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A. their tutors are not always available to support them B. they are born without the ability to deal with concepts C. their family circumstances limit their learning ability D. some unknown reasons greatly hold up their progress

64.―Keep the teacher at bay‖(paragragh3) means the way homework is done____.

A. imposes enormous meaningless evaluating work on teachers B. blocks teachers from knowing more about their students

C. displays the great efforts students make to satisfy their teachers D. shows achievements teachers expect to accomplish in their work 65. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Homework is hardly functioning as is naturally expected. B. Parents need to stand away from their children‘s homework. C. Students prefer doing homework elsewhere instead of at home. D. The quality of homework is usually teachers‘first concern. 66.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A. Are you ready for homework yet? B. Is there a way out for homework? C. Home and Work: it‘s hard to combine.

D. Homework or No homework: it is your choice. 参考答案:62-66 CCBAB 2017年金山高考一模

59. All the information is included in the advertisement EXCEPT_________. A. camp hours B. camp price C. things to bring D. daily schedules 60. The underlined phrase ―subject to‖ is closest in meaning to_______ A. related to B. due to C. likely to D. depending on

61. All the activities are included in the camp schedule EXCEPT________. A. feeding marine life B. preparing food for animals C. playing with sharks D. learning about coral reefs

62. Which of the following can be learned from the passage?

A. All attendees will check in and have a welcome dinner on the first day. B. All attendees must check out on the last day.

C. The price covers all the expenses including accommodation.

D. You can have a 5-day experience working with marine life in the camp. 59-62 DD CA


Scientists have invented a way to determine roughly where a person has lived using a strand of hair, a technique that could help track the movements of criminal suspects or unidentified murder victims.

The method relies on measuring how chemical variations in drinking water show up in people‘s hair.

―You‘re what you eat and drink, and that‘s recorded in your hair,‖ said Thure Cerling, a geologist at the University of Utah.

While the U.S. diet is relatively identical, water supplies vary. The differences result from weather patterns. The chemical composition of rainfall changes slightly as rain clouds move.

Most hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water are stable, out traces of both elements are also present as heavier isotopes (同位素).The heaviest rain falls first. As a result, storms that form over the Pacific deliver heavier water to California than to Utah.

Similar patterns exist throughout the U.S.. By measuring the proportion of heavier hydrogen and oxygen isotopes along a strand of hair, scientists can construct a geographic timeline. Each inch of hair is equivalent to about two months.

Cerling‘s team collected tap water samples from 600 cities and constructed a map of the regional differences. They checked the accuracy of the map by testing 200 hair samples collected from 65 barber shops.

They were able to accurately place the hair samples in broad regions roughly equivalent to the movement of rain systems.

―It‘s not good for pinpointing (精确定位),‖ Cerling said. ―It‘s good for eliminating many possibilities.‖

Told Park, a local detective, said the method has helped him learn more about an unidentified woman whose skeleton was found near Great Salt Lake.

The woman was 5 feet tall. Police recovered 26 bones, a T-shirt and several strands of hair. When Park heard about the research, he gave the hair samples to the researchers. Chemical testing showed that over the two years before her death, she moved about every two months.

She stayed in the Northwest, although the test could not be more specific than somewhere between eastern Oregon and western Wyoming.

―It‘s still a substantial area,‖ Park said, ―But it narrows its way down for me.‖ 63.What is the scientists‘ new discovery?

A. One‘s hair growth has to do with the amount of water they drink. B. Hair analysis accurately identifies criminal suspects. C. A person s hair may reveal where they have lived.

D. The chemical composition of hair varies from person to person.

64. What does the author mean by “You‘re what you eat and drink.‖ in Para.3? A. Food and drink leave traces in one‘s body tissues. B. Food and drink preferences vary with individuals. C. Food and drink affect one‘s personality development. D. Food and drink are similar to one‘s existence.

65. What is said about the rainfall in American‘s West? A. There is much more rainfall in California than in Utah. B. The water it delivers becomes lighter when it moves inland. C. Its chemical composition is less stable than in other areas. D. It gathers more light isotopes as it moves eastward. 66.What is the practical value of Cerling‘s research?

A. It helps analyze the quality of water in different regions. B. It helps the police determine where a crime is committed.

C. It helps identify the drinking habits of the person under investigation. D. It helps the police narrow down possibilities in detective work. 63-66 CABD



The Hawthorne experiment was conducted in the late 1920s and early 1930s. The management of Western Electric's Hawthorne plant, located near Chicago, wanted to find out if environmental factors, such as lighting, could affect workers' productivity and morale. A team of social scientists experimented with a small group of employees who were set apart from their coworkers. The environmental conditions of this group's work area were controlled, and the subjects themselves were closely observed. To the great surprise of the researchers, the productivity of these workers increased in response to any change in their environmental conditions. The rate of work increased even when the changes (such as a sharp decrease in the level of light in the workplace) seemed unlikely to have such an effect.

It was concluded that the presence of the observers had caused the workers in the experimental group to feel special. As a result, the employees came to know and trust one another, and they developed a strong belief in the importance of their job. The researchers believed that this, not the changes in the work environment, accounted for the increased productivity.

A later reanalysis of the study data challenged the Hawthorne conclusions on the grounds that the changes in patterns of human relations, considered so important by the original researchers, were never measured. However, even if the original conclusions must be revised, they nonetheless raise a problem for social scientists: Research subjects who know they are being studied can change their behavior. Throughout the social sciences, this phenomenon has come to be called the Hawthorne effect.

56. The author implies that a sharp decrease in light increased workers' output because _______________.

A. the workers experienced less eyestrain in a dark working place B. the workers had to pay more attention to what they were doing

C. the workers knew they were being observed, and this motivated them D. the workers in the experiment were paid more than other workers

57. The pattern of organization of the second paragraph is________ A. list of items B. time order

C. definition and example D. cause and effect

58. The Hawthorne experiment suggests that___________

A. workers' attitudes are more important than their environment B. social scientists are good workers

C. productivity in electric plants tends to be low

D. even those who were not in the experiment improved their productivity 59. The author's main purpose is________________ A. to explain the Hawthorne effect B. to prove the importance of research C. to amuse with a surprising experiment D. to suggest ideas for future research 参考答案:CDAA


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Motion Pictures

The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences is building the world‘s leading movie museum in the heart of Los Angeles. The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, scheduled to open in 2017, will contain six stories of state-of-the-art galleries, exhibition spaces, movie theaters and

educational areas. Through groundbreaking exhibitions and innovative programming, the Museum will explore how Hollywood and the film industry have shaped culture and creativity around the world. Designed by Renzo Piano, the Academy Museum will be located next to the Los Angeles. County Museum of Art ( LACMA ) campus in the landmarked Wilshire May Company Building.

To help ensure this long-held dream of the Academy becomes a reality, the Academy has launched a $300 million fund-raising campaign, led by Bob Iger, Annette Bening and Tom

Hanks.We hope you can join IMDb and the Academy Museum's community of early supporters by making a gift to the campaign today. Or, sign up for the Academy Museum mailing list to hear about upcoming museum events and developments.

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60.The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures is located________. A. in the downtown area of Los Angeles B. in the suburb of the city of Los Angeles

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