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毕业设计(论文)题目: 汽车租赁管理系统的设计与实现 设计(论文)的基本内容: 课题简介:随着生活水平的提高,越来越多的人喜欢异地旅游,但是不一定有自己的车,于是便有了汽车租赁。我开发的这个系统主要是对租赁的汽车进行管理。 通过该管理软件可以基本实现系统管理员可以添加、修改、删除系统登录用户,并且给不同用户赋予不同级别的权限。对系统数据进行备份和恢复以及查看该系统相关信息。操作员能对车辆信息、客户信息、保险信息、驾驶员信息和加油站信息进行编辑、删除。如对车辆进行编号及基本信息的录入和对已入库的车辆信息进行删除等。 毕业设计(论文)专题部分: 题目: 设计或论文专题的基本内容: 学生接受毕业设计(论文)题目日期 第 1 周 指导教师签字: 2010年 月 日
大连东软信息技术职业学院毕业设计(论文) 摘要
摘 要
关键词:数据库 ,Visual Basic6.0 ,机动车租赁管理
大连东软信息技术职业学院毕业设计(论文) Abstract
Design and Implementation of the car leases
In recent years, the computer technique has become more and more ripe; the database technique develops constantly and the application of the information management system has stretched into every field of our society. Combining the methods and steps of the information management system and basing on the theory of it, I developed a small information management system-- the automobile lend-lease management system.
The management of automobile lending and leasing is a necessary part of the company's daily operation. Traditional way is a waste of human resources and time, and it is complicated and often runs with mistakes. Based on the computer technique, the perfect automobile lend-lease management turns those complicated data calculation and information processing into simple instructions.
It realized the electronic management of data information completely. It liberates people from the human management entirely. After hard work, I finally realized my design as expected, and developed this practical and valuable automobile lend-lease management system. Using it will raise the working rate, reduce the cost and raise the economic benefit of the company.
This paper mainly introduces the develop background of the system and the basic theory of Visual Basic 6.0 and Access Visual. It tells the structure of the automobile lend-lease management system and its working theory; it analyzes the specialty, difficulty and important things in system realization. The design realizes the management of the system users, the basic information, the business, and the members' management.
Keywords: Database、Visual Basic6.0 、The automobilelend-lease management