英语专业四级新题型写作模式研究 下载本文

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龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn


作者:于爱莲 孟鸿雁


摘 要:该文针对2016年英语专业四级测试中试卷结构和题型调整后写作部分的调整变化,用同一范文为例,阐明了3种不同的写作模式:模式一为段一阐述正方观点,段二阐述反方观点,段三提出并分析自己的观点;模式二为段一引出主题,段二阐述正反双方观点,段三提出并分析作者自己观点;模式三为段一提出话题,段二陈述正方观点,段三陈述反方观点,段四阐述自己观点。

关键词:英语专业四级 写作 模式

中图分类号:G71 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2017)07(a)-0137-02 英语专业四级考试是我国自主开发的针对英语专业学生的系列考试之一,测试对象为高等院校二年级英语专业学生。测试内容包括听、读、写英语基本技能以及语法、词汇等英语基本知识。测试的目的为检测英语专业二年级学生综合运用各项英语基本技能的能力以及学生对语音、词汇、语法、语篇等英语语言知识的掌握程度。此测试是英语专业基础阶段教学的重要组成部分,也是检验英语专业教学成果的有效手段之一。此项考试在我国已经开展20余年,期间随着时代的变化几经改革。2016年,我国外语专业教学测试专家委员会对此项测试的试卷结构和测试题型做出了新的调整。文章主要研究对写作部分的调整。

写作部分调整前由两部分组成,包括10 min内完成50~60个单词的便条和35 min内完成150~200词的短文。调整后的写作只有大作文一部分。测试的要求为在45 min内能根据所给的作文题目、图表或阅读材料写一篇200词以上的作文。评判标准和以往一样为内容切题、结构严谨、语言通顺、用词恰当、表达得体等。调整后的写作最常见的形式为正反双方材料式作文,针对此类作文,我们可以从以下入手。

例如: 对于大学生可否兼职,以下是四级作文中给出的正反双方的观点材料。

Yes:Some students have to earn money to pay the tuition, their expenditure, or satisfy their desire by doing part-time jobs.

Part-time jobs can improve students’ different skills.

Part-time jobs can help students gain various experiences, which may help them find a decent job in the future.

No:Working part-time may exhaust students and they may skip classes and they may ignore their academic studies.

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Students might be deceived when finding part-time jobs.

此作文要求根据所给材料写作,具体要求为先从正反两方面总结所给材料,然后提出自己的观点。针对此要求,我们至少可以采用以下3种写作模式。 1 三段模式一


Nowadays, in many universities, many college students take part-time jobs in their spare time. However, different people have different opinions on this issue. Those who are in favor of part-time jobs think that students can earn some money to pay the tuition and their expenditure, and help ease the burden on their families. Furthermore, they think that part-time jobs can improve students’ different practical skills. The most important is that part-time jobs can help students gain various experiences, which may put them in a very advantageous position in the job market.

Other people, however, take the opposite position that many problems may occur in taking a part-time job. Firstly, they think that college students cannot keep a good balance between academic studies and part-time jobs. Students may become very exhausted and spend less time in school work. Secondly, they hold the idea that students may be deceived in finding part-time jobs since they are inexperienced.

Personally, I think that college students can take part-time jobs. Undoubtedly, it can broaden their horizon and help them know more of the society before graduation. But it is worth knowing that a good balance between school work and part-time job should be kept. If so, they can gain both academic knowledge and practical skills during college years. 2 三段模式二


Nowadays, in many universities, many college students take part-time jobs in their spare time. However, different people have different opinions on this issue. Some people think taking a part-time job will benefit college students, while others think the opposite.

Those who are in favor of part-time jobs think that students can earn some money to pay the tuition and their expenditure. Furthermore, they think that part-time jobs can improve students’ different practical skills. The most important is that part-time jobs can help students gain various experiences, which may put them in a very advantageous position in the job market. However, those who are against take the position that many problems may occur in taking a part-time job.

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Firstly, they think that college students cannot keep a good balance between academic studies and part-time jobs. Students may become very exhausted and spend less time in school work. Secondly, they hold the idea that students may be deceived in finding part-time jobs since they are inexperienced. Personally, I think that college students can take part-time jobs. Undoubtedly, it can broaden their horizon and help them know more of the society before graduation. But it is worth knowing that a good balance between school work and part-time job should be kept. If so, they can gain both academic knowledge and practical skills during college years. 3 四段模式

如果不采用三段式模式,同样的作文也可以采用四段式模式。具体结构为段一提出话题,段二陈述正方观点,段三陈述反方观点,段四阐述自己观点。此作文在此模式下的例文如下。 Nowadays, in many universities, many college students take part-time jobs in their spare time. However, different people have different opinions on this issue. Some people think taking a part-time job will benefit college students, while others think the opposite.

Those who are in favor of part-time jobs think that students can earn some money to pay the tuition and their expenditure. Furthermore, they think that part-time jobs can improve students’ different practical skills. The most important is that part-time jobs can help students gain various experiences, which may put them in a very advantageous position in the job market.

However, those who are against take the position that many problems may occur in taking a part-time job. Firstly, they think that college students cannot keep a good balance between academic studies and part-time jobs. Students may become very exhausted and spend less time in school work. Secondly, they hold the idea that students may be deceived in finding part-time jobs since they are inexperienced.

Personally, I think that college students can take part-time jobs. Undoubtedly, it can broaden their horizon and help them know more of the society before graduation. But it is worth knowing that a good balance between school work and part-time job should be kept. If so, they can gain both academic knowledge and practical skills during college years.

3种写作模式虽然各有不同,第一种模式中前两段形成观点对比,既能体现测试要求中的对材料的总结能力,也能引起读者的思考,在此基础上第三段作者提出自己的观点,文章结构紧凑,环环相扣。第二种模式中在文章第一段先引出主题,这样文章一开始就能抓住读者的注意力,紧接着第二段中将正反双方观点一起阐述,对比效果更明显,最后第三段顺理成章提出自己的看法。第三种模式是采用四段式,是前两种模式的结合,是总结能力、分析能力和表达能力的更好体现。 4 结语