《犯罪心理》第一至第五季 名人名言 下载本文

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◎Episode 2: The Angel Maker(2008.10.01)

●We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.——Chuck Palahniuk 【恰克·帕拉尼克(美国作家,有俄裔和法裔血统,祖上多人死于谋杀,身世离奇,1962年生人,1996年出版其第一部长篇小说『搏击俱乐部(Fight Club)』):人终有一死。活着并不是为了不朽,而是为了创造不朽。】(Hotch)

●The past is our definition. We may strive, with good reason, to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it, but we will escape it only by adding something better to it.——Wendell Berry


◎Episode 3: Minimal Loss(2008.10.08)

●Savages we call them because their manners differ from ours.——Benjamin Franklin

【本杰明·富兰克林:我们称呼他们为野蛮人,因为他们的文明和我们的不同。】(本集配角Benjamin Cyrus剧中台词)

●God helps those who help themselves.——Benjamin Franklin

【本杰明·富兰克林:天助自助者。】(本集配角Benjamin Cyrus剧中台词) ●To Follow by faith alone is to follow blindly.——Benjamin Franklin 【本杰明·富兰克林:唯信仰是从,即盲目行事。】(Reid)

●Reason is not automatic.Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it.——Ayn rand


◎Episode 4: Paradise(2008.10.22)

●A fool's paradise is a wise man's hell.——Thomas Fuller



●Things are not always what they seem. The first appearance deceives many. The intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden.——Phaedrus


◎Episode 5: Catching Out(2008.10.29)

●Plenty sits still; hunger is a wanderer.——Zulu proverb 【祖鲁族谚语:丰衣足食日,饥欲起涟漪。】(Prentiss)

●Beyond the East the sunrise, beyond the West the sea, and the East and West the wanderthirst that will not let me be.——Gerald Gould

【Gerald Gould(英国作家、记者、评论家,1885-1936):东方红日出,西方白浪翻。就东难舍西,我心欲狂乱。】(Prentiss)

◎Episode 6: The Instincts(2008.11.05)

●Who speaks to the instincts speaks to the deepest in mankind, and finds the readiest response.——Amos Bronson Alcott

【爱默斯·布朗森·爱尔考特(19世纪美国哲学家、教育家、改革家,贫农之子,自学成才,『小妇人』作者路易莎·梅·奥尔科特(Louisa May Alcott)之父,1799-1888):触及本能者即触及人性最深处,并能得到最及时的回应。】(Hotch)

●I think the truly natural things are dreams, which nature can't touch with decay.——Bob Dylan 【鲍勃·迪伦(美国著名唱作人、民谣歌手、音乐家、诗人,获2008年诺贝尔文学奖提名,1941年生):我认为梦境才最为真切,它自然纯净、无法侵腐。】(Reid)

◎Episode 7: Memoriam(2008.11.12)

●What was silent in the father speaks in the son, and often I've found in the son the unveiled secret of the father.——Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche




●There is no refuge from memory and remorse in this world. The spirits of our foolish deeds haunt us, with or without repentance.——Sir Gilbert Parker


◎Episode 8: Masterpiece(2008.11.19)

●Let us consider that we are all insane. It will explain us to each other. It will unriddle many riddles.——Mark Twain

【马克·吐温:试着把咱们都想成疯子,这样能增进对彼此的了解,也能解开许多不解之谜。】(Rossi) ●Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, or retaliation. The foundation of such a method if love.——Martin Luther King, Jr.


◎Episode 9: 52 Pickup(2008.11.26)

●The minute people fall in love, they become liars.——Harlan Ellison

【哈兰·埃里森(多产的美国作家,在短篇故事、小说、剧本、散文和评论等多个领域均有所建树,参与过科幻电视剧『巴比伦5号(Babylon 5)』的剧本创作,1934年生):人们坠入了爱河,也堕落成了骗子。】(Prentiss)

●Cleanliness becomes more important when godliness is unlikely.——P.J. O'Rourke


◎Episode 10: Brothers in Arms(2008.12.10)

●We are all brothers under the skin and I, for one, would be willing to skin humanity to prove it.——Ayn Rand

【艾茵·兰德(此句出自其小说『The Fountainhead(源泉)』):表皮之下,我们皆为兄弟,而我,作为其



●For he today who sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.——William Shakespeare 【莎士比亚:共浴血者,即吾手足。】(Morgan)

◎Episode 11: Normal(2008.12.17)

●Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats.——H. L. Mencken

【亨利·路易斯·门肯(美国记者、散文家、杂志编辑、专栏作家,文风辛辣,尖锐地讽刺美国文化,1880-1956):每一个正常人都会不时渴望着往掌里吐上唾沫,升起黑旗,割破他人的喉咙。】(Hotch) ●There's no tragedy in life like the death of a child. Things never get back to the way they were.——Dwight Eisenhower


◎Episode 12: Soul Mates(2009.01.14)

●no mortal can keep a secret,if his lips are silent,he chatters with his fingertips,betrayal oozers out of him at every pore.——Sigmund Freud


●delay is the deadliest form of denial. ——British historian C.Northcote Parkinson 【诺斯科特·帕金森(英国史学家,1909-1993):拖延是最绝的否认。】(Morgan)

◎Episode 13: Bloodline(2009.01.21)

●there is no doubt that it is around the family and the home, that all the greatest virtues of human society are created、strengthened and maintained.——Winston Churchill



●dthe sterngth of a family lide the strength of an army,is in its loyalty to each other. ——Mario Puzo 【马里奥·普佐(美国著名作家,1920-1999):家庭的力量正如军队的力量那般在于成员对对方的忠诚。】(Hotch)

◎Episode 14: Cold Comfort(2009.02.11)

●and so,all the night tide I lay down by the side of my darling, my darling. my life and my bride, in the sepulcher there by the sea.In her tomb by the sounding sea.——Edgar Allan Poe

【埃德加·爱伦坡(美国著名的诗人、短篇小说作家、编辑和文学评论家,亦是美国浪漫主义者的先锋,1809-1849):就这样伴着潮水我整夜躺在她身旁 我的宝贝 宝贝 我的生命和我的新娘在那海边的坟冢旁 傍着空阔大海的坟冢旁。】(J.J)

●for those who believe,no proof is necessary,for those who don't believe, no proof is possible. ——Stuart Chase

【Stuart Chase(美国作家、经济学家、语义学家,1888-1985):信者 无需证据,不信者证据亦无助。】(Rossi)

◎Episode 15: Zoe's Reprise(2009.02.18)

●I never teach my puils,I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can laern.——Albert Einstein

【阿尔伯特 爱因斯坦(物理学家,1879—1955):我从没教育我的学生,只是努力向提供他们学习环境。】(Rossi)

●In youth we learn.In age we under stand. —— Austrian novelist Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach 【Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach(奥地利作家,1830-1916):少而学,长而知。】(Rossi)

◎Episode 16: Pleasure Is My Business(2009.02.25)

●the prostitute is not,as feminists claim, the victim of men, but rather their conqueror.An outlaw,who controls the sexual channels between nature and culture.——Camille Paglia

【Camille Paglia(文化评论家与女性主义学者,1947~):妓女并非如女权主义者所称是男人的受害者,