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arts, they feel it doesn’t mean drawing, it means some sort of computer. But a computer is a tool. The basic things are art and knowledge of art. ? 贝琦·布里斯托: 我们要看的就是大量的绘画作品。当人们听到数字艺术时,都会觉
? Some students don’t have film experience at all, they’re really good painters that are
interested in moving it to the film. So we access some of them.
? 一些学生完全没有电影制作经验,他们是非常优秀的画家,而且对把绘画融入电影
很感兴趣。因此我们录取了一些这样的人。 Unit 9
? Dialogue One
? 陈莉:人们的环保意识现在是越来越强,和环境有关的公益活动也越来越多。但是
说实话,如果你让我说一说究竟什么是污染,我还真给不出一个准确的定义。 ? Chen Li: The environmental awareness of people is ever strengthening and there are more
and more environmental-related social welfare activities. Yet, to be honest, if I am asked to talk about pollution, I can hardly give a definition. ? Tim: You should ask me then. I read a book recently which defines pollution as the
addition to the ecosystem of something which has a detrimental effect on it. For example, one of the most important causes of pollution is the high rate of energy usage by growing populations.
? 提姆:这你就应该问我啦。我最近读了一本书将污染定义为在生态系统中添加对其
? 陈莉:嗯,这个定义挺简洁,也挺到位的。所以说,污染就是破坏了自然生态平衡
的一种行为。这本书有没有给出一些具体的例子来进一步解释什么是污染呢? ? Chen Li: Well, this is a quite concise and to the point definition. Hence we can interpret
pollution as the action that negatively influences the balance of ecosystem. Does the book give some concrete examples to illustrate what pollution is? ? Tim: Well, this book categorized different forms of pollution and it mainly discussed three
major forms, namely air pollution, water pollution and land pollution.
? 提姆:这本书将污染分成几大种类,并主要分析了空气污染、水污染、土地污染这
? 陈莉:你一种种和我讲一讲吧,比如说空气污染,有什么特点,有什么具体的表现
? Chen Li: Can you explain to me one by one? For example, the feature of air pollution and
its major forms, etc. ? Tim: Ok. Air pollution is the most common form of pollution. It is the accumulation in
the atmosphere of substances that, if in sufficient concentrations, endanger human health or produce other effects on living matter and other materials.
? 提姆:好的。空气污染是最主要的环境污染形式,它指的是在大气中,如果某些物
质积聚到了一定的浓度就会对人体造成危害或者对生命体和其他物质造成其他影响。 ? Among the major sources of pollution are power and heat generation, the burning of solid
wastes, industrial processes, and , especially, transportation.
? 空气污染的主要来源包括火力发电、发热、燃烧固体垃圾、工业加工以及交通运输,
? 陈莉:是的,比如说如果驾驶私家车的人越多,就会带来越严重的空气污染。我还
? Chen Li: Exactly, if more people choose to drive private cars, more air pollution will be
caused. While, I wanna ask whether tobacco smoke is counted as a form of air pollution? ? Tim: Of course it is. Tobacco smoke is one of the major forms of pollution in buildings. It
is not only the smoker who is infected, but everyone who inhales the polluted air. There is a very strong connection between smoking and lung cancer.
? 提姆:当然是啦。吸烟是建筑内最主要的污染源。不仅吸烟者会受到影响,他身边
? 陈莉:嗯,对于个体的健康来说,吸烟危害很大,也算是一种空气污染,但是说起
? Chen Li: For individual health, tobacco smoke is very harmful and can be counted as a
form of air pollution. Yet, if the impact on the ecosystem is concerned, is the exhaust gases of vehicles the leading source of air pollution? ? Tim: Exactly. Pollution from exhaust gases of vehicles is responsible for 60 percent of all
air pollution and in cities up to 80 percent. There is a large variety of harmful chemicals present in these gases, with lead being the most dangerous.
? 提姆:的确是这样。机动车辆排放的废气占到了空气污染的60%,在城市地区达到
了80%。在排放的废气中还有很多有害的化合物,其中最危险的要算是铅了。 ? 陈莉:所以咱们真应该更多地选择公共交通方式。你刚刚提到了三种主要的污染,
? Chen Li: That is to say we should choose public transportations. Well, you just mention
three major forms of pollution, can you say a little about water pollution? ? Tim: Ok. Water pollution is the introduction into fresh or ocean waters of materials that
degrades the quality of the water and affects the organisms living in it.
? 提姆:好的。水污染就是在淡水或海水中排放某些物质导致水质遭到破坏并影响水
? This process ranges from simple addition of dissolved or suspended solids to discharge of
the most insidious and persistent toxic pollutants.
? 在水中扔入不可溶解的固体是最小的水污染的例子,严重的水污染行为包括向水中
? 陈莉:有毒的污染物?你能具体举几个例子吗?
? Chen Li: Toxic pollutant? Can you give me several examples?
? Tim: Well, such a pesticides, heavy metals, and those non-degradable chemical
? 提姆:比如说杀虫剂、重金属、不可分解的化合物等等。
? These toxic pollutants are mainly from industrial effluents as water is discharged from
after having been used in production processes. This waste water may contain acids, alkalis, poisons, oils and in some cases harmful bacteria. ? 这些有毒污染物主要来自工业排放,因为在生产过程结束后常会排放出有毒的废水。
? 陈莉:太可怕了,如果再不对污水排放加以严格的控制的话,不久的将来,恐怕连
? Chen Li: That’s horrible! If we ever wait to impose strict control measure on industrial
effluents, we may not have enough sources for drinking water. We have to face disaster at that time. ? Tim: That is not impossible. So the most urgent task now is to adopt effective pollution
control measures and make polluters pay.
? 提姆:并不是没有这种可能。所以现在最紧迫的任务就是采取有效的污染控制措施,
? 陈莉:正如你所说,我们国家也在推行“污者自付”的政策,希望能够对加强企业
Chen Li: Just as you mentioned, my country is also implanting the policy of “make the polluter pay”. I hope this measure would help to enhance the environmental awareness of enterprises
? Dialogue Two
? Jean: The more I learn about the world around me, the more aware I become of the
environment problems facing us.
? 吉恩:越了解身边的世界,我就越强烈地意识到我们面临的环境问题。 ? 李军:你是指中国的环境问题吗?
? Li Jun: You mean environmental problems of China?
? Jean: Yes, here and all over the world. Have you read the recent news that Europe is
experiencing the warmest winter ever in history and the glacier of the Arctic Ocean is melting down at an alarming rate?
? 吉恩:是的,不仅是中国,全世界均是如此。你有没有读最近的新闻,欧洲正经历
? 李军:我当然意识到了这个问题,全球变暖的直接起因就是我们周围无处不在的环
? Li Jun: Well, this is the problem I am certainly aware of. Environmental pollution all
around us is the direct cause of global warming. ? Jean: Environmental pollution is one of the greatest problems the world is now facing
with. But in many parts of the world, as people become more aware and apply new technology to solving the pollution problem; there is hope for the future.
? 吉恩:环境污染是世界面临的最严重的问题之一。但是在世界的许多地方,人们的
? 李军:用科技来解决污染问题应该是一个很好的出路,吉恩,我知道你来自加拿大,
? Li Jun: It is indeed a feasible solution to control pollution using technologies. Jean, as you
are from Canada, the country that leads the world in environment related technology; can you introduce to me what technologies will help with pollution control? ? Jean: Well, for example, I have recently read an article back in Canada about using certain
types of bacteria to help control some pollution problems.
? 吉恩:比如,我前段时间在加拿大读了一片文章,讲的是用某一种细菌来控制污染
? It is reported that this kind of technology is very cost-effective in terms of controlling
? ? ? ? ?
pollution and is considered to be a great breakthrough in environmental protection technology.
Although it is still at its pilot stage, this new technology is expected to be expected to be extensively applied in the very near future.
Li Jun: That is awesome! But ,how could it be? How could bacteria be applied in pollution control? And I used to think that bacteria just cause illness.
? Jean: That is not true. Bacteriologists have identified certain strains of bacteria that\
petroleum products, such as oil and gasoline.
? 吉恩:并不是这样的。细菌学家发现某些种类的细菌可以“吃掉”石油类产品,比
? 李军: 听起来挺奇怪的,具体是怎样起效的呢?你能更具体些吗? ? Li Jun: That sounds strange. How does it work? Can you be more specific?
? Jean: These bacteria ingest the petroleum and excrete hydrogen and oxygen, leaving a
clean and pollutant-free environment behind them.
? 吉恩:这些For example, we can put the bacteria in the oil polluted land after a certain
period of time this land can be cleaned and be arable again.
? 比如说,我们可以将这些细菌放入被石油污染的土地,经过一段时间之后,土地就
细菌摄入石油然后排放出氢气和氧气,留下一个洁净,无污染的环境。 ? 李军: 简直是难以置信!那么这些小虫可以清理大量的是有泄漏吗?
? Li Jun: Unbelievable! Could they use that little bug to clean up big oil spills?
? Jean: Yes, as a matter of fact, they are being proven to be the most successful method of
cleaning up after land-based oil spills and are useful for marine spills. And the best part is, these bacteria themselves are harmless, therefore, little side effect is expected.
? 吉恩:可以啊,事实上,这些细菌在清除土地石油污染和海上石油泄漏方面是最成
? 李军: 哇!太棒了!现在如果发生油轮大规模泄漏的事件,我们就可以有一个有效
? Li Jun: Wow! Awesome! Then the devastating condition caused by large-scale oil tank
spills has an effective solution now. Are there oyher types of pollution that those microbes like to eat? ? Jean: Sure, bacteria have been used to remove arsenic from sludge produced by gold
mining operations. These are several experiments being done now to research how to use these bacteria to reduce nuclear waste to a harmless residue.
? 吉恩:当然可以。细菌害用在清除开采金矿所带来的泥土中的砷。目前还有几个实
? 李军:也许这些曾经让我们担心的细菌能够拯救我们的世界。希望这些尖端的环保
? Li Jun: Maybe those bacteria that we used to worry about will eventually save the world!
I hope these technologies can be widely utilized in China very soon.
? Jean: I am sure it will. We all witnessed China’s commitment to environmental protection.
The advent of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be a great opportunity for China in upgrading its environmental protection system.
? 吉恩:我想一定会的。我们见证了中国在环保方面的决心。2008年北京奥运会的到
? 李军:是的,正如我们的口号所倡导的“绿色北京,绿色奥运”。让我们一起努力吧! ? Li Jun: Yes, as our slogan goes\Let us all make our
own efforts. Unit 10
Reporter: what are the advantages of E-education, professor Gu? 记者:顾教授,网络教育有什么优势呢?
GU: with E-education, students can overcome barriers of time and space and they will find easier to have access to the online educational resources.
Reporter: can you briefly tell us how China’s E-education came into being? 记者:能不能简单和我们说一下中国网络教育最初是如何形成的?
GU: E-education in china started in 1998 when the Internet technology began to prevail. In 1996 or later than that, the Ministry of Education initiated a piloting project using the Internet technology to promote education.
Reporter: my understanding is that an online education project may involve a large amount of money and yet most investors expect a quick return for their investment, so hoe did you sort out that problem?
GU: if you want to build a supermarket, you have to have those infrastructures. It’s the same with education. You have to develop courseware that people really love. And it takes quite a long time.
Reporter: the outbreak of SARS probably served to boost online education, I suppose. 记者: 我想,非典肯定推动了网络教育的发展吧?
GU: absolutely. SARS was a disaster to everybody, but I called it a blessing for online education, because it really made people see the disadvantages of online education.
Reporter: how do you look at the digital gap between the rich and the poor, between the urban areas and the rural areas in china?