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Avoidance: NLAUTO should not be used. Manually changing the number of increments in the TSTEPNL from 100 to 101, the MARC deck is translated with
both lists of point loads.
1-53444861 2007.1.0 SOL 400 - CQUADR, CTRIAR, PCOMP - Layer strains/stresses are wrong for composites in SOL 400
The layer stresses and strains computed for composite QUADR/TRIAR are wrong in SOL 400.
1-53562418 2007.1.0 Single and Multipoint Constraints - PARAM,AUTOMSET - SFM 4276, EC (bldpk) in GP4
Conflicts between an independent or dependent set membership of dofs can lead
to the following error message:
when param,automset,yes is being used.
Avoidance: Omitting this parameter can help in finding the problem.
1-53658793 2007.1.0 GPSTRAIN - Missing GPSTRAIN Output for Model with QUAD and HEXA Elements
The Z1 and Z2 strain output is missing from the output of a model with QUAD4 or
QUADR and a HEXA element is present. However the MID and CURV results are
output. Removing the HEXA element allows the Z1, Z2 and MID results to be
output. A model with only QUADR elements using cylindrical coordinates demonstrates similar symptoms to the QUADR/HEXA model, i.e., only MID and CURV
output is obtained.
Kevin, I added an activity with comments of avoidance found by the user.
1-53723270 2007.0.1 ADAMSMNF - Missing mnf file on AIX
MD Nastran R2 and MSC.Nastran 2007r1 contain an error on AIX platform which for
some variations of the ADAMSMNF case control command results in no mnf output
and the following messages:
*** USER FATAL MESSAGE 7811 (MNF_Error) *** SYSTEM WARNING MESSAGE 7810 (AFERRM) The known variation of the ADAMSMNF command that causes the error includes the
keywords FLEXONLY and MINVAR. This problem has been corrected in Version 2007.0.2 and subsequent releases.
Avoidance: Avoid these keywords.
1-53795821 2007.1.0 Connection Elements - CWELD, SWLDPRM - PROJTOL is not recognized for CWELD with MSET=ON The projection tolerance parameter PROJTOL specified on the SWLDPRM Bulk Data
entry is not recognized for CWELD elements with MSET=ON option.
1-53832781 2007.1.0 SOL 400 - UFM 1126 with scr=post in tpl decks nltsr03 and nltsub03
If scr=post (or scr=no with NASTRAN SYSTEM(316)=7 or 19), then SOL 400 may fail
Avoidance: There is no simple avoidance.
1-53894031 2007.1.0 Elements - CBEAM3 - Stress recovery for cbeam3 referencing pbmsect may fail in SDR2 or GPSTRPBX
Full stress recovery for CBEAM3 element referencing PBMSECT entry with isotropic or composite material, may fail in SDR2 or GPSTRPBX module.
Avoidance : If possible, turn off full stress recovery by removing 'param,arbmss,yes' in the input deck.
1-53923901 External Superelements - k4 , unsymmetric matrix - Inefficient runtime
In version 2005.5, if an external superelement is used in an acoustic cabin analysis, and element structural damping is included in the reduction run, the
k4 matrix may be generated as unsymmetric which may cause substantial increase
in the runtime.
Avoidance: Add the following alter in the assembly run.
1-53986469 2007.1.0 Eigenvalue Analysis - READ - Access Violation or Signal 11 A dense large mass matrix (~95000 dof and 0.5 dense) will cause the default ordering method to encounter an access violation on PC Windows 32 bit systems
and a Signal 11 on unix system.
Avoidance: Use NASTRAN SYSTEM(206)=132 in the input file or sys206=132 on the
command line as an optional keyword.
1-54149209 2007.1.0 Connection Elements - CFAST, CWELD - Bad TBEmatrix if all three GS, GA, and GB are specified
If GS, GA, and GB are all specified on the CFAST or CWELD elements a bad TBE
matrix occurs. In future releases GS will be ignored if GA and GB are specified.
1-54228489 2007.1.0 Composites - PLCOMP, PCOMPLS - Blank DIRECT field causes entire bulk data entry to be ignored
If the DIRECT field on the PLCOMP or PCOMPLS bulk data entry is BLANK, then the
entire entry is ignored. .
1-54239221 2007.1.0 SOL 400 - RBE and no differential may lead to SFM 7620 (EMG)
In SOL 400, if there are kinematic elements (RBEs) and the differential stiffness is not required to be updated, SYSTEM FATAL MESSAGE 7620 will be
issued by the EMG module.
1-54260851 2007.0.0 ACMS - DOMAINSOLVER, EXTSEOUT - Wrong eigenvectors if MDACMS is used
EXTSEOUT outputs wrong eigenvectors if MDACMS is used. One symptom is that
the following case control resulted in a vector of only the first mode being printed and this vector was all zeroes. This results in zero eigenvectors for
every mode in the assembly run.
***Case Control Command***
Avoidance: Insert the following DMAP alter:
compile mdphs1b
alter 'if ( dens=0',''
paraml vxsparse//'null'////s,n,nullvxp $ if ( nullvxp<0 ) then $
1-54337337 2007.1.0 SOL600 - Large Field Format PBUSH fails - Severe Warning in SOL 600 translator
Iin SOL600 a PBUSH that is defined using the large field format fails during
translation with following message:
** Severe Warning in SOL 600 translator - there appears to be no PBUSH
associated with CBUSH 1
1-54353683 2007.1.0 Acoustics - METHOD(STRUCTURE) - Extra eigenvector output
In a fluid-structural analysis, if only structural modes are requested with
METH(STRUC) then the eigenvector data recovery contains extraneous modes and
displacements for the fluid degrees of freedom. This error does not affect the
answers in a frequency or transient response analysis.
Avoidance: Insert the following DMAP alter:
compile modefsrs
alter 'if ( nseig',''(,8)
IF ( NSEIG>0 AND NFEIG>0 ) THEN $ alter 'paraml mif',''
paraml mif//'trai'/1/s,n,nomif//s,n,nomifx $ if ( nomifx>-1 ) then $ alter 'merge lammats' else $
equivx mis/mi/-1 $
equivx lammats/lammat/-1 $ endif $
compile semr3
alter 'splitfs=',''
splitfs=(seid=0 and novgfs>0 and not(fluid)) $ alter 'trnsp.*vvfs'(,-1) if ( methfl>0 ) then $ alter 'call cmpmode' endif $
alter 's,n,nmf',''
paraml cmphof//'trai'/1/s,n,nmf//s,n,nocmphof $ if ( nocmphof>-1 ) then $ alter 'diagonal cmmif'(,-1),''
if ( splitfs and nocmphof>-1 ) then $ alter 'merge.*cmphof' else $
merge , ,goq,,, ,vofx/goqq/1 $ endif $
alter 's,n,nmf'(2,-1),''(2,0)
if ( splitfs and nocmphof>-1 ) then $ alter 'call newlamax'
else if ( splitfs ) then $
merge , ,,,cmpho, ,vofx/cmphoxx/1 $