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第二章 供给和需求的基本原理 复习题 1.假定异常炎热的天气会使冰淇凌的需求曲线向右移动,解释为什么冰淇淋价格会上升到一个新的市场出清水平。 假设供给曲线固定,炎热天气通常会引起需求曲线右移,在当前价格上造成短期需求过剩。消费者为获得冰激凌,愿意为每一单位冰激凌出价更高。在需求压力下,价格将上升,直到供给与需求达到均衡。如图2.1所示 PriceSP2P1D1Q1 = Q2D2Quantity of Ice Cream 图 2.1 冰淇淋的供求分析 2.请运用供给曲线和需求曲线来说明以下各时间会怎样影响黄油的价格以及黄油的销售量、购买量: (a) 人造黄油价格上升 (b) 牛奶价格上升 (c) 平均收入水平下降 (a)人造黄油和黄油是一对替代品。人造黄油价格上升将导致黄油消费量的上升,因此,油的需求曲线将从D1 移动至D2。 均衡价格和均衡量将分别从P1 上升至P2 , Q1 增加至 Q2.如图2.2所示

PriceSP2P1D1Q1Q2D2Quantity of Butter 图2.2人造黄油价格上升的影响 (b)牛奶是黄油的主要原料。牛奶价格上升将增加黄油制造成本。供给曲线将从S1 移动至 S2 在更高的价格P2 实现均衡。供给量同时也减少到Q2..如图2.3所示 PriceS2S1P2P1DQ2Q1Quantity of Butter 图2.3 牛奶价格上升的影响 (C).假设黄油是一个正常商品。平均收入水平下降将导致需求曲线从D1 移动至 D2 结果价格降至P2 需求量也下降至Q2。如图2.4所示 PriceSP1P2D2Q2Q1D1Quantity of Butter 图2.4平均收入下降的影响 3.如果玉米片的价格上升3%致使其需求量下降6%,那么玉米片的需求价格弹性是多少? 这里的需求弹性指需求的价格弹性,需求的价格弹性指某种商品需求量变化的百分率与价格变化的百分率之比,它用来测度商品需求量变动对于商品自身价格变动反应的敏感性程度。所以,玉米片的需求弹性是:e= 对值大于1,表明它在需求线的富有弹性区域。 4.试解释供给曲线的移动和沿着供给曲线的移动之间的区别。 A movement along the supply curve occurs when the price of the good changes. A shift of the supply curve is caused by a change in something other than the good’s price that results in a change in the quantity supplied at the current price. Some examples are a change in the price of an input, a change in technology that reduces the cost of production and an increase in the number of firms supplying the product







7.以下陈述是否正确?试解释一下你的答案。 a.需求的价格弹性等于曲线的斜率. b.交叉价格弹性总是为正。


a.False. Elasticity of demand is the percentage change in quantity demanded divided by the percentage change in the price of the product. In contrast, the slope of the demand curve is the change in quantity demanded (in units) divided by the change in price (typically in dollars). The difference is that elasticity uses percentage changes while the slope is based on changes in the number of units and number of dollars.

b. False. The cross price elasticity measures the percentage change in the quantity demanded of one good due to a one percent change in the price of another good. This elasticity will be positive for substitutes (an increase in the price of hot dogs is likely to cause an increase in the quantity demanded of hamburgers) and negative for

complements (an increase in the price of hot dogs is likely to cause a decrease in the quantity demanded of hot dog buns).

c. True. In the short run it is difficult to change the supply of apartments in response to a change in price. Increasing the supply requires constructing new apartment buildings, which can take a year or more. Therefore, the elasticity of supply is more inelastic in the short run than in the long run, or said another way, the elasticity of supply is less elastic in the short run than in the long run. 8.假设政府控制牛肉和鸡肉的价格,并把它们的价格设在低于市场出清的水平。试解释为什么这些商品会出现短缺,有哪些因素决定了短缺的大小。猪肉的价格会发生什么变化?请扼要说明一下。




(3)由于消费者无法在价格管制的情况下购买到他想购买到的数量。他将去购买替代品,这样,替代品的价格会上升。牛肉和鸡肉的价格被管制后,猪肉的价格将上升。 9.有一所规模不大的大学城,其市议会决定控制房租以降低学生的生活成本。设想两床位

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