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21. Miss Brown is my English teacher. ______ is from America. A. She B. He C. It D. You 22. I have an uncle. He lives ______ Shanghai.

A. on

B. at

C. to C. or

D. in D. so

23. Hurry up, ______ we’ll be late for school!

A. and B. but

24. — do you do homework, Lily?

— About 2 hours.

A.How often B.How long 25. — Can you speak French? — No, I ______.

C.How many D.How much

A.can’t B.shouldn’t C.mustn’t D.needn’t

26. I hope ______ the farm this summer vacation.

A.visit B.to visit C.visiting D. visits 27. Sam ______ football with his friends on the playground now. A. plays

B. played

C. will play

D. is playing

D. will teach D. were planted

28. Miss Wang ________ in this school since 1982.

A. is teaching A.plant

B. taught B.planted

C. has taught C.are planted

29. A lot of trees ______ along the street last year.

30. — Do you know ______ for her mother tomorrow?

— She will buy a skirt.

A. what Kate will buy

B. what did Kate buy

C. what will Kate buy D. what Kate bought



“Class,this is David Evans,” Mrs. Parmele introduced him to us, trying to give him a warm welcome. We saw a boy in old clothes and shoes. David looked around and smiled, hoping somebody would 31 back. Nobody did. He kept on smiling anyway.

I held my breath, hoping Mrs. Parmele wouldn’t notice

the empty 32 next to mine. She did, and pointed him in that direction. He looked over at me as he sat down, but I looked away.

By the end of his first week, David was at the bottom of our school’s social ladder. “It’s his own fault,” I told my mother one evening at dinner. “He 33 even knows how to count.”

As I ate lunch with him the next day and listened to him, however, I realized that David was very pleasant to be around. After lunch, I 34 that I would be David’s friend.

One night, as Mother tucked me into bed, I said, “Mom, tomorrow is David’s birthday, and he’s not going to get anything. Nobody even cares.”

“Don’t worry,” Mom said as she kissed me goodnight. “I’m sure everything will be 35 .”

At breakfast the next morning, I said I wasn’t feeling well.

“How would you like it if your only friend didn’t show up on your birthday?” Mother asked gently. I thought it over for a moment and then kissed her goodbye. I wished David a happy birthday first thing in the morning, and his embarrassed smile showed me that he was glad I had 36 .

By mid-afternoon I had almost decided that birthdays weren’t that 37 . Then, as Mrs. Parmele was writing on the blackboard, I heard a familiar voice singing the birthday song.

Moments later, Mother came through the door with a tray(托盘) of cupcakes. She was also taking a 38 in her hand.

Mrs. Parmele joined in. Mother found David looking like a deer in car headlights. She put the cupcakes and the gift on his desk and said, “Happy birthday, David.”

My friend kindly shared his cupcakes with the class, taking the tray from desk to desk. I caught Mother 39 me. She smiled and winked(使眼色).

David Evans moved on shortly thereafter, and I never heard from him again. But whenever I hear that familiar song, I remember the soft tones of my mother’s voice, the 40 in a boy’s eyes, and the taste of the sweetest cupcake. 31. A. look B. smile C. wave D. call 32. A. desk B. box C.basket D. bottle

33. A. quickly B. suddenly C. hardly D. probably 34. A. refused B. guessed C. regretted D. decided 35. A. terrible B. fine C. easy D. difficult 36. A. discovered B. explained C. remembered D. mentioned 37. A. important B. popular C. interesting D. different 38. A. bag B. letter C. card D. gift

39. A. watching B. calling C. pushing D. encouraging 40. A. surprise B. happiness C. kindness D. friendship





We asked five people, “What’s your secret dream?” “Actually, I’ve always “Well, Carlos and I wanted to be an actor. I have gone sailing a few haven’t had many times with friends, and formal training, but I’ve we’ve had a lot of fun. been in a couple of So our dream is to buy college plays. So my our own sailboat. But dream is to study we haven’t saved acting.” enough money!” —Jill Richardson —Sonia and Carlos Silva Vancouver, Canada Brasilia, Brazil “My dream? To go “Well, my parents have surfing. I’ve never never traveled outside tried it before, but my of Japan, so I want to brother goes surfing take them to Australia. all the time! He’s even I’ve been there many surfed in Hawaii.” times, so I know all the best places to go!” —Raquel Garza —Hiro Tanaka Monterrey, Mexico Osaka, Japan 41. Who wants to be an actor?

A. Jill Richardson. B. Carlos Silva. C. Raquel Garza. D. Hiro Tanaka. 42. Which country will Hiro Tanaka take his parents to visit? A. Canada. B. Mexico. C. Brazil. D. Australia. 43. To buy a sailboat, Sonia and Carlos Silva need to_________. A. surf in Hawaii B. be in college plays C. save enough money D. travel outside of Japan


“People have been traveling by car for 100 years. My invention is not done by the time expected. Who hasn’t had an emergency while traveling? Sometimes you’re miles from the nearest gas station or McDonald’s. Everyone knows that when you have to go, you have to go,” said Phil Bole.

Phil has invented a chemical toilet for cars. One size fits all cars and people. It is made from recycled materials. “It never smells bad,” he says. Between uses, it can be stored in the trunk(后备箱). When the toilet is full, an adult or child can compress(挤压) it into the size of a bowling ball. The waste matter in the toilet is continuously being taken in by chemicals. All the waste matter even turns into a lot of dry crumbs. The toilet can be dropped into any trash can at any time.

Phil tested his invention while on a two-week vacation with his wife and four young kids. He said that the kids loved it. His wife didn’t.

“Nothing on earth could make me use that disgusting thing!” she told him. He said to her sincerely that he had invented the toilet mainly for women and kids. He needed a woman’s encouragement so the toilet would sell. “No women would ever

use this thing!”she answered.

“My wife’s kind of a prude(拘守礼仪的人),” Phil said one day to Bret, his workmate. After much thought, Phil finally figure out how to make his wife love his invention: he made a pink toilet covered with yellow flowers. “What more could a woman want?” he asked while showing it to Bret. Bret said it was a beautiful and practical gift. And since his wife’s birthday was the following week, Bret ordered a toilet. “Your wife will remember this birthday forever!” Phil promised Bret.

44. Who invented a chemical toilet for cars?

A. Phil . B. Bret. C. Phil’s wife. D. Bret’s wife. 45. What is the toilet made from?

A. Chemicals. B. Recycled materials. C. Waste matter. D. Dry crumbs. 46. Where can the toilet be stored before it is used?

A. In the trash can. B. In the trunk. C. Under the seat. D. In the traveling bag. 47. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. Phil’s wife encouraged him to sell the toilet. B. Phil’s four young kids refused to use the toilet. C. Phil was sure that Bret’s wife would like the toilet. D. Phil felt disappointed at the invention after the vacation. C Looking for an original way to raise money for charity? Has your school run out of clever and fun ideas? Don’t give up. There are several ways to support your favorite charity and enjoy yourselves at the same time. How about holding a bean bath competition? “How does this help?”you may ask yourselves. Well, it’s very simple really- you agree to sit in a bath full of baked beans, then for every minute you stay in it, people pay money! The longer you stay in the bath, the more money you collect for the charity your school has chosen! It’s extremely messy, but it’s good fun! Just a piece of advice, though. Let your parents know what you’re doing. Wear old clothes because they’re going to need washing after the competition! Here’s another idea that we used at my school: organize a car wash. Everybody who has a car sooner or later washes it or has it washed. So why don’t you and your classmates do the job? The money the car owners pay for having their cars washed will go towards your charity. When we did it, we had an amazing time! At first, some of us were worried about getting wet or dirty and it’s true. But we also had fun, and at the end of the day it was really worth it! On the other hand, if you don’t feel like getting wet or messy, but have some musical talent, how about organizing a street concert? Street musicians can make a lot of money and so can you if you’ve got the talent and courage it takes to play in front of an audience. You just need to find a suitable place (make sure you’re allowed to play music in that public place), practise for a few hours with your friends first, and give it a try!

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