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Test for Unit 4

(时间:120分钟 总分:150分)

题号 得分 第一部分 第二部分 第三部分 第四部分 总分 Ⅰ.单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)

( )1.________ English book and ________ radio are on the desk. A.An;an B.A;an C.An;a D.A;a

( )2.—My pen is on the table. What about ________? —It's in ________ schoolbag. A.your;my B.yours;my C.yours;mine D.your;mine

( )3.The two girls are my cousins.________ names are Sally and Anna. A.My B.His C.Our D.Their

( )4.—Do you ________ Ms.Miller's telephone number?

—Yes.It's 359-896.

A.ask B.know C.meet D.call

( )5.I have a brother ________ two sisters,________ Jack doesn't. A.and;but B.but;and C.and;and D.but;but ( )6.—It's time to go to school.

—Yes. Come ________,Jack. We're late (迟到). A.off B.on C.of D.at ( )7.—________ is your tape player?

—It is on the table. A.Who B.How C.Where D.What

( )8.Look at the wall. There are some pictures ________ it. A.in B.at C.under D.on

( )9.My sister isn't a(n)________ girl. In her room,you can see her books everywhere. A.English B.tidy C.nice D.good

( )10.—Dad,where's my model plane?

—I________ it is on the table. A.help B.spell C.come D.think

( )11.—________under the table?

—No,they aren't.

A.Where are B.What are

C.Is the backpack D.Are those keys

( )12.Mrs.Brown is ________ mother. She's in Beijing now. A.Lucy and Lily B.Lucy's and Lily C.Lucy and Lily's D.Lucy's and Lily's ( )13.—________?

—No,it's in the bookcase. A.Where is his dictionary B.Where are his books C.Is his book on the desk

D.Is his pencil box in the bookcase ( )14.—Your watch is so beautiful.


A.Sorry B.Thank you C.Excuse me D.You are right ( )15.—________?

—She is in the library.

A.How is the girl B.Where is the girl C.What is the girl D.Who is the girl Ⅱ.完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

Hi Jenny,

My family has a new house. And I have a nice __16__.Here is __17__ of it. My room is orange. And all the furniture (家具) is orange,too. I like the__18__ very much. There is a __19__ and a chair in my room. On the desk __20__ is a computer. I play computer games in the evening. I love books. And __21__ are everywhere in my room—on the bed,on the desk and __22__ the bookcase. So I'm not __23__.

There are two __24__ in my room. One is mine,and the other is my sister's. But my sister is not __25__ at home. So you can sleep (睡觉) in my room. We can have a good talk. Welcome to my house.

Yours, Lisa

( )16.A.friend B.school

C.teacher D.room ( )17.A.photo B.number

C.phone D.card ( )18.A.name B.color

C.orange D.pencil ( )19.A.clock B.table

C.desk D.sofa ( )20.A.there B.it

C.he D.she ( )21.A.you B.we

C.it D.they ( )22.A.in B.at

C.under D.on ( )23.A.nice B.good

C.tidy D.middle ( )24.A.photos B.beds

C.bags D.boxes ( )25.A.too B.always

C.some D.well



Tony和朋友们在家里玩捉迷藏。Tony能找到他们吗?他们都藏在哪儿呢? Name Gina Tom&Mike Jane Jack Where is she/he? She is under the table. They are under the bed. How does Tony find her/him? Tony sees her red jacket. Mike's hat is on the bed. There is no furniture in the room,so Jane can't hide (躲藏). Tony can't find him. Where is he? She is in Tony's grandmother's room. He is not under the desk. He is not under the sofa. 根据材料内容,选择正确的答案。

( )26.Tony plays with ________ friends at home. A.four B.five C.six D.seven

( )27.Gina's jacket is ________. A.red B.white C.blue D.brown

( )28.________ is under the bed. A.Gina B.Mike C.Jane D.Jack

( )29.Tony finds Jane ________. A.in his room B.in her room

C.in his grandparents' room D.in his grandma's room

( )30.Which of the following is TRUE (正确的)? A.Tom's hat is on the bed.

B.Tony can't find Gina and Jane.

C.You can see a table in Tony's grandma's room. D.We don't know where Jack is.


I'm Paul. I am a tidy boy. In my room,the books are always on the desk. My computer game is always there (那里),too. My shoes (鞋)are always under the bed. My schoolbag is always on the sofa. I am tidy but my dog,Coco,is not. Look at (看)my room. It is in a mess now. The books are everywhere—on the bed,on the sofa and under the desk. My computer game is on the bed. My shoes are on the sofa. Where is my schoolbag?Oh,it's under the bed. Where is Coco?Is he under the bed?Is he under the sofa?No,he is not in the room now.

根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。 ( )31.Where are Paul's books always? A.On the desk. B.In the bookcase. C.In his schoolbag. D.Under the bed. ( )32.画线的单词“there”指的是________。 A.on the sofa B.under the desk C.on the bed D.on the desk

( )33.画线的单词“mess”的汉语意思是“________”。 A.破旧 B.整洁 C.脏乱 D.美观

( )34.You can see Paul's ________ on the bed now. A.shoes B.schoolbag