaching Importance and Difficulties(教学重点及难点) 1. The usage of new words and phrases