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呼和浩特职业学院《大学英语2》期末考试试题(A) ___________学院(部) 2015 ~ 2016 学年度 第 一 学期

年级专业: 姓名: 学号:_____________

Ⅰ.Choose the best item to complete each sentence(1分×15)

1. \fire is in Main Street.\John said to the man, \New Hotel is _________.\

A. on fire

B. in fire

C. by fire

D. at fire

2. The old man ____________ and missed the train.

A. slept over B. slept C. slept in D. slept out

3. Let me give you _________.

A. some advice B. advices C. an advice D. the advice

4. —Hi, Mary, you look very tired, —Yeah, I _________ for a whole week.

A. worked B. had worked C. have worked D. have been working 5. After her marriage, she couldn't devote herself totally _____ music.

A. for B. in

C. to

D. into

6. Your education is bound _____ your world view. 7

A. changing B. to change C. change

D. exchange

What's the ______ between you and that woman? A. relate B. relationship C. wrong

D. relating

8. He is _______ she will pass the final exam with good grades.

A. confidence

B. confident C. surely D. confidently

9. She was ______ when she heard the good news.

A. delighting

B. pleasing C. exciting D. delighted

10. He must be from Africa, _______ can be seen from his teeth and skin.

A. that B. what C. which

D. where

11. The project will have been _______ by the end of this year.

2015—2016学年度第一学期 《大学英语2》期末试题A卷 共13页 第1页

A. completing B. completed C. set up D. finishing

12. Is he ________ of the price of shoes like those?

A. conscious B. observant C. cautious D. careful

13. He is _________ of the ten boys.

A. the clever B. the cleverer C. cleverest D. the cleverest

14. The sun gives off light and warmth, _________ is very important to the living things on the earth.

A. that B. which

C. what D. where

15. ____ more time, the scientists will be able to work out a good solution to the problem.

A. To give B. Giving

C. Given

D. Be given

Ⅱ. Choose the suitable preposition or adverb to fill in each of the blanks in the following sentences. (1分×10) A. from F. with B. on G. up C. in H. to D. out I. for E. of J. about 1. Mrs. Johnson takes pride _____ her daughter, who came first in the race. 2. Thanks ________ our medical knowledge, this terrible disease is much less common now. 3. You can pick _______ some useful ideas through talking with your teachers. 4. I wouldn’t dream _____marrying someone I hadn’t lived with. 5. Will you apply _______ the job by letter or in person? 6. If you are too busy, just call me to help ________. 7. The doctor did not tell the family that Tom would be likely to suffer _______ heart disease for fear of frightening them. 8.People all over the world should be concerned ________ drug and pollution (污染) problems. 2015—2016学年度第一学期 《大学英语2》期末试题A卷 共13页 第2页

9.After losing touch ________ his younger sister for twenty years, Brown was amazed to find that they were both living in the same state. 10. All the people landed _______ her and her face turned red.

Ⅲ. Translating: Choose the best meaning of each phrase. (1分×10)

1. be opposed to 2. get used to 3. in detail 4. take pride in 5. have faith in 6. every now and then 7. live off 8.at the sight of 9. instead of 10. in the meantime ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) A. 靠……过活 B. 相信,信任 C. 代替;而不是 D. 不时地,偶尔 E. 引以为荣 F. 详细地 G. 习惯于 H. 一看见 I. 反对,不同意 J. 与此同时;期间 Ⅳ.Fill in the blanks with the words given below, changing the form if necessary. (1分×10) A. control F. false B. convince G. character C. rate H.weight I. particularly D. concept E. disorder J. justify 1. Many people take part in exercises to lose _____________ and change their body shapes. 2. The young man who had just come to work in the office was ________ as one of the few best employees in the company. 3. She looks ill, as she has been experiencing a sleeping _________ for some time. 4. In my own life, I have developed some of both my mother and father’s _________. 5. Dog owners have been required to keep their animals under __________. 2015—2016学年度第一学期 《大学英语2》期末试题A卷 共13页 第3页