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Task 2 高分轻松书就
第四章 Task 2 的分类和组成部分 4-1
Task 2 的分类 学术类(A类)和普通培训类(G类)的Task 2很相似,一般要求考生按题目所列的内容写一封不少于250个单词的议论文。要求考生在40分钟内完成。
Task 2的分类
根据Task 2任务指令的不同及文章解题策略不同,可以将Task 2分为辩论类和论说类两大类。
1. 辩论类
辩论型文章的主要目的是提出并论证一个观点或假设,或者陈述及评估反方观点、论 据等。此类题要求考生对一个有争议的议题陈述正反两面的意见,然后再提出 自己的看法。意思就是,不一定要同意这个问题的陈述,但要先分析正反两面的意见,即支持这个陈述的赞成看法和抨击这个陈述的反对的看法。最后结论可以提出自己的观点。自己的观点既可以持肯定的态度或者否定的态度,或者也可以采取折衷的态度。在雅思写作考试中一般包括两种题型。
*1)Agree /Disagree (同意与否),或者For/Against(赞成或反对)。例如:
Task: It is often said that the subjects taught in schools are too academic in orientation and that is would be more useful fro children to learn about practical matters such as home management, work and interpersonal skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Task: It has been more than 30 years since man first landed on the moon. Some people think that space research is a waste of money. Discuss.
2) Your opinion (你的观点)。例如:
Task: Many people think that nowadays people are being subjected to more and more pressure in their work, and thus are having less and less time to relax. What’s your opinion?
2. 论说类
论说型文章的主要目的是提供事实和信息或提出问题和阐述解决问题的方法。这类问 题会要求你找出某个现象为什么会发生以及这个现象可能会产生的利害后果。同时, 也要求考生提出可以解决这个问题的方法和建议。在雅思写作考试中一般包括四种题型。 *1)因果类(Cause and Effect): 需要给出问题或情形的原因,并描述其带来的结果。 例如:
Task: Telecommuting refers to workers doing their jobs from home for part of each week and communicating with their office by computer. It is growing in many countries, and is expected to be common for many workers in the coming decades.
How do you think society will be affected by the growth of telecommuting?
*2) 问题解决类(Problem and Solution): 就某一问题或现象进行阐述,并提出解决方
Task: Drugs are becoming more and more common in many countries. What are some of the problems associated with drugs abuse, and what are some of the possible solutions?
*3) 优点缺点类(Advantage and Disadvantage, or Positive and Negative Effect): 实质上就是比较、对比(Compare and Contrast)。例如:
Task: With the increasing popularity of computers and calculators, student literacy is decreasing dramatically. What are the positive and negative effects the progress of science and technology has brought about?
*4) 混合类。例如:
Task: It is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be. Give possible reasons and your recommendations.
* 就是一个“problems + reasons + recommendations”,即因果加上建议。除了分析现代 家庭不像从前那样密切的原因结果外,还需要提出你的建议, 即解决方法。
Task 2 一般从下列专业范围来取材 1) 环境 (environment);
2) 科技 (technology);
3) 社会问题 (social problems);
4) 半政治性问题 (semi-political issues); 5) 工作环境 (working environment); 6) 道德问题 (moral questions);
7) 教育 (education); 8) 健康 (health)
9) 国家间的关系/比较(尤其是国家援助、文化、方式等)。
本书将按照上述题型分类对各类文章的高分解题策略进行分析。不同的题型适用的解题策略各有不同,文章布局也是不同的。 4-2 Task 2 的组成部分 形象地说来,文章就像一块三明治或汉堡包,一般由三部分组成: ·引言部分(introduction) ·主体部分(main body) ·结论部分(conclusion) Introduction
The purpose of this section is to introduce the topic and your opinion. 引出话题和你的观点 Main body ↓ The purpose of this section is to explain your opinion 阐述你的观点 Conclusion ↓ The purpose of this section is to briefly summarize your opinion 简要总结你的观点 1. 引言 引言也就是文章的开头部分。它是一个比较短的段落,通常有3句话就可以了。 在议论文中,一般是描述或者总结当前情形的两个方面,说出你打算怎么做。
2. 主体
主体是文章的主要部分。在议论文中,一般分为2-3段,提出你的看法和原因。 主体中的每一段一般包括5-7句话。 3. 结论
结论是文章的结尾。是一个简短的段落,大约有3 句话。通常论点和引言部分的相同,但用不同的词汇来表达。
第五章 Task 2 各类写作的高分解题策略 5-1 同意与否类 同意与否类文章要求老先生对某一观点表明自己的态度,是同意还是不同意。其写指令中常出现的词语为:Do you agree or disagree? To what extent do you support this statement? To what extent do you agree or disagree? 这类题型考得最多。
1. 引言
写赞成/反对(同意/不同意)(For/Against, Agree/Disagree)类文章的引言的简单方法是只 写三个句子:
引言既可以用情景来写,也可以用观点来写,具体区别不大。 *(1)情景引言
写两句话来描述当前情形的正反两个方面。第三个句子即论题句,描述你在文章中打 算如何做。而不必先表明你的观点。 Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3 例1: Sentence 1 Sentence 2 Sentence 3 例2:
Does Aid to Poor Countries Work? Sentence (s)1 For the last fifty years, poor countries have been receiving huge sums of money Sentence 2 Sentence 3 例3: Sentence 1 Sentence 2
当前情形的一个方面。 当前情形的另一个方面。 论题:你在文章中打算如何做 Who should take care of our old people? In my country, most old people live happily with their children. Increasingly however, many families cannot take care of their parents. This essay will describe some of the problems involved with taking care of old people, and discuss who should be responsible. from rich donor countries. Some of this money has improved lives, while much of it has disappeared or made no difference. In this essay, I will discuss some arguments for and against foreign aid. Should dangerous sports be banned? Every year, thousands of people are injured or killed in sports such as boxing or motor-racing. Because of this, many people are opposed to such sports, and want them to be
stopped or controlled. Sentence 3 (论题) This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against banning dangerous sports.
例1: 赞成句 反对句 Sentence 3 (论题) 例2: 赞成句 反对句 Does space exploration benefit mankind? Space, for many people, really is the final frontier. They are excited by the exploration and potential of space. However, not everyone agrees that this money is well-spent. Many people feel that we should solve problems here on earth before beginning our journey to space. Sentence 3 (论题) 例3:
This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against space exploration. Does space exploration benefit mankind? Many people are excited about space exploration. However, others feel it is a massive waste of money. This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against space exploration. Do Athletes Deserve Their High Salaries? Sentence (s)1 Everyday, we read about new record contracts and salaries earned by sportsmen and women. Some people do not agree with these huge payments. Sentence 2 Others believe that our sports heroes deserve every penny. Sentence 3 This essay will look at some of the arguments for and against the high salaries of (论题) athletes. 最后,如果你对如何写出引言还不确定,就留出一些窨,先写后面的部分,写完主体或结论后再回来写引言。
你注意到没有,在上面的引言举例中,句子都没有重复文章的题目。也就是说,对题目给出了另外一种说法,但意思是相同的。 这就是高分作文中不能对题目进行重复的要求。因为你照搬题目的句子考官是不给你加分的。
俗话说,良好的开端是成功的一半。作文也是这样,开头良好,就会给考官留下深刻的影响,为高分打下良好的基础。从上面的引言举例可以看出,一篇文章的开头可以是很灵活的,有多种方法。而我们注意到很多考生无论在什么文章开头都千篇一律地用上老外不喜欢的“With the development…”或者“With the deepening of …”等这些老一套句子,出手就不是高分的架势。所以,在复习过程中,要注意总结记忆英文文章的开头,做到自然、顺畅。
(1) Is Money a Good Motivator?
Intro 1: Money makes the world go round, and nowhere is this more true than in the
workplace. Employers know that money is one of the best motivators. However, are bonuses or cash awards always the best way to reward employees? In this essay, I will look at tome of the arguments for cash as a reward.
Intro 2: Money makes the world go round, and nowhere is this more true than in the workplace. Employers know that money is one of the best motivators. However, are bonuses or cash awards always the best way to reward employees? In this essay, I will look at tome of the arguments against using cash as a reward.
Intro 3: Many people argue that cash incentives are an unfair means of motivating employees. Others love the simple, practical, down-to-earth gift of money for a job well done. I feel that while there are some circumstances where money is the best recognition for extra work, there are other times it is inappropriate.
Intro 4: Many companies give outstanding members of staff bonuses for good work. I firmly believe that this is demeaning, trivializing, and bad for morale.
Intro 5: People are motivated by different things. Some employees have financial goals, others have professional goals, and others have personal goals. The same incentives cannot work for all. This essay outlines some of the reasons why cash is not always a suitable motivator for excellent employees.
Intro 6: The primary reason why people have to work is because of money. Employers know this, and many companies reward outstanding employees with bonuses and cash rewards. In this essay, I will show that most people are motivated by money, and cash is a fair and effective way for management to show appreciation to hardworking staff.
(2) Protecting the Environment: Who is Responsible?
Intro 1: Today we live in a global consumer society. People across the world purchase, use, and dispose of a huge variety of products which make our lives easier and more comfortable. However, the result of this is massive damage to our environment. This essay will examine how authorities and individuals need to work together to protect our resources and our planet.
Intro 2: What can one individual do to protect the environment? Very little, it may seem, especially compared to the power of governments and huge industrial companies. However, working together with dozens, hundreds, or millions of other people, we can influence and change policies which are destroying our environment. This essay will discuss ways in which individuals can take responsibility for their world.
Intro 3: The world is an increasing interlinked place. Huge multinational corporations trade