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阿里巴巴的价值观 客户第一 拥抱变化 团队合作 诚信 激情 敬业




微笑面对投诉和受到的委屈,积极主动地在工作中为客户解决问题 与客户交流过程中,即使不是自己的责任,也不推诿

站在客户的立场思考问题,在坚持原则的基础上,最终达到客户和公司都满意 具有超前服务意识,防患于未然 Customer comes first

Customers are our everything

Respect others and maintain the image of ALIBABA at any place and any time. Smile, even in the face of complaints or misunderstandings and positively and proactively help customers

When communicating with customers, do not “pass the buck” to others - help the customer even if it is outside of our responsibilities

See things from the customer’s perspective, while adhering to the principles that satisfy both the company as well as the client

Anticipate customer needs well in advance. Prepare for and resolve an issue before it becomes a problem. 拥抱变化

——迎接变化,勇于创新 适应公司的日常变化,不抱怨


对变化产生的困难和挫折,能自我调整,并正面影响和带动同事 在工作中有前瞻意识,建立新方法、新思路 创造变化,并带来绩效突破性地提高 Embrace change

Welcome change, encourage innovation Adapt to daily changes without complaints

Face changes with a rational mindset fully communicate and sincerely cooperate with others.

Accept and internalize change when facing difficulties and frustrations, positively influence and guide colleagues.

Take a long term view to innovate with new ideas and pioneer new trails. Create changes which result in performance breakthroughs for the company.






善于和不同类型的同事合作,不将个人喜好带入工作,充分体现“对事不对人”的原则 有主人翁意识,积极正面地影响团队,改善团队士气和氛围 Teamwork and Cooperation

When working hand in hand as a team, ordinary people can do extraordinary things

Actively work to become a part of the team, be willing to accept help from colleagues and cooperate with others to complete tasks

Before decisions are made, actively speak up with constructive opinions and fully join discussions; after decisions are made, regardless of any reservations in mind, consistently show support in words and with actions.

Proactively share knowledge and experiences; actively offer colleagues help when necessary ; utilize the synergy of the team to solve all the problems and overcome difficulties

Work well with different kinds of colleagues regardless of personal preferences, and embody the principle of “focus on the issue, not the person.”

Maintain a sense of ownership, positively influence colleagues, as well as improve the spirit and atmosphere of the team.


——诚实正直,言行坦荡 诚实正直,表里如一 通过正确的渠道和流程,准确表达自己的观点;表达批评意见的同时能提出相应建议,直言有讳


勇于承认错误,敢于承担责任,并及时改正 对损害公司利益的不诚信行为正确有效地制止 Integrity

Honest and upright, in spirit and in actions

Be honest and upright, with consistency in values and behavior

Accurately express one’s opinion through the right channels following the right procedures; Propose alternatives and solutions when providing feedback or

constructive criticism. Be straightforward in expressing your ideas, while considering of the feelings of others...,

Never circulate unverified information or speculation. Never discuss other people or personal issues irresponsibly behind people’s backs. Take comments and feedback from others in a positive manner – sometimes personal development requires hearing both good and bad news.

Admit mistakes and take responsibility in a courageous manner- always strive for improvement.

Protect the company from dishonest actions - do the right thing to protect the interests of the company. 激情


喜欢自己的工作,认同阿里巴巴企业文化 热爱阿里巴巴,顾全大局,不计较个人得失


始终以乐观主义的精神和必胜的信念,影响并带动同事和团队 不断设定更高的目标,今天的最好表现是明天的最低要求 Passion

Never give up . Always stay optimistic.

Embrace one’s own job, recognize and accept the culture of ALIBABA

Love ALIBABA, when working, put the interests of team and company above one’s self-interest.

Treat one’s daily job with an active and positive mind, never give up when facing difficulties and frustration, always be self-motivated and strive to improve one’s performance.

Always influence and bring along colleages and team with optimism and a “can do” attitude

Constantly set higher targets - today’s best achievements represent tomorrow’s minimum requirements. 敬业


今天的事不推到明天,上班时间只做与工作有关的事情; 遵循必要的工作流程,没有因工作失职而造成的重复错误 持续学习,自我完善,做事情充分体现以结果为导向 能根据轻重缓急来正确安排工作优先级,做正确的事

遵循但不拘泥于工作流程,化繁为简,用较小的投入获得较大的工作成果 Honoring your job

Professionialism and persistence, keep on improving

Never put off today’s work until tomorrow. Only do work-related matters during office hours.

Follow necessary working procedures, avoid repeated mistakes. Keep on learning as well as self-improving - be results-oriented. Arrange work according to priorities and do the right things

Follow working procedures but avoid being paralyzed by focusing only on

procedure,turning the complex into the simple, obtaining the best output with the least input