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Exercises of Linguistics

Chapter 2

Multiple choices (3*15=45?)

1. Which of the following feature cannot be used to describe English consonants? A. voiceless B. oral C. alveolar D. lateral 2. Which of the following statements about allophone is NOT correct? A. Allophones are different forms of the same phoneme

B. Allophones of the same phoneme are in complementary distribution. C. Allophones distinguish meaning. D. Allophones are language-specific.

3. The word _____ contains a high vowel. A. mat B. mud C. dot D. boot

4. Phoneticians adopt the following standards in describing English consonants. Which of the following is NOT correct about [s] sound?

A. fricative B. voiceless C. alveolar D. affricate 5. The syllabic structure of “blade” can be described as______. A. CCVC B. CCVCV C. CVC D. CVCV

6. _______ refers to the change of a sound as a result of the influence of an adjacent sound. A. Addition of sound B. Loss of sound C. Assimilation D. Metathesis 7. Assimilation includes the following phenomena except________. A. nasalization B. palatalization C. dentalization D. transmutation 8. Which of the following statements is correct? ( )

A. Diacritics added to letter-symbols bring out finer distinctions than the letters alone can do. B. The lips are the most flexible part in articulation, only secondary to tongue. C. The [e] sound in English is a front, semi-close, unrounded, tense vowel.

D. Minimal pairs are created in order to show the distinctive value of one phone. 9. Which is not a suprasegmental feature? ( ) A. stress B. tone C. intonation D. conjuncture 10. About phone, phoneme and allophone, which statement is wrong? ( )

A. Phones are speech sounds we actually hear and produce during linguistic communication. B. Phones do not necessarily have distinctive values but phonemes do. C. Allophones in some cases also have distinctive values.

D. Phones in complementary distribution are not necessarily allophones.

11. Which one is different from the others according to the characteristics of vowels? A. [i:] B. [?] C. [e] D. [I] 12. _____ doesn?t form a minimal pair. A. meter-metre B. ill-is C. pad-pat D. ton-tongue 13. Conventionally, a ____ is put in slashes (/ /).

A. allophone B. phone C. phoneme D. morpheme 14. In the word______, [l] is velarized. A. lead B. steal C. lethal D. glide 15. There are ____ syllables and _____ phonemes in the word gentlemanly. A. 4, 9 B. 3, 10 C. 4, 10 D. 3, 9 Blank-filling (2*10=20?)

16. If a sound can be a substitute for the other in a word in the same environment without changing the meaning, the two sounds are in__________ _________ (two words).

17. The maximal numbers of consonants in coda position and onset position are respectively _____ and_____ (e.g. ________ and _______).

18. The [g] sound is silent in design and paradigm but present in their corresponding forms signature and paradigmatic. This is due to a _______ rule which could be stated as: when occurring before a final consonant, a [g] sound is not pronounced.

19. In terms of places of articulation, [θ] and [e ] can be classified into the category _______. 20. __________ is the smallest linguistic unit which has distinctive value.

21. When the vocal cords are apart, the air can pass through easily and the sound produced is said to be _______. True or false (T for true and F for false 1*10=10?)

22. Linguists are concerned with all the sounds produced by the human speech organs. ( ) 23. English has four basic types of intonation. ( )

24. Suprasegmental features cannot distinguish meaning. ( ) 25. Phonology is language specific but phonetics is not. ( )

26. Acoustic phonetics is concerned with the perception of speech sounds. ( )

27. The stress can be laid on different syllables of a word, resulting in different meanings. ( )

28. Because of assimilation, the negative forms of legal and possible are illegal and impossible. ( ) 29. All vowels are voiceless. ( )

30. [m] sound is both a labiodental and a nasal. ( )

31. The sound segments are grouped into consonants and vowels. ( ) Brief definitions (3*5=15?) 32. phonology

33. articulatory phonetics

34. complementary distribution

Sound Description (2*5=10?)

Describe the following speech sounds according to the criteria that we have learnt. 35. [Λ]____________________________________________ 36. [ j ]____________________________________________ 37. [d?]____________________________________________ 38. [ h ]____________________________________________ 39. [ I ]____________________________________________

Exercises of Linguistics

Chapter 1

Multiple choices (4*10=40?)

1. Which of the following does not fall into the core of linguistics? A. phonetics B. syntax C. sociolinguistics D. semantics 2. Of the following statements, which is incorrect?

A. Applied linguistics in a narrow sense refers to the application of linguistic theories and principles to language


B. The study of language variation in terms of gender and psychology belongs to the category of


C. Modern linguistics takes a descriptive attitude rather than a prescriptive one in language study.

D. The ultimate goal of language is not just to generate grammatically well-formed sentences but to create

meaningful sentences.

3. Which of the following statements are problematic?

A. Modern linguistics is supposed to be scientific and objective, which seeks to describe the language people

actually use.

B. According to F. de Saussure, langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all members of a

community, while parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use.

C. A diachronic approach in modern linguistics is given priority over a synchronic one.

D. N. Chomsky thinks what a linguist should study is an ideal speaker’s performance instead of his competence. 4. Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar in some different ways except ____. A. Linguistics is descriptive while traditional grammar is laying down rules of “correctness”.

B. Spoken language is given prominence, not the written language in modern linguistics. The situation was

reverse in traditional grammar.

C. Traditional grammar only examined one aspect of language while modern linguistics studies language in a

comprehensive way.

D. Modern linguists are opposed to the notion that any one language can provide an adequate framework for all

others while traditional grammarians proposed a universal framework.

5. “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”--The famous quotation from Shakespeare's play

Romeo and Juliet demonstrates that language and objects in physical world are associated by _____. A. convention B. rules C. arbitrariness D. symbols 6. Choose correct statements about arbitrariness of language.______ A. Language is not entirely arbitrary.

B. Onomatopoeic words in language are motivated.

C. Some compounds in language are not formed entirely arbitrarily. D. Different sounds may refer to the same object in different languages.

7. A professor is employing the _____ function when he says, “Next, I will explain what ?Paleozoic? means.” A. referential B. conative C. metalinguistic D. poetic

8. Human language can be used to refer to situations removed from the immediate situations of the speaker.

This design feature is called _____. A. productivity B. displacement C. discreteness D. duality

9. According to Halliday, when we use language to organize our experience of the real or imaginary world,

we are performing the _____ function of language. A. textual B. interpersonal C. ideational D. evaluative

10. We can understand abstract words like happiness and motivation. This shows language has the property

of _______. A. duality B. creativity C. arbitrariness D. displacement

True or false (T for true and F for false) (4*6=24?)

11. Recursiveness, as seen in some sentences, well illustrates the creativity of language. ( ) 12. Some animal communication systems do show the feature of duality. ( )

13. The sentence “I like the idea that Joseph proposed at the conference” shows referential function of language. ( )

14. Human child must learn a specific language after s/he was born though genetically endowed with the ability to learn. ( )

15. The distinction between syntagmatic relation and paradigmatic relation was made by N. Chomsky. ( ) 16. A linguistic study is prescriptive if it tries to lay down rules for the correct use of language. ( )

Brief Definitions

17. What is language? (6’)

18. What is called general linguistics? (10’)

Thought-provoking Question (20’)

19. Is it necessary to make a distinction between speech and writing in linguistic study? Why?