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Lecture One On Verse Translation

I. Part One: On Verse Translation

1. Marcus Tullius Cicero (马尔库斯·图留斯·西塞罗,106 B.C.-43 B.C.)[荷马史诗《奥德赛》译者]

His opinions on translation:

Translate not as an interpreter, but as an orator, keeping the same ideas and forms, namely, the figures of thought;

In language, conform to our usage; not hold it necessary to render word for word, but preserve the general style and force of the language;

Count the words out to the reader like coins, but pay them by weight; Translate flexibly to make the version superior to the original.

2. Quintus Horatius flaccus (贺拉斯,65 B.C.-8 B.C.)[诗人、翻译家] His opinions on translation:

Do not be a literal translator, faithfully rendering word for word from the original language;

A translator who is faithful to the original will not translate word for word.

3. St. Jerome (347?-420)

In literary translation, he translated the original into his own language by conquest.

4. Gavin Douglas (1475-1522) [A famous Scot poet and literary translator]

Flexible and free translation rather than literal translation;

5. Nicolas Grimald (1519-1562) [A poet and translator; A translator of Cicero’s works]

The Version should be as concise as the original so as to keep the complete original style; The faithfulness to the original should be the top principle of translation; 6. George Chapman (1559-1634) [poet, translator of Greek classics]

Against rigid word-for-word translation; Against over-free translation. (two extremes)

7. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

Translate the poetry in essay style;

(What is the essence of poetry? Something left after the original poem has been translated into the version in the form of essay; the poetic form is nothing but shining outer ornament or decoration.)

8. John Denham (1615-1669) [A famous translator in the 17 century;A poet and


literary critics]

No faithfulness in verse translation; Translate poetry in form of poetry;

Faithful to the original meaning rather than the original form;

Add something new to compensate for the loss aroused by the alteration of the



times, languages, and places.

9. Abraham Cowley (1618-1667)[An important poet, critic, and translator; Famous for his translation of pindar’s poems]

It’s ridiculous to translate a poem literally;

Recreate freely with the original theme to make the version superior or equal to the original.

10. Wentworth Dillon, earl of Roscommon (1633-1685)[A poet and translator; His main contribution to translation: translation theory; Essay on translated verse.] Poetry must be translated by poets.

A friendly relationship must be set between the original author and the translator; Choose the original materials of his own style to translate;

Comprehend the original thoroughly, and be faithful to the essential meaning of the original without addition or distraction.

11. John Dryden (1631-1700) Translation is an art;

The equivalence of beauty between the original and the version

12. Alexander Pope (1688-1744)

A translator must be faithful to the original to the most degree; A translator should not try to surpass the original author; Equivalent to the original style;

Against literal translation as well as imitation.

13. William Cowper (1731-1800)[ A famous translator of Homer’s epics]

Against Pope’s free style of wording;

A midway between metaphrase and imitation;

The highest principle of translation: faithful to the original; tightly close to the original;

Against translating Homer’s epic in English rhyme pattern.

14. Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)[ poet and critic]

Different language is formed with different principle; hence the same expressions of the different languages do not mean the same beauty and grace all the way; The successful translation depends on the choice of the style.

15. Pushkin (1799-1837)[The greatest people’s poet in Russia; a prominent representative of Russian literature in 19th century; a verse translator.]

A translator must have his own freedom in the choice of original materials;

A translator should enjoy sufficient freedom in translation; (imitation and adaptation);

A translator must convey the original features as completely as possible.



16. Rukovsky (茹科夫斯基,1783-1852)[The first true lyric poet in Russia]

A verse translator should have more freedom in translation than an essay translator does; (An essay translator is a slave of the original author, while a verse translator an enemy.)

A translator should only translate the original works with the same quality and flavor of his own. (Roscommom)

17. Lermontov (莱蒙托夫,1814-1841)[A great poet after Pushkin]

Translated freely and creatively to show the representative features of the original; The evaluation of a version depends on the literary value of the version as a Russian literary work.

18. Fet (费特)[A typical representative of the pure-art poets]

The artistic works have nothing to do with the people;

The poetic creation should break away from the vulgar people;

The wonderfulness in form cannot be separated from the genius of the work. Translate as literally as possible;

19. Theodore H. Savory [A lingual scholar; his major work: The Art of Translation] Translation is an art: Literary translation as painting; scientific translation photography;

His 12 descriptive principles on translation:

1) A translation must give the words of the original; 2) A translation must give the ideas of the original; 3) A translation should read like an original work; 4) A translation should read like a translation;

5) A translation should reflect the style of the original; 6) A translation should reflect the style of the translator;

7) A translation should read as a contemporary of the original; 8) A translation should read as a contemporary of the translator; 9) A translation may add to or omit from the original;

10) A translation may never add to or omit from the original; 11) A translation of verse should be in prose; 12) A translation of verse should be in verse;

20. 苏曼殊:

诗歌之美,在乎气体;然其情思幼眇,抑亦十方同感。 按文切理,语无增饰;陈义悱恻,事辞相称。 (《拜伦诗选》自序)







是诗的,无论写成文言白话,韵体散体,他根本是诗。(同上) 提炼、滋补、定型。(《浮士德》简论)





意译的限制:一、不删节原文;二、保持原诗神韵;三、合乎原诗风格。(同上) 译诗的形式:是该译成散文呢,还是译成本国的诗歌形式?凡是有格律的诗,固然也有他从格律生出来的美,译外国有格律的诗,在理论上,自然照样也译为有格律的诗,来得好些。但在实际,拘拘于格律,便要妨碍了译诗其他的必要条件。而且格律总不能尽依原诗,反正是部分的模仿,不如不管,而用散文体去翻译,翻译成散文的不是一定没有韵,要用韵仍旧可以用的。(同上)

我觉得翻译外国诗似乎也可以有一个原则,这就是不以能仿照原诗格律为贵。(同上) 翻译本来全随译者手段的高低而分优劣,什么方法,什么原则,都是无用的废话;而且即使有了,在低手段的译者是知而不能,在天才的译者反成了桎梏。(同上)










译诗和写诗一样,要民族化、大众化、要做到上口;译诗时要作出努力,将翻译的诗纳入我国的民族形式。 精品文档







诗歌鉴赏五象美:1)诗歌视象美;2) 诗歌音象美;3)诗歌义象美;4)诗歌事象美;5)诗歌味象美。




Part Two: The Criticism & Appreciation of the E-C Translation of Poems 例一: 原诗:

Ode to the Human Life (Extracted) By Longfellow

Tell me not, in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream! For the soul is dead that slumbers, And things are not what they seem.

译诗一: 勿以忧时言 人生若虚梦

灵性咄即与死无异 不仅形骸尚有灵在

(威妥玛 译) 译诗二:

莫将烦恼著诗篇 百岁原如一觉眠 梦短梦长同是梦 独留真气满乾坤 精品文档

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