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Unit 1A

Key concepts

reservation: 谦逊的 coldness: 冷静的 modesty:谦虚的 humor:幽默的 sportsmanship:运动员精神 Q1、what is a reserved person like?

Answer: A reserved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers, does not show much emotion, and seldom gets excited. Q2、what is the character of the Englishmen?

Answer: reserved 、humor、modesty、cold、sportsmanship. Q3、what is sportsmanship?

Answer: sportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport according to its rules, while also showing generosity to one’s opponent and good temper in defeat. Case study

Q、What made the Britisher feel quite unhappy in this situation?

Answer: The loud speaking made the reserved Britisher feel quite unhappy.


Key concepts

the pioneering spirit 创业精神trying something new 探索精神 equality 平等 national optimism 民族乐观

freedom自由 the Declaration of Independence 独立宣言 rags-to-richer 白手起家social mobility社会流动性American dream 美国梦 Comprehension questions

1. Can you summarize the character of Americans?

The characters of Americans are the pioneering spirit, trying something new and being eager to equality and freedom.

2.In what sense is the pioneering spirit still an important part of the American character?

Americans who don’t change residence are also on the move—traveling by air or auto to see their own country or to visit others. The need to explore a new frontier is basic to the American character. They are in search of greater prosperity and freedom.

3. What is the American Dream? What is its impact on the American character?

The American Dream is that the belief that any individual, no matter how poor, can achieve wealth and fame through diligence and virtue. 4. What are the basic roots of American character?

The basic roots of American character are the pioneering spirit, the liberty spirit and the equality spirit. Case study

Q;Why did the American feel uncomfortable? Please give him suggestions on how to get along with English people.

Because he did something that he think it is friendly, but the English

seemed unfriendly.

American: outgoing/optimistic/casual/friendly English: Reserved/polite Suggestions:

1. On the whole British habits of politeness are very informal. All politeness is based on the elementary rule of showing consideration for others, and acknowledging the consideration they show to you.

2. Conversation in Britain is in general quiet and restrained and loud speech is considered ill-bred.


key concept: Five Relationships of Confucianism孔子的五伦思想 humanism 人道主义 individualism个人主义 collectivism集体主义 individual's right个人权利

1.cording to Confucianism , what are the five cardinal relationships in Chinese society and what should these relationships be?

Five cardinal relationship: ruler-minister, father-son, husband-wife, elder-younger brother and friend and friend. This was explained as “There should be affection between father and son, righteous sense of duty between ruler and minister, division of function between man and wife, stratification between old and young, and good faith between friend. ” 2. Can you tell the main influence of Confucianism on the ideology of Chinese people?

In traditional Chinese beliefs, especially in Confucianism , collectivism is appreciated .It emphasizes cooperation among group members and individual success is due to the collective effort of the staff in a unit ,an organization or a community .

3. Can you tell the main influence of the Renaissance on Western values? In the Renaissance period of England ,people began to emphasize the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life .This is the rudiment of Humanism .People began to respect the humanity from then on ,and then developed into the ideas of what we always call freedom ,democracy .

4. What is the difference between collectivism and individualism? Individualism refers to the doctrine that the rights of the individual are the most important ones in a society .Collectivism emphasizes cooperation among group members.

(1)Westerners tend to believe that people should rely on themselves as much as possible--and usually expect other people to do the same .People in collectivist cultures generally feel they have a right to expect help from other members of their groups ,and they also tend to feel they have an obligation to help other members of their groups . (2)Westerners generally feel that the rights of individuals should not be subordinated to the needs of a larger group .People in

collectivist cultures are generally more willing to accept the idea that individuals should sacrifice for the benefit of the group. (3)Westerners tend to believe that individuals should make decisions for themselves, and that individuals should take credit responsibility for what they are personally done. People in collectivist cultures tend to feel more that they are representative of their group, and to accept more responsibility for other members of their groups too.

(4)Westerners tend to view individualism as a good thing .The Chinese term for “individualism,” geren zhuyi, often has a somewhat negative connotation, and is sometimes used as a synonym for “selfishness”. 5. Why is it said that Americans are selfish? Do you think they are selfish? why or why not?

Because Chinese term for “individualism,” geren zhuyi, often has a somewhat negative connotation, and is sometimes used as a synonym for “selfishness”.

No, I don’t think so .

Individualism refers to the doctrine that the rights of the individual are the most important ones in a society .The word “individualism” has no negative connotation ,in fact ,its connotation is somewhat positive .


key concept:Nuclear family 核心家庭 happiness of individual member 个人主义幸福Sense of equality 平等意识 independence and individualism 独立自主

1.How do Americans treat their newly-born babies and young adults? The American parents put a newborn in a separate bedroom when the child is a few weeks old. They like to preserve their privacy.

2. What is the base of an American marriage? Why is divorce rate so high in the United States?

(1)Romantic love is most often the basis for marriage in U.S

(2)They are extremely idealist about marriage, and they want deeply loved and deeply understood. But it is because American expect so much from marriage that so many divorced.

3. What is the typical life of the old people in America? Why don’t they live together with their children?

(1)Families place older relatives in nursing homes(2)Theirfnancial support is often provided by government-sponsored, social security or welfare systems. And Older people often seek their own friends rather than becoming too emotionally dependent on their children.


Key concepts :A member of many groups 各种群体中的成员Impermanence暂时Personal goals个人目标/Individual’ needs个人需求Responsibilities 职责A series of concentric circles 一系列同心圆Stable 稳固Connection VS contract关系和合约 Comprehension questions

1. What are the characteristics of American social relationship?

Impermanent and loose /individual’s needs come first ./contractual /friendly/compartmentalized/

2. Why is American social relationship impermanent?

They are members of many groups simultaneously. If they personal goals are no longer being met by a group ,they move on and probably look to new associates for the benefits they used to receive from the former group. 3. Can you draw a picture to illustrate the pattern of Chinese social relationship? Who are in the inner most part and who are in the outside ? what is the difference between each part? 1I and family ○

dearest friends



who are familiar but not so close

Everyone but under obligation everyone else in the geographic area or nation or world

2I and family are in the inner most part while everyone else in the ○

3 the difference geographic area or nation or world are in the outside.○

between inner and out side is from most important to least important . 4.What are the different understanding of friend between Chinese and American ?

American social relationship are based on a shared activity, event, or experience, so they have casual, friendly relationships with many people , but deeper, close friendships with only a few.

Chinese are likely to react more to the other person as a whole and will avoid forming friendships with those whose values and behaviors are in some way deemed undesirable. Case 1

Because Jackson thinks friendship is mostly a matter of providing emotional support and spend time together .This situation creates dependence of one person on the other and it goes against the principle of equality. Case3

Q1.They broken their friendship because they finished they common chemistry class and didn’t see each other very much at school .No one should be blamed for it because the different culture between Jordan and the United States lead to different attitudes to friendship.

Q2.No I don’t think so. Because American friendship is impermanent and based on a shared class , activity or event .If one drop of it , the relationship will fragmented.


Key concepts :Gentleness and benevolence温柔与仁慈 harmony 和谐violence and cruelty暴力和残酷 conquest over nature征服自然exquisiteness and taste 精致和品位nutrition and balance 均衡营养 pragmatism实用主义

1.What are the functions of chopsticks?

Chopsticks can nip, pick, rip and stir food.

2.What are the possible reasons for Americans'use of forks and knives at dinner?

Meat was their basic food source and gradually took the place of staple food. They had to use forks and knives to cut and pork their food. 3.Why do Chinese pay more attention to the taste of food?

That appeals to the traditional ideology of China. Confucius emphasized the delight that food could bring to us. The standards of quality and taste that Confucius recommended required the perfect blend of ingredients, herbs and condiments---a blend which would result in the perfect combination of flavor.

4.Why do Americans pay more attention to nutrition? Because in their eyes ,food or eating is just a way to keep healthy, having little to do with artistry. What they care about most is the nutrition contained in food and the blance of the whole diet structure rather than exquisiteness in cuisine and taste of food.


Key concepts :1.Creativity: 创造力the ability to use your imagination to produce new ideas, make things. 2.Exploring:探索

1)、to discuss or think about something carefully;

2)、to travel around an area in order to find out about it;

3)、written to feel something with your hand or another part of your body to find out what it is like

3.Self-reliant:自主的able to do or decide things by yourself, without depending on the help or advice of other people

Originality:.独创性1. the ability to think and act independently 2. the quality of being new and original (not derived from something else) Molding and shaping: 塑造to guide (sb.) with the intent to control. 1、How do the Chinese teach their children ? How do American do? Can you find the theories supporting the different teaching methods?

(1)For Chinese, they show a child how to do the something, or teach them by holding their hands .But in American, they teach children to rely on