七年级英语下册Unit 7导学案人教新目标版 下载本文

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七年级下 Unit 7 What does he look like? (1)

【学习目标】 The vocabulary of Unit 7. 【学习重点】形容身体和个性的形容词 【学习难点】形容身体和个性的形容词 【学习过程】


Step1 Listen and read all the new words and phrases.Try to remember them. Step2 自主学习和小组探究



3、How to use the following words.

1) like v. 喜欢去做某事 喜欢干…(爱好) like prep. 看起来像…

2)always usually often sometimes never

3) stop v. 停下来去做某事 停止正在做的事 4)remember v. 记得做了某事 记得去做某事 forget v. 忘记去做某事

5)singer n. v. 6) glasses n. 一副眼镜 7)build v. n. building n. 8)not…any more = 9) 翻译下列词组

中等身高 一位流行歌手 卷发 黑发 看起来像 一副新面孔 下象棋 有点内向 中等身材 二、范例点睛 1、检测 P64 P65 2、配套 P31 P32 P33 3、达标 P82 P83 (词汇)


1. Wang Lei is the c of the basketball team. 2. This piece of music is very p . We all like it. 3. His father isn’t very tall and is of m build.

4. I have to go on a diet(节食)because I’m already a little bit h .

5. Michael Owen is my f football player. 6. Her hair is very straight. It’s not c . 7. He’s of medium h .

8. My brother likes reading and p chess. 9. She is a funny girl. She loves to tell j .

10.Listen! Our teacher is coming! Please stop t and keep quiet. 11.用is或 has 填空

1)Lei Hao short and straight hair.

2) Dick tall,but his sister short. 3) Xie Kai of medium height.

4)Betty’s mother medium build.

5) Du Ke short and thin. 12.翻译句子



。 3)你知道周海在二班有一位新的朋友吗?

。 4) 姚明篮球打得非常好,他非常受欢迎。

。 5)我妈妈长得有点瘦。她留着长黑发。

。 四、学后反思