Chasing fame often leads to self(追逐名利往往导致自我毁灭) 下载本文

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Chasing fame often leads to self-destruction

(追逐名利往往导致自我毁灭 )

There has been a heated discussion about reputation. A lot of young people take part in different competitions on and on, such as Super Girl and Chinese Talent.Many people spend their life time running after fame which needs them to sacrifice many other things, even some are very important.

Most people, especially the young ones, just see the benefits of fame. Once you become famous, obviously, you will have more chances to make money and live a luxurious life. Then, a lot of worshipping fans, praise from peers, and a higher social status will come after your fame. It’s really a big temptation for most people. However, as every coin has its two sides, so it is with fame. Fame and wealth can take people out of themselves easily. Famous people are hard to remain true to themselves and difficult to sustain their fan’s favor, if they are not real idols. They may not feel happy inside and out. In the long run, money doesn't equal to happiness. Usually, they will regret trading in their identity, their dreams and freedom for the so-called fame. In fact, their lives are far from their original wishes.

So, in my opinion, if you gain money with your hard work, please don't envy those famous people. Their annoyance is beyond our sight. Remember, we should remain true to ourselves all the time.