新视野大学英语1(第三版)Sample essay

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Sample paragraph 4


What to do when your parents are disappointed with you Problem:

Parents may be disappointed when you fail to meet their expectations. Solution:

Make your parents believe that you are a responsible person.

? Tell them you have inherited many of their merits.

? Remind them that you have your own life goals as an individual ? Explain how your lifestyle will help you in a positive way. Evaluation:

This may not change their opinions overnight, but eventually it will work. More topics:

How to get rid of cheating in schools How to deal with peer pressure 参考作文:

Parents may get disappointed when you fail to meet their expectations. They may strongly object to your lifestyle and complain that you are wasting time on unimportant things. To solve this problem, you may try to make them understand that you are a responsible person. First tell them that you have inherited many of their merits. Then remind them that you have your own thoughts and life goals as an individual. You can also explain how your lifestyle will help you in a positive way. You may not be able to change your parents’opinions overnight, but if you keep trying, it will eventually work.



? Unit 3: Digital campus

Sample paragraph 5


Regular exercise and health Cause:

Doing regular exercise Effects:

? Improved physical health ? Improved mental health


I have been doing regular exercise since my doctor told me to do

so a few years ago. As a result, my physical health has much improved. I was overweight and had high blood pressure. But after exercising every day for half a year, I have lost 15 pounds and my blood pressure remains stable now. Besides, exercising regularly has also benefited my mental health as it helps me release anxiety. I used to get nervous very often and have a hard time getting to sleep. But now I become more relaxed because regular exercise takes away much of my daily stress, and I can sleep well now.


Sample paragraph 6


Teenager smoking Effect:

It is not uncommon to see teenagers smoking today. Causes:

? Peer pressure ? Imitating adults More topics: Popularity of e-books Peer pressure in college


It is not uncommon to see teenagers smoking today. Some of them smoke because of peer pressure. When they see some of their friends smoking, they feel the pressure to try it out in order to “fit in” with the crowd. Some other teenagers smoke because they want to imitate adults or appear to be mature. Teenagers like to imitate their favorite stars and adults around them. So, parents who smoke may set a bad example for their children. In conclusion, the causes of teenager smoking can be attributed to peer pressure and their intention to look like adults.




Unit 4: Heroes of our time

Sample paragraph 7

Topic: Culture shock Question:

What is culture shock? Example:

Mr. Li's experience on a bus in the US

? Mr. Li meant to give his seat to an elderly man on a bus. ? The elderly man refused to take the seat. ? Mr. Li's American friends explained why. Conclusion:

Culture shock is the feeling of confusion and anxiety when you encounter situations where the cultural norms in your culture no longer apply.


What is culture shock? When he first visited the US, Mr. Li was

confused on a bus. He offered his seat to an elderly man, but the man seemed annoyed and refused to take the seat. Later Mr. Li's American friends explained to him that in the US it is not advisable, and even offensive, to offer your seat to elderly people. This is very different from China, where people are encouraged to do so. From the example we can see that culture shock is the feeling of confusion and anxiety when you encounter situations where the cultural norms in your culture no longer apply.


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